
creative things

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Posts on creative things

So how did everyone organize they're babies things? I have so much to the point I don't eve...
There's a great group of talented writers, who just happen to have MS, who have published a...
I was diagnosed with ADHD, Bipolar, OCD (mild) and Panic Disorder quite sometime ago. I wou...
I posted this on 'Outlet Mall for Creative Expression'..a group started by Lulu54. Check i...
Many questions are posted about good career fits for those of us with Bipolar. I would lik...
Okay, so I love all of you guys, you're like my little Internet family, so I'm asking for s...
While my doctor hasn't yet confirmed my MS diagnosis (99.9 sure but hasn't run further test...
Those who didn't catch it, I put the link to the first two chapters of a piece I wrote duri...
Is anyone else taking regular baby bump pictures? And if so how often? I started the tr...
So, I am curious. This sort of goes with my other question. people talk about being pro...