will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.


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Journals about hormone

964631 tn?1262992624
Most all morning any little thing would set me off and I would get all weep and then when s...
946592 tn?1267792710
went to see the doc with the positive lab results from the urine. doc says she will do an u...
883151 tn?1245514509

by megmil, Jun 20, 2009
I don't know what's wrong with me. Maybe the pregnancy hormones. I just woke up fee...
676912 tn?1332812551
So two plus weeks late on the wonderful visit from AF...starting to wonder just HOW long it...
849467 tn?1238796370
Apparently, I am getting back to my "old" self - the one that has continual hot f...
770551 tn?1305578901

by sunshine1976, Mar 09, 2009 - 1 Comment
The PMS monster has been sent back to the dungon for another 28 to 30 days. God, It feels ...
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by Whitbywitchuk, Mar 07, 2009
Treatment options for Hashis should include thyroid hormones :) 3 grains at the moment. Al...
537169 tn?1365271999
So I'm not pregnant again and it's been a wile since I wrote in my journal... Just...
663562 tn?1291131883
AF is still nowhere to be found!! It's been 13 weeks now and I am starting to get reall...
537169 tn?1365271999
Well I'm not feeling so great. Everything has become too much and I want to lock mys...