
medically necessary

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on medically necessary (46419)
Does anyome know if medicaid covers the 3d ultrasounds i've heard a lot about them and i am...
My daughter just started college in september, and came home ill, and was out too long to r...
I'm getting induced on Monday. & I'm very scared. What are some natural ways I can go into ...
Is 38 weeks to early to get induced???
Is an induction good or bad? Anyone know the pros and cons of an induccion?
Is it an option??
Can barely walk , back is killing me , been having contractions NONSTOP for two days , head...
can droopy eyelids become an eye health and sight problem and not just a cosmetic nuisance...
After 37wks can I request to be induced since thats considered full term? Just curious. Not...
I'm 33weeks and literally tired of being pregnant I just want him out ! I'm always exhauste...