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blood pressure medications

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

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Posts on blood pressure medications

I've recently been having terrible anxiety and one of the changes in my life is that I've s...
what is my pressure supposed to be after taking medications for it? I am averaging 152/110 ...
What questions should I ask re what type of blood pressure medication I should be on? I ...
Hello, I went to the doctor yesterday and I was prescribed hydrochlorothiazide for my bl...
I've been on xanax and aurorix for eight year now. My BP reading has been normal. Recently ...
Hi. I take boyh losartan 100 AND norvask 5 for HBP. For next month only, i will be able to ...
Hi all, I m just wondering what hbp medications r u all on? I have tried numerous - norv...
Should I avoid foods that contain potassium while taking Lisinopril? I hope not! I love ban...
my mother is 75 and on blood pressure medication and her feet are so swollen they look like...
Hi good day! My mother is diagnose with unstable angina a month a ago and the doctor asked...
I am 71 years old. About 10 weeks ago my blood pressure went suddenly up to183/87 and went...