

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on cheekbones (171)
Hello Recently i started facing this problem. After i skin above my cheeks ...
I have a knot on my cheekbone i just noticed last year. I want to have it removed but I am...
Hello I am a 36 year old woman. When I was 19 I was badly assaulted by a male roomate. I s...
Is facial wasting a side effect of HIV medication or caused by HIV itself? Thanks in advanc...
Facial dermatitis
Would a bad nutrition/bad sleeping habits during puberty inhibit the growth of more promine...
So I have two red marks that aren't spots on both sides of my face on the cheekbones. On th...
About 20 years ago I had a bump appear on the top of my head and since then the sides, back...
My bad breath Is caused by mouthbreathing at night as a kid because my room had mold in it ...
I’ve been getting these black oily dots on my cheekbones after I sweat. This has been happe...
Journals about cheekbones(1)
908149 tn?1248716219
And realized I'm not that cute anymore. My cheekbones...jut. My face looks snapped...