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Beaver 6-23-08
Beaver 6-23-08
Comments (8)
272338 tn?1252280404
crecco, Jun 24, 2008
    You have an amazing assortment of wildlife around you. I live in the country too, but do not see near the wildlife that you do.
These are great pictures.
349465 tn?1289081764
Teresa222, Jun 24, 2008
Do you have gophers?  I'd like to see a gopher picture please.   We have them, but they are soooo fast. I doubt I could ever get a picture of one. I love a big ol' beaver now and then. That's a great photo.
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learninboutlife, Jun 24, 2008
Wow, Donna...didn't see this picture! You should do photography! :)
272338 tn?1252280404
crecco, Jun 24, 2008
  I did get a picture of 2 baby groundhogs last week but took it with my phone as I didn't have my camera. It turned out great. Now if I only knew anything about how to get the pictures off of it! Have to check in to what kind of connection I need
523728 tn?1264621521
bohan54, Jun 24, 2008
I'm such a wuss, if that thing was lookin at me, I'd run...
356929 tn?1246389756
Sandymac, Jun 24, 2008
OMG I thought that thing was a big ole rat !!!!We don't have beavers in S. Florida so who knew??? Plus when I got to NC, found a problem with mice !! Been washing everything in my house for 2 days.. they got into my dressers!! So guess I have rodents on m
356929 tn?1246389756
Sandymac, Jun 24, 2008
sorry.. it cut off.. "guess I have rodents on my mind"
447161 tn?1262923084
kimmywah, Jun 25, 2008
I have never seen a beaver in my life!! That is cool.