
thyroid uptake scan

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Posts on thyroid uptake scan

I need some help understanding my thyroid. I've had my blood drawn three times and they al...
I have been recently diagnosed with hyperthyroid and am set to have a thyroid uptake scan. ...
I now have silicone oil in one eye following a vitrectomy five weeks ago for a detached ret...
My wife just had an Ultrasound and was diagnosed with a enlarged nodule. Over the last 12 ...
I had an uptake scan done last week, and this morning going in for ultrasound. Will need a...
the scan showed mildly enlarged thyroid gland with increased and inhomogeneous tracer upt...
Hello i had a thyroid uptake scan today. I have not seen the results, but today i was told...
Uptake at four hours is 7% and at 25 hours is 19% which is within the normal range. Up...
I have just had a clean scan after my RAI last thursday, but my unsuppresed Tg is 3.0, is ...
I am wondering why my doctor would still want a thyroid uptake scan even though all my bloo...
My thyroid test came back normal however the thyroid uptake scan, came back that I had Grav...
I had a scan done today, and they said my uptake was 23.2...that's high I know based on the...
The results from my Uptake and scan was 41.47% which is hyperthyroid, thyroid lobes enlarge...