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premature babys

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on premature babys

Any other mommas in risk of having a premature baby or have had a premature baby already ? ...
I'm 27weeks today & I had an appointment today , my doctor said my cervix is short and I co...
is it true that once you have a premature baby you always have premature babys my daughter ...
Im 32 weeks pregnant and my baby has dropped already this is my first baby i was curious ho...
Hi im 30 weeks pregnant and got diagnosed with moderate dysplasia, my doctor said it sever...
by alanasmommy, 29 minutes My friend is 35+1 and he  hospital told her the babys head is v...
well i went into premature labor about 3 weeks ago but we got my contractions stopped i was...
Do anyone know the normal length of a cervix 16 weeks? I was told by a ER doctor that i hav...
My due date was September 30th , but on 16th of July I gave bitrh to my baby boy, at 29 wee...
Weird question ok so do babies get there size from what the mommy eats or how big the paren...