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Posts on tendinopathy

My doc is out of town for two weeks. Looking for someone that can interpret my wrist MRI fi...
I just want to know is there any other way to heal up this injury with out operation. Patit...
So back in Feb (6/7 months) I had a lateral ankle sprain. Swelled up like a balloon, heard ...
I'm in the military and am suffering from right knee pain in the patellar tendon area. I ha...
I had, a slip and fall back in January. I have a lot of pain on my right side of neck, rig...
Pretty much what it says in the title. I've had swollen lymph nodes in my neck (about 6 of ...
i am a 25 yr old female who is apart from the pain otherwise physically fit. i have had bil...
In May o 2007 I broke my radius and ulnar styloid. It was treated with reduction and casti...
Can someone please help me understand my MRI results on my right ankle. Here is the written...
I cannot read this cat scan report and my doctor is still out on vacation; please help.. Th...