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Posts on esophagus

Hello everyone. I was diagnosed with LPR reflux a few years ago and it's been nothing but h...
Hello, I have been suffering from Acid Reflux GERD for 3-4 years now but in the recent year...
A few days ago I yawned, and had this extreme pain in my upper neck, right below my chin. I...
Hello, I am currently abroad with no access to my family doctor, and I made a Esophagogastr...
Where can i go for help with this? are there any tests i can do? im 25, and I can't burp...
Hey, Anyone here have an esophageal motility disorder that has been directly tied to th...
Hi, I'm 19 years old, 5'0 in height and around 97 lbs in weight. For two years now, I've...
Hi! For the past 2 months I have been on a rollercoaster of tests and reflux. I have lost 5...
I just got back results from my Motility Study. I have been having a dysphagia, chest pains...
I've had off and on chest pains since the age of 15, I am now 19. When I first got the ches...