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Uncontrollable gas - foul smelling

I feel bloated all the time, no matter what I eat and have uncontrollable flatulence
66 Responses
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I have a strong suggestion: Go to the nearest grocery store and purchase Raspberry Tea go home and make it and drink it plain cold or warm 2 x a day. I promise your prayers will be answers after the first couple of cups. Good Luck!
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I am a Nutritionist.  I have seen your problem.  It is usually related to candida.  The very best probiotic you can take is called Primal Defense Ultra by Garden of Life.  You can purches it buy calling Apple A Day at 877-277-5357.  The reason you have this smelly gas is because the food your eating is literally fermenting in your colon.  You said you tried charcoal caps to help with the gas. Some people must take 6 at a time to get help.  Try that.  It's not cure, but will help with the symptoms. When you have a healthy, normal, bowel movement, you won't have so much gas. Buy (from the health food store) Aloe Vera caps.  Take them with Georges Aloe Vera juice.  Take as many as you need each need to make your bowels move completely the next morning.  A normal, healthy, bowel movement is at least 2 to 3 feet long and in the shape of your colon. Aloe is not a laxative so it's safe.  But it WILL move your bowels.  Believe me, your problem is yeast.  Run to your nearest book store and buy the book, The Makers Diet, by Jordan s. Rubin. He had a worse case than you and cured himself by changing his diet, and taking Primal Defense Ultra.  If you are still battling this after going on his diet, and taking PDU, and above all, cutting out the foods that feed yeast because they are fermenting in your system....then make an appointment with Dr. Don Clobert.  Check him out at hs web site.  He also has 2 tiny but great books on yeast, called The Bible Cure for Candida Yeast Infections, and The Bible Cure Recipes for Overcoming Candida.  I'd order them from him if I were you. By the way, he's in Fla.  And he CAN get you cured.  It will take about a year for you to get better, so stay deligent and keep the faith.
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In my case, the gas problem started one year ago.
I think stress+poor diet+change of diet(I'm not american)+no exercise triggered this damn disease in me.

As I said, last Friday I went with the Naturopath, and he agreed with my Candida research. He said Candidiasis is very tough, and needs to be treated very agresively to erradicate it once and for all. He said the diet helps, but proper medicine is what really helps.

The prescription was:
Yeast Treatment: To  Kill that ******* fungi
Colon Clease: To expell the dead candida and other nasty bugs. Also to loose impacted fecal matter.
Liver Cleanse: Candida hides in the liver, and it also gets toxic.
Anti-parasites: Just in case, besides, some parasites/bacterias in your gut can also produce gas
Fiber powder: To control diarrhea and make stool more consistent.
And of course diet: Zero Sugar; No Dairy; No Bread; limited fruit

After 4 days, I'm feelinf much better:
1) Less gas, well I realized if I cheat the diet, even slightly, gas will come. I also researched sulfur contents in food, and avoid sulfur-rich food, as sulfur is what makes our flatus stink.

2)Body Odor, also is getting better, my co-workers still complain, but much less, so I think it's working.

3) I'm expelling weird stuff in the Stool, white grains ( dead candida) and other stuff.

I think it's working, so I'll keep you posted.

As we all know, this damn disease destroys your emotional life, I'm trying to learn Meditation on my own -- I don't dare to take classes, because now I'm afraid of people, the rejection/comtempt really affects me --.
But now I don't feel alone, at least I feel liberated to be able to discuss my problem with you folks, who really understand me and I share your pain. I also have had dark thoughts...

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yea shaja we feel your pain..............We suffer from the exact same thing, and since you're here, you're obviously in search of help on the internet

I actually went to the doctor and all he said was to eat more veggies in my diet, however that ******* thinks he knows everything and jumped to conclusions and didnt seem to take this matter seriously

Thats why i am lookin forward to Tony's treatment of his candida or w/e he is on.

If there is no cure, life blows and suicide awaits me.

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I just wanted to thank you.. it makes me feel relieve to know im not alone.. please keep posting your successes/failures as i will do the same..For many of us out there are fed up with living in shame.
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Have you ever tried a colonic?  If I were you, I'd be getting a colonic once a week.  
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Yes!!!!!!!!!! Yes!!!!!!!!!! I had the same problem!  It started exactly and I mean EXACTLY 15 minutes after class started, ie, 15 minutes after I sat down.  I would describe the "emission" of the smell like the smell that "comes" out of your face region before you are going to throw up except this time its the other end !  I'm just saying this in response to comments like "" didn't clean up well" after you've gone to the bathroom" (I'm serious... somebody did say this!).  I have no idea what food types are causing this.  In fact I too have started keeping a journal of what I'm eating and what times the problem starts.  Can't come to a conclusion yet.  Yes,  I "realized " my problem in Jan. 2006.  I think it started two years earlier, but I never realized it, because I just kept blaming the "other person" in my head.  I too realized that I had been drinking orange juice a lot for years.  

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I am a 20 year old male and I have this problem as well. It ONLY happens during school, and ONLY in my morning class (which starts at either 7:30am 8:30am). The classes are one hour long and it usually starts 15 minutes into the class after I sit down. It isn’t a constant smell; it comes out in waves that last a couple of seconds to a minute, then there isn’t a smell for about 1-5 minutes, and then it comes out for a couple of seconds to a minute. I also have wetness in my anal region a lot. I got checked out by the doctor (finger examination only), and he said that there was nothing wrong with my anus and that there is no damage. I have daily bowel movements every morning, and I have no pain in my anal region, and I am on a high fiber diet with lots of water. For exercise, I take walks for 30 minutes each night. Since it is summer and I don’t have school right now, I am not experiencing this problem, but I believe it will come back when school starts, unfortunately.

It didn’t happen for no reason, however. The odor problem started in around November 2006, and I had previously been constantly constipated since the summer of 2005. There was a lot of straining in my bowel movements and I usually couldn’t get the last bit of medium-sized stool out no matter how hard I tried. This was caused by poor diet habits and extreme amounts of stress. I barely drank any water (maybe a glass of water each day), and instead drank a couple of glasses of orange juice, and a lots of soda every day. I ate lots of red meat, fish, and ice cream, and foods that were high in fat. During one of my bowel movements, there was bleeding, but it only happened once (this was a couple of months before the odor problem) and the bleeding didn’t last too long. My anus was sore for a week and the inside seemed inflamed for about a week, and I saw my doctor and I was prescribed laxatives, which fixed the soreness problem. During late April 2007, in addition to the odor, I had an anal fissure which lasted for around 2 months (I was told, by my doctor, to take sitz baths to relieve the problem. The anal fissure just looked like a split in my perineum (region between scrotum and anus) and it was very wet; there was no bleeding.

During late April 2007, right after I got an anal fissure, I started changing my diet and also my habits in general. I avoid foods that are high in fat, I don’t eat dairy (except for milk with my cereal in the morning and dairy yogurt in the morning), I don’t eat red meat or fish, and no eggs. I avoid foods that cause smelly gas, such as cabbage, broccoli, beans, fish, red meat, eggs, cheese, onions, and garlic. Most of these foods are high in sulfur, which causes smelly gas. If I eat meat, I only eat chicken. The only caffeine I get is a cup of black tea in the morning. This diet change has caused the odor to be more faint, and has decreased the frequency of the odor as well. For the most part, my daily meals consist of cereal with milk for breakfast; a frozen food type of entree (like the lean cuisine brands) for lunch, which usually has chicken in it; and for dinner, I usually have pasta (with olive oil and parmesan). I also eat at least 3 servings of fruits a day, but no vegetables, and I eat a lot of whole grains. As I said before, for exercise, I take 30 minute walks every night, which has seemed to help as well.

I am curious about a few things which may help all of us out:

1.When does this odor problem occur for you guys (and be specific, please)? Can you also describe how it occurs (like does it constantly smell etc.)?
2. What exactly is in your diet (do you eat dairy, red meat, fish, or eggs?)?
3. What makes it worse (for example, diet, habits, stress)?
4. What things do you believe led to this problem?
5. Did you get checked out by a doctor? If so, what did they tell you?

Can the people who have posted about their problem already answer these questions? I think we can make our problem less worse if we can find some similarities in our problem and identify certain things that seem to make it worse or that help make it better.

I’ve searched everywhere about this problem, and I think it is an anal fistula. It fits the symptoms, and it can sometimes be hard to detect. The cause of the odor in an anal fistula is the secretion of a foul-smelling mucus from a tiny hole in the anal region, or in the rectum.

Also, can you guys try to change your diet to eliminate foods that cause smelly gas and tell us how it affects the odor?
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Hey Tony
I have also been having a terrible time with gas. I was bloated and no matter what I ate it added to the problem. I would have to keep going to the bathroom and felt embrassed when sitting next to someone in a quiet  place my stomach would make the most embrassing noises constantly. My problem is that I have Gallstones. Someone told me about Losec caps and I highly reccomend them. I use the 40mg cap once a day and found them just great - I have no gas problem as long as I take one every day....you have nothing to loose- try them!!

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Does anybody here have gum disease?  For me I think this problem started during a really really bad /stressful period  too.  gum disease, failed a class (first time in my life), had problems at home (sisters/brothers picking on me for no reason!).. guess I couldn't handle it..

My description of the problem is .. have to go to the bathroom all the time, and there's an involuntary (bad) smell coming from me especially when in places like class/work where you are close to people...(Its not flatulence).. but I guess you can describe it as gas ... because that's the only way a smell (from your intestines) can come from you.  At first I didn't realize it was coming from me!  How can a smell like that come from me!  It was only after a 100 "coincidences" that I started to suspect it was me and now its confirmed that I'm the one producing this odor!  It was after I realized that 99% of the time I smell this odor I have a burning sensation/ pain in my lower back near the kidneys.. when this smell is obvious.  and I have to go to the bathroom often.  

Hope somebody finds a solution!!!
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Does anybody suspect parasites?  I can't believe there's somebody out there I can share my problem with!  Especially after being surrounded by people (including family members ) who have suggested it being "all in my head" (maybe it is considering it gets worse when I'm next to people especially "outsiders") and suggesting "hypnosis"!!!!

What about water??  Do you drink bottled water?  Do you reuse milk cans to fill water?  Maybe it might be the bacteria..?  Just a thought..

And also this problem started all of a sudden?   Oh!  I am so glad you guys are there!!!
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I don't know if this will help, i am looking at this myself. i put in the search for false fat.  i know when i cut out he foods that i was tested for.  i lost huge amounts of weight and i did not have the gas anymore.  I paid mega bucks at a clinic in atlanta and i found out in buying the book i could have paid 1/10th the price.  i hope i hAVE HELPED YOU
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I figure theres only a couple solutions to our condition

1) we find a to make poop smell pleasant.....
2) we must somehow correct our sphincters muscles
3) we must correct our anus muscle (kegels excercise or w/e)
4) we must evacuate all the fecal waste (somekind of crazy
5) someone figures out an oral medication that fixes everytype
   of digestion problems.

hahhah only if i could do atleast one of the following......

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I was wastching this paid program called almighty cleanser on tv(procrastinating an essay) and it was on colon cleansing. ive been reading over the comments and Im not sure if any one has tried this.

Well in it was two guys, one guy playing the dumb guy of course. " Are you serious joe!? thats amazing!" god, i'd like to punch that guy for being so dumb. anyways the program suggested that fecal builds up in our colon and harden to make it narrower.

The medicine claims to push out this build up that looks like a foot long grub and feels like rubber.

Im a major skeptic but colon cleasing is a thought. Im going to go talk to my doctor about it.
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well chris I need to clinch away then. It happen again at work they where coughing too. Whats all that for its driving me crazy. It makes me want to quit my job and just stay at home but if I do that then they win. I want to be able to eat the food I want and not have to worry about leaking gas. I go to the doctor soon and I hope he has something to say that will really help me.
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Yeah, for me I cannot even smell it. Like, I must have grown immune or adapted to it. It really sucks. I also find that I cannot smell other basic scents, a guy was explaining something to me the other day and telling me that i would be able to find my way there due to a nearby chicken farm. He said that I would smell it. Well, he tried repetatively to have me pick up the scent, but my nostrils refused.
I really don't think it is a good idea to abuse those enemas, or to starve ourselves. I know that one thing about IBS is that it is better if we eat consistantly througout the day. I think we should do that, and drink a lot of water.
I am actually hanging out with this top of the line med student over here, and we are trying to think up basics to our issue. I am making an appointment with a doctor in Wisconsin upon my return in two weeks, to get a colonoscopy and I would like that one treatment- the one i mentioned earlier, that isn't surgery, but seems to trigger the muscles to work better and hightens sensation. I actually was recommended to the doctor via the website that somone was great enough to post earlier on here. Thank you.
I also agree that we have a combination of these matters. Did anyone used to feel it, and then one day stopped feeling it?
Well, love to hear from you all. Take Care, and stay focused on trying to figure it out... well, how could you not?
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