Yes, this is an MRI machine - a 0.3T used to image my foot
Yes, this is an MRI machine - a 0.3T used to image my foot
Comments (5)
5112396 tn?1378017983
immisceo, May 11, 2014
Thank you for adding this. The second I saw you'd posted foot MRIs my mind was wondering, "well, now how is that done?" It's like world's most expensive washing machine.
572651 tn?1530999357
Lulu54, May 11, 2014
That's funny, because the picture with my foot in it that I stuck up on FB for my family to see looked like i had my head in the washer, according to my sister.  
634733 tn?1316625992
Eyesnlegs, May 12, 2014
Had a very similar experience with a knee MRI a few years back, strange position to lie in for 45 mins so know how you feel I had both knees done one at a time!
572651 tn?1530999357
Lulu54, May 12, 2014
Yes, i had to stay in there for 45 minutes---  I can't imagine putting both legs in at one time.  
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SarahL2491, Aug 18, 2017
Yes, before I had my miniscus surgery I had a similar experience, they placed me in a chair and stuck my leg in a similar machine.  It was quite interesting!  Now if they could do my brain without getting the pacemaker in the way!
Oh well