
lack of speech

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on lack of speech

My son who is 21 months displays many signs of autism. His senses are heightened. He licks ...
i have a grandson who has many issues i think stem from his horriable birth his mom was in ...
My brother has been diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism and is taking Synthroid .01MG. Most of h...
1.What type of seizure does one have if one suffers mainly from loss of speech ie know what...
I am asking for any information that you can give me on poverty of thought. I was told by ...
The past two, maybe three mornings I have woke up saying words that make no sense - garbed ...
my son is 3 year old,he doesn't speak yet.he recognizes home members,but not as mom,dad,gra...
My 2-1/2 yr old granddaughter speaks nothing but gibberish. She speaks fluent gibberish, t...
My 15 year old daughter has been having collapsing episodes the past 2 months. They have oc...
My son is 2 years old and has some speech delay. My wife and I are concerned as to whether ...
Are there any reported cons, meaning evidence based, to using the sensory integration appro...