
Narcotics Anonymousntains

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on Narcotics Anonymousntains (8101)
Hey, does anyone know why methadone causes tons of weight gain, but other narcotics don't??...
Hi ! I am prescribed a couple narcotics, and I do not feel the need to abuse them, but I do...
Hi, everybody. It's a good while since I last posted. That's because I've had a very ...
I've been taking pain pills narcotics for months now. I've tried to taper down ,but being a...
In '96 my Dad passed away. Hospice situation. I rang hospice to let them know and while on ...
Hi, im new to this forum but i read some good posts and decided to join.. I have been on...
I started taking percocet occasionally 5 years ago. Now I live my waiting for the next time...
Before i knew i was pregnant i am ashamed to say i was addicted to pain killers i was takin...
I am being investigated for narcotics diversion. Management and pharmacy are investigating ...
I am new to MedHelp! However, I really need some advice on how to help my husband. For mont...
Journals about Narcotics Anonymousntains(1)
908149 tn?1248716219
And there seems to be nothing I can do about it. Why am I so hungry? Why is it so cold...