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Concerns Of Vicodin Es

I have very bad teeth and can not afford to go to the dentist except when it gets so bad I half to get it pulled and go get help from an org. to help pay, but I have been taking One Vicodin es a day for about a year now and I had one doctor tell me if I take it before the pain starts then it won't get as bad as having to go to the ER and having to get a shot and I have panic attacks so I'm scared to take more than one and sometimes I half to take two in one day if my tooth is bad and it scares me because I have been hearing all this about getting addicted to them , what are my chances of withdrawl if I was to stop? My husband is getting his back pay on his va because he is disabled and very sick so I plan to get all my teeth fixed soon, but I'm scared of what I have been reading on this addiction.. Can you help??
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This post is 8 years old......start a new one, and it varies in the w/d process. There are thing that help with it, but please start a new post
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hi.. im getting over vic. and i have been taking it 4 a year now and i was taking about 8 a day.. 2day is my 3rd day off of it i cant sleep i have bad pains in my legs and tummy and i wanna know how long this last 4 can anyone help please!?!
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182493 tn?1348052915
Yes with your use you are at risk. Especially taking over the amount of 4,000mgs a day of tylenol. And for some people even 3,000mg is too much... Taking the week off doesn't really make much of a difference.. It may help with any physical dependence but not the liver. Taking milk thistle extract as a daily supplement can help protect and cleanse the liver.
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hi... i think it may be bad for your liver, but i personally don't know for sure..

but listen, you posted your message on a very old thread, so i think you might get lost in the shuffle...

please repost your message as a new post, and i am sure alot of people will read it, and will be able to give you the info you need....

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ive been taking 5-10 vicodin a day for 2-3 weeks then i stop for a week or two and do it again, its been about 4-5 times ive done this for 2-3 weeks with stopping in between each 3 week interval for a few weeks, could i be at risk for liver problems, i havent taken them in awhile, jus wondering if something boiling up in my liver that i should be worried about?? anyone with info just lemme know......much appreciated.....i was at the pharmacy the other day and overheard the pharmacist reaming someone about taking to much tylenol and ive been nervous since, just with how fast it can deteriorate ur liver......please let me know
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I have several problems with my back, joints, spine. Least of all arthritis. I know too well the decisions to be made. How to get up off the floor, out of bed, standing too long. I tried everything from morphine, dilauded, oxy's, vicodens, you name it.  Several months ago my pain Dr. gave me the duregesic patch. What a difference this patch has made in my life! I nolonger wake up with severe pain. Nolonger do I have to wait for the pain killers to take affect. No more quessiness from the pills. I just have to remember to replace it every three days. It gives me morphine continuously without feeling high.  You should ask your  Dr. about it.  Good Luck....Susan Lea
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I worry mostly about the Tylenol (Acetaminophen/APAP) in Vicodin. I have used Vicodin ES for 2 conditions #1 Kidney Stones and #2 As of late arthritis (I am allergic to NSAIDS ---Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents. ) It is the nasty effects of deranged Tylenol Metabolism and attendant liver damage that worry me most.

When in severe pain one will do almost anything to make it go away. In the case of kidney stones I was lucky as they were relatively acute (2-3 days at most) so Vicodin ES was not a problem.

Arthritis is worse, mine came on suddenly after a fall. Suddenly all the old things I could not do any longer. Like 40 block walks to the Post office 20-up, 20-down. The degrading aspect of the whole thing was really depressing. Things like making a decision to get up out of a chair. To walk the first 10 feet without hobbling not possible, Vicodin ES made this much easier to do. However I skirt the edge of max safe usage. I debate on asking for Lortab which has only 500mg of Tylenol/Acetaminophen in it.

My one withdrawl experience, before I started taking "drug holidays" was like being sent to Planet Strange for a week.
It was rather unpleasant but not unbearable and NOTHING LIKE A KIDNEY STONE ATTACK.

Before using Vicodin ES I once tried to control severe pain with Plain Old Extra Strength Tylenol. I did the stupid thing o put the bottle by the bed. I took A LARGE AMOUNT (20 PERHAPS)before realizing it was not 6AM but 1:30AM. I had gastric lavage but no tablets were recovered and my Tylenol level was just a little high and my liver happy. I was sent to ICU for observation and all went well.

Now I put only the 2 Emergency Pain Vicodin ES pills by my bed in a bottle and that is it. Seems to have worked well so far.

Now as to how people get large prescriptions that varies. This is an old industrial area, pain is thought to be a fact of life. MDs write rather large scripts here. In California one old timer did give me #40 3 refills Vicodin ES, and when sent to the Urologist I got #100 Percocet tabs, which is a lot. So it does vary. My dentist things 10 or 20 Vicodin ES is a major thing.

Have Fun,
Sends Steve
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Neenie, really, you do worry me sometimes.
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I cannot thank all of you, especially you "Peace" for the enlightenment of using vicodin with alcohol.  I have had a really tough road the past 4 years.  Drank, no drugs.  Got a hold of hydrocodan (i think same as vicodin)and I am not sure, but think I really wanted to end it all.  Probably slowly wanted to because pretty much, I am a coward.  Well, to make a drama short, both parents recently died that I was taking care of.  I am not sure how I did it but with the help of drugs and alcohol, guess I did.  Recently, because I am scared out of my wits, I went to the dr. and played dumb.  First off, I don't know if I can just up and quit "everything" at once and am afraid the law will come and take my contacts away.  Probably would be the best thing for me but probably not.  I have stopped "everything" in
the last month and really cleaned up my act!  It is here in case I think I need it.  I know my blood test came back with liver ensymes high but I dont know how high and really was too afraid to ask.  (drunken coward!)  Well, I have to get over it, and go back to dr. on Tuesday (May 1) and then guess I'll have to be honest with him.  (hell, he isn't the law and doesn't control my purse).  I have no other symptons of anything, don't know if it is permanent and if you saw me you would think I never drank or anything.  Not that it matters, I don't can't and will never smoke!  If anybody has any advice for me, please e-mail me ***@**** or leave a post here>  I guess as scared as I am, I am not dead yet, don't want to be, get up exercise, eat right and am trying to live my life clean!  Thank God, I do not have children to pass this on to.  Thanks, PIJudi
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TY for the advice. i am getting hydroc. fromm an internet doc today. i hope it helps
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Hi Neenei,  I didn't hear from you yesterday so i didn't hear about you r close call but what you were up to the day was close enough for me.....remember we talked about you taking the vics and then weaning off of them to...see spook has the right idea also,  you need to send me some email and fill me in....i wans't oniline last night much at ll had a rrally bad day and needed to just be alone..talk to ya soon  love cin    and My Spook....i still can't get through to you.......send me some mail and let me know how things are since the 17th      love cin
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I do not have 2 children to look after,so I can, `just stop`,of coarse you lose all your energy and drive and feel REAL sick  for 3-5 days.(minimum),more like 10 days.
You are not in a position to do this,exactly why I think one should put drugs behind them when having a family.
I could suggest getting some Hydrocodone as it is longer lasting and just take enough (ORALLY) to be able to function and slowly wean yourself of it ,just as you weaned your kids from breast feeding.
Do it for your kids,do not waste the most precious of lifes experiences,that is watching your children grow up and being there for them when they need you.
I Know Hydrocodone will substitute for Oxycodone,just watch your acetaminophen intake and do not drink alcohol.
If you are really losing the plot and hitting up oxy`s ,then maybe consider Methadone maintenance "therapy"?.(sustitution really),at least you will be able to function and take care of kids.But give it a good go on your own first,if you succeed,next time you are in the same situation you will have no problem stopping.
I am not saying it is going to be easy,but the easier your life is the easier it is to not use Opioids.
What was that close call?if you want to keep it personal I understand.
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I say Opioids are not addictive and they are not.
People have a propensity to become addicted,so addiction pertains to the person NOT the drug.
For example I finnished up a daily binge on IV heroin about 3 months ago,the binge was for around 3 months,I stopped because I wanted to.in that it was cheaper and easier to be straught,so after a couple of weeks of withdrawal I was 90% better,now I have had heroin offered to me during the recovery and declined the offer with ease,because of knowledge-(during Protracted Abstinence Syndrome)a single dose of Opioid will illicit acute withdrawals again.(another 2 weeks of feeling REAL bad)
Anyway I cannot be bothered scoring and all that ****,I had a good time on Heroin,but now I want to see the beautifull colors again and feel my spirit soar.
If societies attitudes to drugs are to change they must know the TRUTH I will continue to dissolve the Propagander of Euphorigens with the solvent of knowledge and wisdom.
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i do use everyday, and it started w/ only tyl#3 now it is much stronger stuff. the only thing i have left 2 experiment w/is snorting and needles and stuff. i had a very close,rude wakeup call today and i want to stop. i want to quit. i just don't know how 2. i cannot sit in rehab 4 days. i have 2 many kids. how do you just stop? i bought the stuff u tal;k about0 the vitamins and stuff but nothing in the world can take the place of oxycontins
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ojk spook this is so weird. iwas just scrolling down and saw your post to me from 4-17, but i think you typed this on the 18th, anyway i posted to u and it was erased by whoever controls this ****. yes i do use everyday for the past 3 yrs. all it took was a tubal ligation and the meds that were prescr. for it percocet got me. well actually i could have stopped but i just always had access. why do you say it is not addictive. it is. i spent a lot of time emailing you and the mail was returned. please post your add. or is it ok if i get it from cindi?love neenie
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Don't worry I know you are not making fun of me, but now that I went and re-read my own and then a lot of everyone else's I can see the Humor yall found in it but I'd rather be aware, more safe than sorry. How many doctor's that give those medications and tell the patient you can get addicted? But yet seem to keep giving them for a long period of time and the cut them off cold turkey when there are addicted real bad.. That is what is sad..Also I'm sorry to hear about your Mother and I hope as time goes by your pain will ease. God Bless.
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Thanks for the comment you have put me at ease in a big way,And yes I got a big laugh off that one 'I think I will make it threw the day with no Panic attack!! Thank god for people like you two!!And yes I do have a sense of humor!! LMAO!! Have a good day and Happy late Easter to you both..Bizziebe
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Not that you asked,this just came out,`you have to find a steady supply of Opioid and take only enough to stop withdrawal symtoms,when you can do this you may be ready to start detoxing and go without the euphoria.
Usually methadone is used to accomplish this,but I find methadone VERY slow to detox of(approx 5 months).You really must want to be straught and not just be doing it because of other reasons,then you will succeed.
If you do stop you will be back to where you started,so more work(personality growth and de-neuroticization,etc) must be done to stop yourself from using again.
At the moment you are probably not using everyday?but probably always aim for a high when you do get some.
This causes big ups and downs,for now possibly you are curious on if and how others stop and what types of people use,etc.
I have used /abused and stopped and started for 20 years,have not used for couple of weeks now,feel like I have got it under control,even when out of control,it is all about CONTROL`.
I am not being controlling am I?.
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Just for the shear joy of terrorizing you further, there actually IS one more thing to be concerned with (truly) when taking Vicodin, my friend -- Tylenol-induced liver damage.

True, for two years running I took up to 100 Vicodin per day (each pill with the equivalent of an extra-strength Tylenol in it) and through some work of the devil, I'm still walking around and my liver test three weeks ago was incomprehensibly normal. But I've been told by specialists that there are rare cases of people walking around that either naturally process Tylenol efficiently without appreciably damaging the liver, or, through years of progressively higher and higher doses, acquire a certain "resistance" to Tylenol's liver-toxic effects. I think I belong to the former category.

But if you're "the average joe," you don't enjoy that kind of safety margin, you need to heed the warnings on the bottles or from your pharmacist. I've most often heard that more than eight extra-strength Tylenol (generically called acetaminophen) has the potential, especially when there are other health factors involved, to cause irreversible liver damage leading to liver failure and death.

It's a lovely way to die, I hear. You get the news from your doctor that your liver has failed and you have a handful of days to live, allowing you to lie in a hospital bed and think about how you just threw your life away.

Of course, we're talking about maniacs like me who take ludicrous amounts of Vicodin, thus ingesting these aforementioned fatal doses of Tylenol. But, as I said, in my case, I have a deal with the devil that keeps me alive (I also haven't used Vicodin or Tylenol for several years, not wanting to test the limits of my infernal contract.)

As long as you don't exceed the maximum prescribed Vicodin dose, Bizziebe, you won't overdose on the Tylenol, so this message isn't really meant to alarm as much as educate you.

IMPORTANT: One recent, poorly publicized discovery, something you really should be mindful of regardless of whether you're doing one or 50 Vicodin per day:

Recent research has yielded what I understand to be pretty conclusive proof that mixing alcohol with Tylenol increases Tylenol's ability to damage the liver by a considerable margin. There is a well-documented story of a 30-ish man who downed three Tylenol with two beers and, as a result, died several days later of liver failure. The man had no previous history or either alcoholism or liver problems. Extreme example, I realize, but sobering tale, regardless!

This alcohol-tylenol "synergy of death" is on my mind from time to time because I know it's common practice for people to wash down Vicodins with beers or booze, either just to get a better buzz, or in an attempt at "stretching" their dwindling supply of Vics til he next refill becomes due.

Anyway, Bizziebe, especially since the MD on site took the time to address your concerns, I thought you were being ill served by not having the Tylenol-alcohol issue mentioned by him (Dr. Steve: educated, certainly, lazy, definitely).

Avoiding the problem, of course, is easy. Just don't drink with the Vics or anything with Tylenol (acetaminophen) in it. Tylenol, used properly, is still one of the safer, more effective over-the-counter painkillers around. I personally find enteric aspirin more effective (enteric ONLY, by the way, for your stomach's sake), but Tylenol, all in all, is still a good drug for minor pain and fever.

Hope this has helped without alarming you. From your earlier posts, it doesn't sound like you're doing anything dangerous with this stuff, but it's good to be aware of this stuff.

just for the shear joy of terrorizing you further, there actually IS one more thing to be concerned with (truly) when taking Vicodin, my friend -- Tylenol-induced liver damage.

True, for two years running I took up to 100 Vicodin per day (each pill with the equivalent of an extra-stength Tylenol in it) and through some work of the devil, I'm still walking around and my last month's liver test was incomprehensibly normal. But I've been told by specialists that there are rare cases of people walking around that either naturally process Tylenol efficently without appreciably damaging the liver, or, through years of progressively higher and higher doses, acquire a certain "resistance" to Tylenol's liver-toxic effects. I think I belong to the former catagory.

But if you're "the average joe," you don't enjoy that kind of safety margin, you need to heed the warnings on the bottles or from your pharmacist. I've most often heard that more than eight extra-stength Tylenol (generically called acetaminophen)has the potential, especially when there are other health factors involved, to cause irreversible liver damage leading to liver failure and death.

It's a lovely way to die, I hear. You get the news from your doctor that your liver has failed and you have a handful of days to live, allowing you to lie in a hospital bed and think about how you just threw your life away.

Of course, we're talking about maniacs like me who take ludicrous amounts of Vicodin, thus ingesting these aforementioned fatal doses of Tylenol. But, as I said, in my case, I have a deal with the devil that keeps me alive (I also haven't used Vicodin or Tylenol for several years, not wanting to test the limits of my infernal contract.)

As long as you don't exceed the maximum prescribed Vicodin dose, Bizziebe, you won't overdose on the Tylenol, so this message isn't really meant to alarm as much as educate you.

IMPORTANT: One recent, poorly publicized discovery, something you really should be mindful of regardless of whether you're doing one or 50 Vicodin per day:

Recent research has yielded what I understand to be pretty conclusive proof that mixing alcohol with Tylenol increases Tylenol's ability to damage the liver by a considerable margin. There is a well-documented story of a 30-ish man who downed three Tylenol with two beers and, as a result, died several days later of liver failure. The man had no previous history or either alcoholism or liver problems. Extreme example, I realize, but sobering tale, regardless!

This alcohol-tylenol "synergy of death" is on my mind from time to time because I know it's common practice for people to wash down Vicodins with beers or booze, either just to get a better buzz, or in an attempt at "stretching" their dwindling supply of Vics til he next refill becomes due.

Anyway, Bizziebe, especially since the MD on site took the time to address your concerns, I thought you were being ill served by not having the Tylenol-alcohol issue mentioned by him (Dr. Steve: educated, certainly, lazy, definitely).

Avoiding the problem, of course, is easy. Just don't drink with the Vics or anything with Tylenol (acetaminophen) in it. Tylenol, used properly, is still one of the safer, more effective over-the-counter painkillers around. I personally find enteric aspirin more effective (enteric ONLY, by the way, for your stomach's sake), but Tylenol, all in all, is still a good drug for minor pain and fever.

Hope this has helped without alarming you. From your earlier posts, it doesn't sound like you're doing anything dangerous with this stuff, but it's good to be aware of this stuff.


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I apologize for the screwed up past job in my last post - don't know what happened -- I know, it was the Tylenol monster!
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that was funny about your WD from so many vics a day. not that it matters but how in the world did you get so many? we can barely get a script for ten. but there have been times when i have taken like seven a day and had a rough time getting out of bed at three pm the next day. but i started on two a day and i thought i was the worst person for abusing. i felt so sorry when you said you detoxed in jail. did you get arrested for the vics? was it related? that must have been hell to go through that . sorry love, neenie
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To Cindi from DeeDee. I can understand how you would get confused. I'm not the one you have emailed. That was Dee, which is now diane.Hope you made it through Easter without to much sadness. All of us here will help you as much as possible to get through the loss of your mother. Lots of Love DeeDee
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please take this in the humorous way it was intended, but, after personally cold turkeying off 90 vicodin per day in jail, Bizziebe, don't you dare go into withdrawal ater using just two a day!!!! My head would explode at the mere possibility! (believe me, you're safe, Bizziebe, don't give it another thought).

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I hope BIZZIE has a sense of humor cuz right now I am laughing so hard i just about woke the kids up....you are hysterical..but I think she will understand what you meant  LOL
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