
rotting teeth

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on rotting teeth

My 4 year old have decayed molar teeth on the bottom. Do I need to take her to dentist.
i brush regularly. well not twice a day but i try my best.i clean my tongue too. i use a mo...
Well I know I have a serious Gum Disease issue: My teeth are about to fall out Upper Arc...
Hi, I've been scammed by a dentist who said I have 14 cavities. Most of these do not need t...
nothing seems to help my pugs breath! it smells like rotting fish! i have tryed to use th...
I had what i thought was an absess tooth over a year ago, but the pain had went away once i...
What are the odds of those of us that are suffering from from tooth decay and paying outrag...
Reading through old posts and saw teak say that it is zero risk if good oral hygiene, i mea...
I have had a gum graft taking donor tissue from the palate area placed on the lower gum lin...
hi, (Eroscenter in Germany) i sucked a CSW's nipples. And i have a rotting teeth, bleeding...