
Kidney diet - dialysis patients

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on Kidney diet - dialysis patients

I am 37 years old, have been dealing with kidney disease most of my life. Now Im on dialysi...
anyone know which is prevalence of occult hepatitis C or what is the probability to develop...
Hi, My mother, 60 years, has been suffering from Diabetes for over 15 years. She also ha...
I was diagnosed with CKF stage 3 in June and they are still trying to figure out why and wh...
I have Celiac Sprue and Type 1 Diabetes (36 Yrs.) (Pump for 7 yrs.) and need help with nutr...
Hi, My Mother is suffering from Kidney Disease and I would like to know anybody's profes...
Is it wise to put a CHF patient who had a stroke, 2 heart attacks, triple bi-pass and valve...
How long can you live with hep c and kidney disease?
My husband has been on dialysis for the past .8 months and his health has been fine. But no...