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Posts on U

Hi, I'm a 20 year old female and for about a year and three months, I've been battling with...
Hey Ladies Ok heres the quick and dirty of it, maybe you can help. I have a 14month old d...
Ive been having numbnes on left side of head and ringing in head head feel like stings pull...
Dear Doctor: For the past ten years I've been taking both Oxycontin and OxyIR. My dosage ...
u - Pregnancy Community
- Jul 16, 2014
Can u find out what u having at 4 months?
I'm on a 700 CALORIES diet but I can't seem to shake these 20 kg does anyone hace some dail...
U know u preg when u cry for no reason. When u pee everytime u cough. When u cry coz dh...
So my DB thinks you can get pregnant without ovulating... I think u can't. Who's rig...
Or anyone u know had a baby who was breech at 38w and ended up turning around in time ???.....
I.was soo excited to have my 32 week u/s today but just got a call.that they would have to ...
Can u drink sprite when pregnant
Do u get hick up when pregnant
Can u get pregnant having sex a couple days before period an how likely
u/s - Pregnancy Community
- Jan 29, 2008
hey girls.. well i was back in the ER yesterday, I am sooooo sick:-( but i did get a u/s o...