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Complcations Of Vicodin Es

my question is can you develope other health problems as a result of taking Vicodin es for a long period of time like heart failure, constapation, etc..I would like to learn all that I can about this medicine since I have been taking it for a long period of time. I don't want to sound like I'm panicing or bug anyone and I do appreicate all the time and effort you all put into this website and anwsering my questions. I'm wanting to just deal with the pain and stop taking it but at times it can be unbearing pain,Just about all of my teeth are decayed into the gums. I have read that some people take them for the high but it is the funny feeling that makes me panic some times but then I would rather deal with that feeling than be in that kind of pain, but when I take it I'm constantly checking my pulse and heartbeat until the feeling wears off. Is their anyone that has or had panic attacks?? See I use to be scared to take anything [any medicine]for about the last five years because when I went threw the starting of my panic attacks I was put in the hospital, that is how bad they got but then my husband got real sick about a year and half ago and I have to focus on him and taking care of our four children, he is not expected to live another year without a Liver Transplant or that is what the doctor's say anyway,and I have faith that god will not be putting him threw all this suffering just to let him die, so when I went to the dentist that is what he gave me and it worked so I've been taking it every since so that is what I found that would stop this pain until I can afford to go back to the dentist and get all my teeth taken care of becuase now it is very hard for me to go to the hospital in the middle of the night and get a shot that knocks me out for a few days, which scared me half to death .Because when I'm in pain I get very agravated and don't want no one messing with or talking to me and I don't know why I'm that way but I'am. Any way that is why I started taking it in the first place and I wish that I would have never started, if I'd only know then what I know now..Well thank you all for taking the time to read this, I know alot of it does not have to do with the Vicodin[in terms of my husband's illness] but just wanted to explain.Well good luck to all with the battle's with medication's and god bless you all. Bizziebe
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Your post makes a lot of sense to me but one comment I truly don't get is how do you get I have withdrawls from Xanax in the statement you said about'Fear of not eating' when all this started before I ever took Xanax before in my life?? That is why they started giving it to me, so what you are saying is Xanax should not be given for this type of illness?? And til this day I still battle with it but have more control over it and as far as the bathrooms in public 'Noway'.. My kids don't even use it I don't let them at all. I have learned so much about how dieases are pasted since we found out about my husband's illness, si I'm really bad about it now. I don't know if some will say I'm in denial but I sure would like to find out, but I don't have any of the syptoms that everyone has that I read about when I miss a day or two of my meds..Because if I did I would freak out and panic that something is wrong with my health. So where does that put me?? And you know when I'm in a panic yes the Xanax does help.Any comments? Have a good day..
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I don't know whether this will help you in some way but I'll tell it to you anyway.

I am also in end stage liver disease with Hep C and cirrohsis and need a liver asap.  My wife has lung cancer that has not responded to any therapy yet.  We are supposedly at death's door according to our doctors.  I was supposed to be dead two years ago!  We are both still very much alive and viable here so don't get too excited about the doctor's opinions and statistics.

God has the final say-so as to our fates in this life and no matter what we do...what will be, will be!  We've had to go through all the various stages of fear, anger, denial, etc. to get where we are today...acceptance. Now we are able to go on with our lives with our heads held high.  It's a feeling of hope, courage and dignity till "death do us part", amen.  J.B.
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I agree that you do have predominantly "limited" symptom Panick attacks and in the past have had "FULL blown"requiring Hospitalization;the ones that make you feel like you are dying,etc.These Attacks have now evolved and are now associated or triggered by normal social situations(well for the 21 century),you have described the sympoms well.You seem to have a lot of Anticipatory Aversion to the triggers and this keeps you house bound,I think you have settled down a lot since the fear of eating stage and you would be well advised to not use xanax for panick attacks,unless alternative therapy,Pharmacological and cognitive(behavioural) fails.
I know about the distorted horrific frightening sounds and fear of public places,learning to avoid the triggers,ie public, open places,public transport,public speaking,crowds,etc,will interfere with your daily life functioning to much and is the opposite to cognitive or behavioural therapy.This is when a Psychiatric nurse will accomply you into the situation causing fear and panick and stay by your side,as you feel better to handle it alone they will walk in front of you slightly and eventually when comfortable you can venture out on your own.Sometimes Panick disorder resembles social Phobia,this is when you feel watched in public,dislike eating in public or using public toilets etc,the social phobia seems to develop secondary to the inital onset of Panick disorder.
  Hypochondria? and OCD?,in your case(fear of eating,because may be poisoned)although this is usually a withdrawal/rebound symptom of Xanax withdrawals,a type of delusional paranoia.So in this resect I highly suspect you are getting withdrawals from the xanax.
Zoloft is effective againced Panick attacks and is non addictive unlike xanax.Aurorix is good for Anticipatory aversion and panick attacks and non addictive,Xanax in daily dose of 6mg works fine,but I think one is rather spaced out and highly addicted and you may as well get drunk to achieve the same result.
  I would go off xanax and Vicodin and once stable from withdrawals,commence an `ssri` like Zoloft or try an MAOI like aurorix(does not attenuate libido)and start on behaviour therapy,before things get beyond YOUR CONTROL.
Remember all addictive drugs will cause the opposite effects to that which they were originally intended durind withdrawal phase,this takes around 24hour on either xanax or Vicodin.
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I am concerned about the denial present in various posts. Addicts? We are all addicts here! Pain or no pain. If we stop our medicine will all will experience withdrawals. BEing comfortable with a pain specialist is a secure feeling. Why,because we do not have to worry about where our next dose will come from. Pain produces this need and so does addiction. Can a patient with pain be called an addict? Dependent yes? Addict I am not sure. Only the brain of the patient know this answer. Most pain patients experience some form of withdrawals. A few do not experience any withdrawals. Pain produces a need that is simlar to an addict. I don't think it is necessary to be concerned. A diabetic does not feel guilty when he injects his insulin. A epileptic does not wonder if he should remain dependent on his dilantin. Why does a pain patient have to wonder if he is an addict. Dependent or addict. I am not sure that he/she is not both. What does it matter? Because our society dictates what we are. Any comments?
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Thank you for your comment,  I can go a day with out any of that so thank God I guess I'm not addicted, huh? Is that the only affects you get from withdrawls? But I half to tell you I know I'm depressed because I'm going threw alot with my husband he is not expected to live another year [so the doctors say] anyway. So is that a sign that I'm addicted? One more question why doesn't anyone go into the chat room that they offer from this site?
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Okay fist thing,I do have a Panic Disorder, when I have one of these attacks my heart starts racing 90 to nothing and my hands start sweating and this awful fear that I'm going to die comes over me,most of the time I think I'm going to have a heart attack and I use to spend ALOT of time at the hospital ER just for them to tell me I had a PA,but in the beginning it was really bad, I quit eating in fear of the food was poisoned, I wouldn't eat anything unless my husband ate it first and then I would wait hours before I would eat it just to make sure it was safe, but it got to the point that I was starving my self and dehrdrating because it was the same route with drinking, and my husband worked at that time and I was home with kids by my self so I would go all day before drinking and eating,and I lost almost a hundred pounds within three weeks, but I ened up at MHMR to seek help because my husband and best friend seen that this was seriuos and I needed more help than they could give, and they sent me straight in the mental hospital, and I learned what trigger's my attacks so over the years so I avoid the situations like now it is to the point where I don't leave home unless I half to and traveling is out of the question, I won't live far from the hospital either. As far as going to stores or family get together's almost all times I end up in a panic, [too many people and noise] but hwne I have my attacks I tell my husband and he talks me threw them and when that don't work and they it stay's with me for a long time I end up taking a Xanax 0.5mg is what is prscribed to me, but I have learned to avoid what trigger's them so in a short statement I have not really delt with my problem or faced my fears, but all the dostor's I've been to for this is a joke and only wants your money and wants to put me on all kinds of medicines like Zoloff and Restoril and Xanax,I don't want all that because I don't want to half to depend on that many medicines to make me better and besides that I don't have money for all that.As for the medications I won't take just anything either like capsuls, I try to stick to what I have taken before so I know it won't hurt me, so no I do not take the Xanax as it is prescribed[3xday] or the Vicodin every4-6 hours] because I would be in LALA land and sleeping all the time and that I do not want. Alot of times when I have a attack I keep telling my self this is just an attack and I will be okay and I pray and it helps a lot. Who knows why I don't have withdrawl from the Xanax.. Do you also think I should have withdrawls from the Vicodin if I miss a couple of days? And what else do I need to know about Vicodins? I wish I could talk to you in chat, do you have aol instant messenger or Icq? I would love to talk to you than to try to explain in a long letter. Maybe I could meet you in the chat room they offer in this fourm[medhelp] just let me know and thanks for the comment.
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