will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.


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Posts on VPAP Auto

does hep c trigger auto immune deseases. i have an autoimmune desease that deforms and s...
My question is: since having this diagnosis do you stay away from supplementation for other...
I have auto imune hep I have had it for 5 years I keep really good health and work full tim...
Hi Dr: I recently had a cold sore on my lip. I've been getting these since I was 8 years...
I am thinking of getting an automatic litter box but wanted to know if others who had them ...
My TSH is 1.773; my Free T4 is 1.20, and And-TPO is 2938! Lab work was done 8 mos. ago. ...
Hi, I am a 29 year old female. I am currently struggling with multiple symptoms for >3year...
What does the erg test measure? my last test indicated a drop of 100 points in my left eye...
i have been diagnosed with auto immune retinopathy. My vision is presently 20/80 in my rig...
what kind of physician do I go to in order to find out what kind of auto immune disease I h...