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how hard is it to get off methadone??what shold i do??

well here i am addicted to a little pill..first off i want to say im pretty normal.. whatever thet means.. i am a beautiful girl 26 with a wonderful daughter, she is my life.( but not latley) well my story is.. ive ner been into drugs, but never felt good about myself.. always tired and feeling depressed...so someone introduced me to methadone.. which i took vry stong liking too i started out takin half of a 10 mil pill a day.. started to feel alot better maybe not with myself but i felt good... now here i am a year later takin about 15 mil grams a day( which doesnt seem like much, but ts killin me i know longer get the good feelin, but if i dont take it i feel crippled) I can not function.. mybody ACHES.....i now realize that self medication was not the way to go.. I have to get off this nasty drug and find a doctor who can help me with the right fix... as i said earlier my daughter is every thing to me and still is but it has brought me into zombie stage , and i  cant get out.. I find my self feelng the same depressed mode i was before takin the drug.. and i refuse to take more..i need to do some thing about this i feel like i live in a bubble,of clouds and sleep.. what can i do.. i am sucessful.. and i dont want that to change.. either do i need to get off i or up the dose???   please help
22 Responses
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340590 tn?1290952141
please dont up the dose that will create more problems.  i dont know anything about methadone except it is hard to get off of because of the half life associated with it.  the weekends are slow in here, but many here have taken this drug and can help you out.  they will be here soon i hope.  the best way to get off is to taper....hang in ther and i will see if i can find someone with experience in methadone.  i am here if you need to talk,
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374251 tn?1246235657
i started out taking 40mgs a day about 8 months ago, it was prescribed for my oxy abuse, and withdrawals from trying to quit them. if i could do it all over again, i would never have taken the methadone, i would have just sweat it out detoxing from the oxys, which usually takes about a week. methadone on the other hand has taken me about six months to taper down to 5mgs a day, and i still feel like dog doo. and after all i read about it's withdrawal symptoms, they can take months before feeling "normal" again. i'm too scared to jump off at 5mgs, but from what i understand jumping at 5mgs, or 65mgs, you'll still feel the symptoms. which is pretty discouraging. hope this helps.

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Until one of the ones who have personally dealt with Methadone comes along, I will share what I have learned from reading many post here.  Cathy is right -- do NOT increase your dose.   You will probably need some help  -- but you can do this --many others have - ----  Tapering in one way but you may need someone whom you trust to set your schedule and dispense your pills.   Methadone has a very long half life and is one of the most addictive substances out there ----  You sound determined to take your life back from this evil monster --- so you will make it -- you just need to know and be prepared to pay the price ----- Please keep posting so others can give encouragement and advice.  All the best.
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I have managed to get in a position that has given me experience with about all of the pills you can think of....many researchers say they cannot distinguish a difference between quiting 30mg of methadone a day or 3mg per day......thats one reason the taper is so long for methadone. And the withdrawls last literally for months. So escalating your dose would be a mistake. In my opinion, sub would also be a mistake. I looked up a 2001 post on medhelps archives and found a researcher saying that a "miracle drug" called suboxone would be the answer for addictions. Hasnt worked out that way. Same thing was said about methadone years back. Yet we still dont have an answer. My advice would be for you to make a plan - whether you wish to taper or go cold turkey - and stick to that plan. Make arrangments to have some help with your daughter. Begin the Amino Acid Protocol as soon as possible. Also read the Thomas Recipe ..... both are listed under health discussions at right hand side of page. Knowledge is power with this one. Read as much as you can stand. I myself would go cold turkey from your dose .... but thats just one opinion. Whatever route you choose, you know that it is time..............
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welcome to the forum. I am glad your here. Methadone is a very hard dug to w/d from thats a fact. You are on such a low dose ,yet it will bring you down regarding w/ds..some may think it's nothing but unless they havedetoxed off methadone..could never know how hard even 2 mgs is to w/d from. My advice to you would first be cold turkey it if you have the time at home to be sick. I know it is hard to put yoursef through that but seriously ,I doubt that tapering will help a whole lot. If you are unable to go c/t  then you could try tapering very very slowly , you never know..it could help a little bit. Each person is different with this. I found tapering a miserable experience and that was from 70 mg to 65mg before I just went for it and jumped at 65mg. It's an understatement to say it was hard..but it is possible and I have been off it for over 2 yrs now. Thankgod.
You may want to check out my journal that has an article about methadone/wd .It is written by a Dr. who also was an addict for 18 yrs. There are some things you can do to help alleviate some of the w/d..vitamins/supp's etc..as well as things to avoid. Feel free to PM me if you'd like. You can do this and it is worth it..you are going to feel alot better off that junk.
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Welcome here to the forum, I know how hard and debilatating methadone can be to quit. Ive basicly struggled with it for about 8yrs now on and off. When I started it was the same experience who had, I started taking halfs maybe a whole 10mg every now and then. Eventually the person who I was getting them from owed me a sum of money, and I got paid off with monthly methadone. It lasted for almost yrs and I never took anymore then 20mgs, and for the most part stayed about 10mg/daily. When I finally realized what was happening I started to taper as I felt comfortable with. Im not sure your situation, but maybe you could taper 1-2mgs every couple weeks, doesnt sound like you want to just go cold turkey, but its an option. I successfully tapered myself off about 5yrs ago, down to where I was 1-2mgs/daily then just tiny pieces and eventually off. I didnt have that hard of a time the first time, however I screwed up later on and was back at it and ten times worse. Try to find an addiction specialist in your area that would be willing to help you out, there is alot they can do for you. So if you want to quit first try and taper down as much as you can handle, see what you can accomplish. I know how you feel, it doesnt sound like much, but that little bit keeps you going all day, I know. Keep posting on here for more information and support, its a wonderful place. If you ever need anything just let me know. Just start going for it. Best wishes to you!
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631581 tn?1224844661
I have to agree with Tyson on the taper idea.  That is what I'm doing and have to say it's working pretty well for me.  I keep my eye on the goal of getting off, eventually, and don't worry about yesterday nor ponder to much about tomorrow.
Of course, for some, tapering is not within their ability.  Only you know if you can do it...
If you want, I could come up with a taper and give you a hand with it..
Sad is the one to talk to when it comes to c/t though.
You decide which is best for you, sweetie.
In any case-lots of us are here, lots of us are in or have been in your position and can truly relate on a gut level.
Be well
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THANK YOU ALL.. THANK YOU ALL..first off I want to thank EVERYONE  who responded to my post.. i have not been on since a couple days after.. and did not recieve all the posts til now.. then( at the time of my post) i was so sure i could ever let myself up my dose ,but since then i figured it might help me, so i did, i am more depressed then ever, every little  thing gets me worked up. i am unsure of myself.. see im not sure of what i can do, cause i know in my work life i can not go ld turkey, i am a manger for a very big company.. i am the person who keeps it all together, or tries to..I guess what i really want to know are my side effects normal.. or is it me, why I am feeling this way.. its been so long since ive been sober and the time when i was clean dont remember myself feeling all that great. but what i do remember is the first time i took the pill, i was in my own heaven.. I was feeling great, I also remember it making me be able to talk to people easier.. at this time i feel awful all the time, and also feel that it is very hard for to manage all my workers it is even hard for me to talk to my daughter, family, friends.in simple conversation. i am always lost for word feel dumb most of the time.. speechless, i guess its if someone talks to me i am able to answer.. but i am very quiet otherwise.. dont talk much to my own daughter, employees, friends, family..  guess what i want to know did any of you out there experience the same thing.. or is a bigger problem with me.. are these the side effects of someone on methadone????cause i dont understand how i can be so talkative in the past and have such a strong personilty.. then turn into a zombie with no emotions, is this what happens after taking the pill for a while..  as i said im a 26 beautiful women.( i dont feel that way but i have men talking to me constantly,) get compliments daily.  i would love to be in a realtionship, i know how loyal i am, and i love to take care of the one im with,, but since my last relationship.. ive been with no one.3 yrs ago. i have no sexual drive and i DO  have the urge to be in a relationship.. but i dont dare let any one in.. i could also be cause i feel so bad about how i am..noone understands how i can have no contact with the other sex..my excuse is that i am busy,, but i would love nothing more to stop taking the pill, and enjoy some pleasures in life.. so my ?? isit a bigger problem with me or did anyone else experience this.. dont know what to do i can not lead  anyone at wor or even go to work while detoxing, and i have to.. ive been thinking alot latley about quiting and moving ion with family, i dont know what else to do, or how i can do it feeling good..if anyone is still there reading this i want to thank you, i know im rambling,, but after the support I never new or imagined i would ever get... i feel like someone out there can help me.. and im pouring my every thought out,, cause now maybe i have someone to talk to..thank you again.. each one of ur comments helped and i am grateful for you being out there..
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401095 tn?1351391770
I had responded to a post earlier and did not realize u were only at 15 mg daily..that is a drop in the bucket compared to most...taper off and quit!   dont prolong this..  at ur age it is too early to give ur life away....let them go...there is no end to this except a bad end.....at 15 mg u can get out..that is not even equal to the dose of hydros most take here before they quit..longer wds but so do-able especially with a taper....if u r a chronic pain patient then there r still alternatives...dont give ur life away..not yet
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thank you for your kind words.. it seems so hard an feels so un-doable when i attempt,, but u make me feel like it is very possible,, thank you.. do you have any ideas for the pain n body aches i suffer from when i do attempt to stop,, because when i have tried befor i feel like i cant make it through the day so i have to take a pill, it never ends... thak you for your response
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401095 tn?1351391770
u have to be able to be uncomfortable...u just have to..people who can not take a bit of not feeling "great" do not make it...ask urself...""can i feel ad for a bit to kick this monster?"  u will not always feel great while quiitning...for a long time there are ups and downs...like most people on this earth feel...we r spoiled as we dont let that happen...we pop a pill...NO WAY AM I GONNA FEEL BAD!....if u taper off at .25 mg a week u will feel a bit of discomfort...perhaps more than a bit...u have to be willing to face life "alone" without ur crutch...if u r ready then u can.....girl u r "so not" far gone!...dont get there as u can reach a point of no return or a very hard and difficult return.......Is that in ur game plan? ..read up on exercise and aminos to help ur brain transition...get in a support group  and go for it..there is a piece of u inside who is not happy with this,,,screaming for help and not wanting to drown...let that piece of urself take control before u lose ur entire "self"   this crud does not get any better...just worse....nite
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I am on a home  medical detox. It i s absolutley been hell. I have been off oxy and methodone for 22 days. This has been the hardest thing I have done  in my life . Worse than childbirth. Of course I was drugged at those times. I hope I can Get Through this.I don't even know what   do  right now.
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401095 tn?1351391770
pray, exercise and take the vitamins and supplements  recommeded...get outside support...if u have done all this and want cleandom..the u will reach it and b free
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wow 22 days thatsgreat im sure its hard your stronger than me.. but soon ill be in the same situation your in.. did u taper down or cold turkey???  i am going to taper down starting today... wish u feel better stay strog im sure its worth it...
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You are sounding pretty good today, lady. Keep it up and ask away for any questions and support - - - best of luck to you also - - but ultimately it isnt about luck - - you can do this....my habit was longstanding and it was huge and I did it - -  - you can do it also - -
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Methadone is a very hard drug to get off of.  The reason for this is that eventually, it gets into your bone marrow.  Many people reduce their dose by 5mg per week, and it is a long, painful w/d process.

Also, it is a more SEVERE w/d than most Opiates.
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dear G everyone of the feeling's you mentioned above i have went through them as well yes even the reduced sex drive and lack of social skills.i also manage a business and i am taking 2-3 weeks off starting nov 3rd to kick these im going c/t.this is my second attempt.please do not up your dose it may make you feel good for a short time but then you'll have to up your dose again and again etc.and it will only become harder to quit while doing more damage to your body physically,mentaly and emotionally.btw i was up to 120mg per day and they were not making me feel better about anything i was just taking them to be normal while being just a shell of my former self.never happy never sad totally non emotional and miserable.my advice is try to get some time off from work and quit these miserable pills c/t.keep posting the people here are great and can help you through this.i wish you the best.
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hey kane thanks for your advice with me, its alittle hard to get off work the company i work for is extremly busy this time of year.. i work my self to the bone inuding on my days off..just to feel like i can never catch up.. its a horrible thing to feel.. i wont be able to get any time off til feb or march..   yesterday i started to take less today i felt much worse, so i took a lexapro that was prescribed to me which.. have tried it efore but it always made me feel awful.. but im thinking i should just let the pill take its course never gave it a chance..do you think its smart, to start that up???  i wish mow more than ever i could have some time off soi could feel as bad as i need to,, just cant do it while working.. well plz respond.. good luck on your detox.. stay strong
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i shouldnt have been so cut and dried with my advice.i just know that c/t is the only way im going to be able to quit i just dont think the tapering will work for me actually i've already tried it.my wife although was able to quit by tapering its been aprox 2 months for her. she was on about 30 mg per day and tapered down to 10 mg per day and then quit taking them. It was about a 2 month process.almost all of her w/d symptoms have finally left this week which as i said she hasnt taken anything for 8 weeks.the last 2 weeks have just been some discomfort sleeping (she has only been able to get around 5-6 hours a night)all of her leg and muscle pain left about 2 weeks ago.she still feels tired and doesnt have a whole lot of motivation but shes getting better everyday.Me on the other hand well im a train wreck and very nervous about going c/t tomorrow although i have to admit i am excited to get this started ive been on methadone for 2 years and before that i was on vicoden and percocet for 2-3 years.i am so ready to quit these pills and take my life back! ya know tapering may be right for you especially since you cant take time off from work as it would be very difficult going through w/d's at work.just know that your probably gonna go through some pain but it seems as though you have a great amount of self control and i know u can do it :)  
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Just one comment....methadone's "half-life" (meaning how long the drug stays in your system) is approx. 3 days. What that means is that the drug is still in your system and working for three days after your last dose. I say this because you said that after reducing your dose in one day you are feeling like ****. That HAS to be mental. In other words, I think that part is all in your head. I have plenty of experience w/methadone, and I'm still taking it. Recently, I was forced by circumstances to go w/o any for 8 days. I felt no w/d's or anything fo the first 3 days, then wham! I think you've just convinced yourself that you will be in pain after reducing your dose, but again, I truly don't think that's possible. I take a whole lot of pain meds, and have for years, so I am speaking from experience, plus I've done a ton of research. That's how I found this board.

A few more comments...the w/d's from methadone are hard....very hard. You already know that though. Get something for anxiety, but only a week or two's worth. Get some Imodium AD, some amino acids, etc. Look up the Thomas Recipe to the right of this page. You may find coffee helps for energy. Wait until you can take some time off work before completely coming off of them, but try to taper down months in advance. Get down to as low a dose as possible, then when you have the time, come off of them totally. You probably want to have someone available to watch your daughter just in case. It will not be easy. It will hurt. You will feel like ****, hurt all over, have no energy, no appetite, basically you will feel like you have the flu. Unfortunately, it takes a long time to recover, but it IS worth it.

If you have medical insurance, I'd definitely recommend a detox center. They will basically provide you with the meds you will need, plus provide some support. Also, get into a program like NA, even if you don't feel like a drug addict. You will find support there, as you will here, but you will also get some tips on ways to handle things. You didn't get into this mess overnight, and you won't get out of it overnight, but you can do it. Sounds like you have plenty of will power, and in the end, that's the most important part. Good luck and let us know if you need anything!

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1828619 tn?1333602477
Hey.......got yr email.  I don't have an online support system. Sounds like a great idea. Perfect timing.
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hi Lisa im so glad you found us here where all about recovery and your 5 mo into it I think you will find the forum helpful and you will be able to help others you have a lifetime of experience with narcotics welcome to our forum
your friend Mark
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