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Posts on exclusively

Has anyone on here successfully pumped exclusively? My son isn't latching because my nippl...
Is/has anyone on here ever exclusively pumped? I didnt breast feed my son and dont feel com...
Does anyone have any experience with exclusively pumping? I want to have my baby drink brea...
Hey guys Im in need of help/advice anything that will get my baby to take a bottle ... My b...
Hey guys Im in need of help/advice anything that will get my baby to take a bottle ... My b...
Just wanted to no who is still breastfeeding. I breastfeed Trinity at night and the days i...
Does any one on here pump exclusively? My little girl is 4 days old and not latching on my ...
yes i know this is a pregnancy forum but since a lot of you ladies already have kiddos I th...
Hi ladies, im exclusively breast feeding and gave birth November 16. I bled for abiut a wee...
How many of you guys were able to b/f???