
cognitive reserve

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on cognitive reserve

2 questions- I am 35 and seeing a specialist regarding possible low ovarian reserve- If I...
The doctor said that i don,t have many eggs . What can i take to have eggs ? Still trying ...
Diana Ross...."You just keep me hangin on...." Coincidence? Those who read my last post ...
I hear they do this to test of the baby factory is closed. Is this more reliable than FSH...
Hi, I was diagnosed with a pituitary adenoma in 2013, which has since then grown to 7x6 mm....
How is cognitive deficit defined by neurologists? Can a combination of Lamictal and Provig...
Cognitive Thinking….. O.K. I need some input. Do any of you a have any ideas or tips to...
can u please give the example of cognitive symptom.
I have a question. I am diagnosed, have been for a year and a half. Mostly sensory and cogn...
Today I feel sad and guilty. This morning I woke up seemingly fine, then out of nowhere bec...