Glycine Promoting a Recovery "As Good As Any FDA Approved Antipsychotics or Better"
Glycine Promoting a Recovery "As Good As Any FDA Approved Antipsychotics or Better"
Comments (4)
505907 tn?1258369340
LetaB, Nov 28, 2008
  How does your comment apply to the above photo? All I was going to say was that these flowers are my favorite color.....
585414 tn?1288941302
ILADVOCATE, Nov 28, 2008
That photo is of wisteria which in French is "glycine". The quote is from my psychopharmocologist that he e-mailed to the director of psychiatry at the hospital where I testified. It was a very important moment in my life because I was sitting there and not knowing what would happen and the director of psychiatry said "I believe we have an audience member who recovered with glycine". And then I was able to testify and the other people around me who were mostly concerned parents who had adult children whose medications weren't working out got to see the future of recovery and most importantly I learned the hospital was indeed researching this class of medications and since its the hospital that developed Clozaril in the U.S. I'd say the study is in good hands and yes there was something very emotional about it to me because I was always afraid of visiting people there from the time I was hospitalized in 1991 and now I was entering as an advocate and helping other people recover, albeit with the respect due to all the professionals there. And I must say when I was leaving I hugged my mother and said "I'm free now!!" and thought of this poem...

Samuel Taylor Coleridge
"Glycine's Song"
A SUNNY shaft did I behold,
    From sky to earth it slanted:
And poised therein a bird so bold—
    Sweet bird, thou wert enchanted!
He sank, he rose, he twinkled, he troll'd
    Within that shaft of sunny mist;
His eyes of fire, his beak of gold,
    All else of amethyst!

And thus he sang: 'Adieu! adieu!
Love's dreams prove seldom true.
The blossoms, they make no delay:
The sparking dew-drops will not stay.
        Sweet month of May,
            We must away;
            Far, far away!
                To-day! to-day!'

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10356, Apr 16, 2009
thank you for this.. I will always look at wisteria/glycine with a new respect and appreciation.. and the best part.. it benefited you and through you others.. You really can not get better then that :) lesa
585414 tn?1288941302
ILADVOCATE, Apr 16, 2009
Thanks. One sees in me two things. First as a person with advanced tardive dyskinesia who is homebound, there is the study criteria tardive psychosis, tardive dysphrenia and tardive dysmentia. These are under standard psychiatric clinical study in me and are in no manner associated with the specious anti-psychiatry information you'll find on the web. What is essential is that I worked with my providers to find treatment for them and by working with the system I found out as they did that they are treatable. But glycine is the more important finding and one that much psychiatric research is bearing out. It is part of a group of antipsychotics, the glutamate antagonists (technically NMDA receptor modulates) that are proving to be markedly effective in treating schizophrenia and so far have caused little if any cases of diabetes or tardive dyskinesia. They will be among the future generations of antipsychotics and work totally differently than anything available now. Glycine in me has provided close to a full remmission of symptoms on its own but in the official study its given with a conventional antipsychotic. But there are other glutamate antagonists that are being studied as primary antipsychotics. For more information on all psychiatric medications in development google "psychmeds123".