Search Results for "6 Bypass Heart Surgery"

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4 months ago I had 3 stints inserted due to blockage. My body rejected these, I also have active Rheumatoid Arthrites. 2 1/2 months I had 6 bypasses and I am doing well. Do you know of anyone that has had a problem such as mine or as many as 6 bypasses?...

From cardiac catherization procedure: LAD 100% stenosis,15mm. LAD pass blockage does not show any of artery. RCA shows 60% stenosis.10mm. No heart problem symtoms.I can do everything that I normaly do .Cut grass etc. except walk long distance. May have...

I have open heart 4 years ago they replaced 5 arteries I went for my yearly check up and now have a heart murmur is this normal to get so long after surgery and can the murmur be why I am sleepy all the time

My father 73 years old and suffers from: 1- right coronary small with mid 50% stenosis - co - dominant 2- left coronary calcified left main - The prediagonal segment of LAD is calcified with eccentric complex 80% stenosis & grossly normal distal ve...

My husband underwent a heart bypass in October last year. Almost immediately after the surgery, when he returned from hospital he experienced (cold weather) angina-like pressure on the chest. In March, this year, he was checked by the hospital doctors (had...

My husband had quadtriple bypass surgery June 18, 2009. He is still in the hospital. Part is because he is diabetic and they have to get that regulated but the doctor just told him he has an irregular heart beat and they may have to go back in. He never...

Hello there my father in law had a massive heart attack and they said they would probably do open heart surgery his heart has three blocked arteries and now the doc wants to put in a defibrillator pacemaker trying to understand why they wouldn't do open he...

I meet the guy online we got along great, talked everyday for 3 weeks..At that point he had a triple bypass and it is now five weeks after surgery and he hardly talks to me...I know he is going through alot and I don't know how to tell him I still want to ...

I was getting an angioplasy to open a 90% blocked artery when the doctor noticed a cap form due to a nick on my main decending artery where it branches to feed the bottom of the heart. The location of the nick made it where no other doctor would want to go...

My brother had a double bypass to his heart January 28th, 2010. My question is; is it normal for his heart to get out of rythm (racing) after the surgery? This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/250377'>Post cardiac by-pass surgery side effect...

1 - 10 of 2 Results
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex. Condoms greatly reduce the chances of transmission, but do not eliminate them.

Millions of people are diagnosed with at least one sexually transmitted disease (STD), or infection (STI) in the United States each year.

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