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Kick Tramadol in the Butt Tracker*
for tramateacher
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*The information presented here should never be used to replace, augment, or change an existing treatment plan under the supervision of a medical professional.
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Just a quick note to say hi!
Well done...keep up the good work!
Congratulations! Time for a celebration...
707203 tn?1229430234
I know that within a couple of weeks I will be finished and freed from this drug. I won't say that the drug is to blaim. When I had chronic pain it was a life saver. But quitting it is something that until you have done it, no one else understands. You have my respect and I hope that soon I will be where you are now.
707203 tn?1229430234
That was four years ago. Now, I am tapering down and I have gotten from 100Mg 3 X a day to 50 Mg 3 X a day. When I tried to get down to 25 Mg the bottom fell out and I started spasms and shaking and not sleeping. OH !!! THOSE NIGHTS of being exhausted and sleeping for only 20 minutes before waking up and pacing all night. Eating Ice Cream and shaking. Time never moved more slowly.
I am now sticking at 3 X 50 mg for a week before moving on to 25 Mg. I got some slight sleeping pills from the GP who says that they should help.
707203 tn?1229430234
Hello - I know how you are feeling. I once was told to stop Tramadol (300 Mg a day) and I did. No tapering. It was the 4th worst experience of my life. 2 deaths and 1 divorce beat it. I did manage it though with the help of some Valium and willpower. I looked like a typical heroin addict going through hell.The worst part was the impending feeling of doom and uncontrolable muscle spasms. I also cried at anything and lost a lot of weight in a short time. Unfortunately I had to return to the Tramadol for a chronic Prostate infection which was making my life an even bigger hell.
Journals for this Tracker

Nov 24, 2008
Well, it's been just a little over a month, but I can finally say that I am off of Tramadol! woo hoo woo hoo woo hoo! I haven't taken any since about 2:00 a.m. Fri...
It several tries, but I finally got down to 25 mg a day. I've been here for 5 days now and so far have not stabilized enough to try to drop down again. I had a headach...

Nov 09, 2008
I seem to be stuck at 37.5 mg. Every time I try to drop down to 25 I get some unbearable withdraw symptoms. The last few days I've had lots of digestive upsets, a yeas...
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