
Renal Pelvis dilation

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on Renal Pelvis dilation

My doctor just called and said they reviewed my ultrasound and found the baby had Renal pel...
My friend is having major pains in her back around her right kidney. Its a shooting pain t...
is it comen to be throwing up a lot when you have a kidney stone you are trying to pass
Hi i was wondering when a kidney stone passes, its been 1 week coming up worst pain i ever...
I had a Abdominal CTScan, the results was dilatition of the renal system. I have no idea wh...
I'm a first time mom at 22 years old.. Just had an ultrasound a week ago and found out we'r...
I recently was diagnosed with kidney stones - some "nice sized stones" the doctor said. My...
I have been having a lot of pain and heavy bleeding so I went to the doctors and had a ultr...
Where the babies kidneys are dilated from urine backing up into them. Dr says it's common, ...
What can I do to help speed up the process of dilation.? I've been walking all the time. I ...