
dry nose

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on dry nose (12)
Hello, I had an inferior turbinate reduction with radiofrequency for the second time, an...
Hi, Im 15 year old girl and my nose has been dry and peels and when I wet my face and rub a...
My dog has vomited at least 10 times within the last hour. At first it was brown and chunky...
In 2003 I started getting lots of nosebleeds, the kind that can go on for 15 minutes, & my ...
For months now I've had an itch in my ear, I've rub my canal opening raw. This makes the wh...
My 8/9 year old golden retriever has been acting a bit strange lately. She hasn't been eati...
Hello for a long time I am suffering of the lack of mucous in my nose, especially in the r...
He isn't eating, drinking, got a dry nose (which I heard is a sign of dehydration,) droolin...
ok ive had numerous testing and me (as well as all of my partners) were found to be HIV neg...
Chief symptom is dryness. Basically any mucus membrane. Eyes, throat, foremost... nose as w...