
chronic disorganization

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on chronic disorganization

Has anyone left their job on short term and then long term disability for syringomelia? I a...
With a recent upper respiratory virus infection, the pulmonologist ordered another tapering...
Anyone else having their baby in jan ? Next month is all that's left !!! Can't wait to meet...
hi, I thought i had adult ADHD. I went for an evaluation and now the person is telling m...
My work wants me to take a class to learn how to become organized. They will pay for me to ...
adhd - ADHD Community
- Mar 27, 2008
hi,i have 19 mnt old son who had delayed milestones starting from his head control but now ...
poor memory, disorganization, hard to focus, hard to remember
I have focal pain back left side of head, now it feels that my whole head is swelling and i...
Can someone tell me the prognosis for my mom's recovery based on the following these two te...
I recently observer Breast lumps. My Ultrasound report reads like as below: Please advise. ...