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I love to throw things in the tub
I love to throw things in the tub
Comments (6)
437027 tn?1670266352
montie2, Jun 08, 2009
Ahhhh! Rhett loves to throw stuff in the tub too!!!  I found my shoes in there!
148691 tn?1260194903
vsentz, Jun 08, 2009
lol! Maddie always tosses her shampoo and baby wash... even her lotion (that was opened).... mess!!!!! -this is the Brad Pitt of the babies, and Rhett is the George Clooney!!! two AMAZINGLY handsome teddy bears! =)
254689 tn?1251180040
40smama, Jun 09, 2009

Yesterday, noah threw some of my makeup in the potty when I was turned around to fish the toilet plunger out of the bath tub!  Do all babies/toddlers do this?  He's still not doing lots of the things your Maddie does, Vanessa - should I worry??
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1centwiz, Aug 25, 2009
They have locks for the toilet seat and believe me it's helpful. However get in the habit of putting it down. It only takes once for them to try and lift the lid and it falls on their fingers (never hard enough to do damage mind you) that they can be cajoled into staying away from it because it bites. When it comes to potty training, let them put stickers on the inside of the lid for every time they go in the big potty. Lids can be replaced, but the moment you don't have to buy anymore diapers is a momentous one. Not to mention they get to watch the potty go bye bye when they get to flush. (also a good reason for the lock, my brother has lost all of the tooth brushes, his good watch and a cell phone down the sewer or stuck in the trap of the toilet)

Also, if your little ones like to throw things in the tub. put a little basket of acceptable toys that they can throw in there next to the tub. When you are in there, defer them to the basket of things that they are allowed to touch. Also, don't tell them not to do it, just tell them that it's acceptable behavior if they are taking a bath. It will put fun into getting into the tub and you get to teach them that their toys belong somewhere. If they aren't in the basket, then they don't get them for next time. Help them by showing them what is acceptable.

You may be saying what does she know, she doesn't have kids of her own or that that kids that young don't understand, believe me they do. It's all a test, this is a test and instead of being wrong or right, find a compromise. I'm the second eldest of 4, Auntie to 11 and nanny to 2.

I think all kids are cute... it's what keeps us from killing them when they try our patience. Well that and our moral code to protect them.. but sometimes.... to the moon! or the corner for some time out...
254689 tn?1251180040
40smama, Aug 26, 2009
Thank you for your suggestions, 1cent.  Yes, I do put the potty lid down already - can't absolutely stand to see it up!  I will definitely check out locks for the toilet - that's actually a good idea.

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Tet187, Aug 26, 2009
He has a look on his face like "WHAT"?
This is cute!!