
Disc Herniation

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on Disc Herniation

Hi, I'm a 62 years old woman, i had already suffered from two disc hernias and had two ...
My Chriopractor said I developed this from having very severe whiplash. I was in a mva 6 ...
I just got my MRI results. I'm seeing my doctor on the 27th but I am curious to find out wh...
About 2 yrs ago I was in a accident. I have 4 hernaited discs,3 in neck with moderate steno...
Hi, I have had low and mid-back pain for several years now and finally went in and had an M...
Dear Forum, I am 45 year old man with back injury back in 1995. Since then I have low-ba...
To make a long story short.........I've had 3 surgeries so far on my lumbar and now I'm f...
I had a MRI after approximately two months of lower back pain. I called my doctor after tw...
I was in a car accident 2 almost 3 years ago where I was rear ended by a semi. I have a L5S...
Im 28/male/sedentary-I was in an accident (rear ended by an 18-wheeler)about 2 years ago an...