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Chronic Ankle Sprains

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on Chronic Ankle Sprains

I thought I only sprained my ankle two weeks ago, but above my ankle I keep getting a sharp...
Every time I run my ankles really hurts. l sprained it two years ago but surely it should h...
I'm hoping someone might be able to help out with this a bit... I damaged my ankle playi...
Here is the question I last posted: Basically 2 weeks ago I fell down Concrete steps ou...
I recently got into a car accident on August 8th,2011. I was told I had a lacerated liver, ...
I twisted both of my feet a month ago. They are not swollen anymore and the bruises are gon...
I think I blew out my ankle tonight. I went down and it didn't fall with me so I everted i...
i have noticed that my right foot arch is very low when i stand and i also noticed that my ...
I was in a car accident about two weeks ago and ended up with my left ankle broken on the m...
I sprained my knee a few weeks back. I went to the emergency room and they told me it can t...