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mass lung

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on mass lung

I am a 26 year old female in relatively good health and have never smoked. I have been pro...
how can you tell if it is malignant with a mass on hyour lung...
If a CT report reads "Left hilar mass" ", is that considered a lung nodule? Or is that refe...
My mother passed a kidney stone, and thru xrays associated with that, a lung mass was found...
hi, i am 48 male 2 pack a day smoker 30 + years. quit 10 weeks ago, got pnemonia 10 weeks a...
Hi, I'm looking at a possible lung cancer (never smoked, though, or been around smokers; ...
Dense airspace consolidation with possible underlying mass in the right upper lobe ...
Report of my bf's CT Scan. Please advise. The Doctor who did the scan said he has not seen ...
My 78 yo father developed hemoptysis for 1 1/2 weeks in early January, after a severe 4 hou...
I just got the (2) two page written report of a PET SCAN taken at NYU on 0-8/25/08, that do...