Valium taper Journals
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Bad Night

Apr 16, 2011 - 7 comments

Just couldn't sleep, caved in & took another quarter so back up to 2.5 mgs.   Only one night but still in the wrong direction.  I want to be off already, how can such a small dose make any difference?

I wish they could prescribe a sugar pill so I can see how much is psychosomatic.  I don't think so because I believed in the melatonin, valerian, passion flower when I tried them but it still doesn't make them work.  Damn benzos must compete with kava for receptor space, or I have tolerance.

I can cope with physical pain so why not no sleep??  I am letting myself get away with lazy thinking, I need a new thinking strategy around this.

Tonight, I will be fine on 1mg & in a few days, I will sleep completely unassisted so what's to worry.