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Search Results for "Saizen"

1 - 10 of 11 Results
currently on BCP also on low dose aspirin, 5000mg Vitamin D, 1200mg Qo10 -- all daily 8/5 - start Androderm patch, 5mg for 12 days 8/12 - last day of BCP 8/14 - start Dexamethazone .5mg day, 8/15 - start Leuprolide microdose (2x day) 8/17 - start FS...

It appears I have not ovulated. After 11 days on fertility drugs, lupron, menopur, saizen and gonal f I had to stop the drugs and cancel the IVF cycle bc I had only 1 follicle at 13mm and 3 under 10..agfter being on BCP for 3 weeks I started the "...

It appears I have not ovulated. After 11 days on fertility drugs, lupron, menopur, saizen and gonal f I had to stop the drugs and cancel the IVF cycle bc I had only 1 follicle at 13mm and 3 under 10..agfter being on BCP for 3 weeks I started the "...

It appears I have not ovulated. After 11 days on fertility drugs, lupron menopur, saizen and gonalGonal-f I had to stop the drugs and cancel the IVF cycle bc I had only 1 follicle 13mm and 3 under 10..agfter being on BCP for 3 weeks I started the meds...

after 11 days of medicine, menopur, gonal 300, lupron,& saizen my Dr told me he was going to stop the medicine and not go forward with the retrieval..i am devasted as you can imagine..i just turned 39 a week ago.has anyone had this experience? this is my f...

Just wanted to share that I have had SOME good news. Not pregnant this month...but I did do a fertility test on cycle day 3 to measure my FSH. It was one of those at-home ones, so I don't know my number - but the test line should be white to lighter than t...

I am 41 and have experienced a chemical pregnancy and a m/c earlier this year and am now having another m/c. I had read somewhere about taking DHEA to improve egg quality and also about taking baby aspirin to possibly prevent a m/c. Can anyone tell me more...

Hello everyone, just want to pal up with anyone starting ivf again or for the first time in July. Some of you who read this site alot may have read about our previous ivf attempt, BFP in April but I miscarried 10 days later. We decided to try a couple of m...

I know its a little early but I am looking for some cycle buddies for my August IVF. This will be IVF #2 for this year. I turned 40 end of December. My first IVF resulted in twins but stopped growing at 7 weeks. I have been doing everything I can to pr...

Who's on the journey of IVF/FET for Aug/Sept 2011?

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