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Extacy Side effects 3-4 weeks after use.

I did Extacy when I was 18 years old about 3 times. I never experienced any side effects from it.  I am now 26 years old. For some stupid reason which I greatly regret. I took an Extacy pill September 28th. I had a great time on it. The next day I felt fine but about 2 weeks later I was feeling very high anxiety & I am suffering from depression. I also was having mood swings.  I am also having problems with sleeping where I have these thoughts running though my head all night long, and my heart is beating fast. & I pace back and forth in my apartment. I thought I was getting better last week. Since I was able to get a full night sleep & the anxiety was getting better. But I am still having all of the same symptoms. Except instead of pacing in my apartment I just try & stay still. I know I can not reverse what I did. I just hope that this will go away & I will get that "glow" back. I have tried to do research & many people say that it is going to take time to feel better.  I hope I did not do permanent damaged to the brain.  I wish I never took that pill…  I just want to go back to the way I was before!  I just do not understand that I am having these effects still  after 1 pill? 4 weeks later?  I feel as if I am going to loose everything. In the meaning while my doctor prescribed mw with Effexor & Xannx to take as needed.  This will be my 2nd week taking the effxor. I really hope that there is light at the end of the tunnel, & I can get back to the way I use to be….  I am very scared…. If anybody has any advise at all with this please feel free to share it with me.
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ive taken a total of 25 or 26 E pills in just half a year and ive done them regularly and non regularly and i suffer no Bad side effects or anything like that.. and when im on my comedown i feel right away back to normal none of that stupid o youll be depressed ********..>.<
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I just lost my loving friend on the weekend. He committed suiside due to depression. He developed acute depression within short time last for 2 months after he abused the drug. He had it for 10days straight. During that time once he had 10 pills in one sitting. He tolded me all the symptoms you guys said. On the top of that he had hallucinations. I suggested him to see a doctor. But he didn't go. I am going to his funeral soon. I am still in numb, and hope there would be a miracle and he comes back. I feel guilty for was not able to help him. I should have visited this website earlier. Whenever he told me all the symptoms I had no idea what was going on with him.
Dear everyone, please don't ever do drugs and stop others if they do. Life is short and it can be beautiful without drugs.
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I've taken E for the past 4 weekends... and I haven't had any real "side effects" besides the comedown which lasts a day or two after you take it. You'll be "recovering" for about 2 days depending on how hard you stomped(danced) around and moved around. The thing about ecstasy is that you don't really realize the temperature of your body, you could be outside and it be 40 degrees and sometimes you can't even really feel it.
So you have to be very careful. Another thing is sometimes the comedown can be very hard and harsh, but you have to remember to calm yourself down. I thought I was going to have a panic attack but I chilled myself out and just sat there and drank green tea after green tea and water and stretched out my muscles.
I'm not going to be doing E that much because it really messes with you and what you think is "fun". Soon after you take E alot, you won't enjoy it that much and want more, so you have to be careful.
It is alot of fun, but there are lots of precautions and tips and tricks you need to follow before having an eventfulnight. You need to know your standards and don't let them change after you take it. take it in a safe environment and be prepared to SLEEP the next day.
Oh, and get icy hot and a heating pad if you're muscles hurt.
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1325269 tn?1280251905
so i tryed E 4 days ago for the first time . the buzz was amazing ! & the next day i could not stop thinking about it ( i woke up with a dry mouth & stomach pains ).. & yesterday i was alone at home and decided to take half a hit. The buzz was great once again .. but after a while my buzz was going away and i had this really lonley weird feeling.like i wasint as happy anymore. and i just wanted to feel high again.  & so i thought id go to bed.. so i layed down & of course i couldnt sleep .. i layed there till i passed out & i kept waking up all night in panic. getting the most fu**ed up dreams :S .. i woke up this morning with a stuffy nose & sore throat . im 19 years old & have experianced depression before. im scared its gunna start back after reading all these comments. I was planning on doing E again this friday .. but im kinda second guessing all of it.. & hopefully i can hold myself back from taking another hit,. If anyone has anything to help me with this please do.. im about to go to college for my first year after this summer.. i dont wanna mess my life up because of an E addiction.  
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I have experienced the exact same things.  Took X on Friday, had a panic attach the next monday, two days later.  I was stressed, and had been drinking alcohol and cafeinne.  Turns out, stress, alcohol, amphetamines, and caffeine can trigger panic attacks.  First and foremost, amphetamines...
I had taken it 5 times, and was not a regular user.  I went to the hospital that night because i thought i was having a heart attack or something.  They just told me it was a panic attack and to stop doing drugs.  I had two more panic attacks in the next month, and then they stopped.  I stopped drinking alcohol, caffeine and smoking weed too.  But i still have head aches every day and residual anxiety.  Its awful.  Like others who have posted on this blog, i wish i could take it back.  I had no idea that X could mess with your brain chemistry like this, in the long term.  Then theres some people that experience none of these side effects.  Either way, not worth the risk.  Its been four months since i took X and i still have headaches almost every day and feel anxious.  I think it is getting better slowly though.  However, i've just started taking Lexapro, an anti depressant and anxiety drug.  I've only been taking it for a week now, and it is said to take 3 weeks to be fully effective.  It got rid of my headaches for the first 6 days, but they came back today.  Its promising though, and i'll definitely keep taking it for a while to see if it works.  I've also read that Lexapro and other anti-depressants in the SSRI class can have a healing effect on the nuerotoxicity that X causes - which is basically damaging your serotonin function in your nerve cells.  Serotonin imbalance = anxiety and depression.  Not fun.
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me and my bois were gonna do it comin up real soon becuz some of us gonna get married real soon and some goin to move back to town(we moved out together)but after reading this..i dont want to anymore..thanks for the site
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well how long ago did u take the pill??? and how many others ate the same pills u took? an is anyone else feeling anythn like u are? an have u had any problems before taking this ex pill?
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I've been having similar problems I'm 16 I took half of a pink e pill with a monkey stamped on it...I didn't really want to but my friend talked me into it I only took half mind you...I have trouble remembering and I cry a lot then sometimes I feel happy. I also have appetite issues I feel hungry on second and the next I can't eat a damn thing...my freinds keep telling me to stop thinking about it but I can't cuz this feeling is the worse I hope I can go back to normal because I feel like I'm living in a dream everyday...this feeling is weird and I hate it...also right before I fall asleep I feel normal but wake up feeling weird again...is this permanent can anyone help!?
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i did x three times about 20 years ago.  At first I didn't even feel a "hangover", possibly because I was smoking weed and drinking everyday.  Then about a week later, while I was sober, I started feeling really weird spaced-out, unpleasant sensations.  Feeling out of touch with me or my body.  By that night it was so bad I was crapping and vomiting at the same time.  When I woke up the next day, I didn't feel like myself - I was extremely depressed, spaced-out, panicky.   I immediately stopped drinking, smoking weed and even drinking caffeine.  For about 3 months it was really bad, though each day was slightly better than the last.  At first I slept a lot - didn't want to get out of bed.  But sometimes I would have horrible dreams, where I was awake within myself, but couldn't get my body to wake up - sooo scary!  I went to the doctor several times, she didn't know what was wrong with me.  I changed doctors - he took one look at me and asked if I had been doing drugs.  I told him everything.  It was like "duh" no wonder I'm so screwed up.  
By the way, in the bible, it is forbidden to practice witchcraft - the original greek word for witchcraft is where we get the word Pharmacy  from (drug use = witchcraft!).  
I sought Jesus and in time he sent me help in the form of a friend who took me to a good church.  
Looking back I realize the side-effects of the drugs where amplified by subdued guilt I had regarding the way I was treating my family.
To make a long story short, the healing begins when you stop doing drugs, start seeking God and focus on loving others rather then pleasing your self.  
Sometimes it's hard to see improvement on a day to day basis, but when you look back each week or month you will realize you aren't as bad as you were then and life is getting better.
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I guess I just want to be sure these are just panic attacks and not something seriously wrong with me or my brain. I know my mother is a manic depressive and she has a touch of bipolar but I've never showed or felt any symptoms of either until after this last experience. The attacks aren't letting up yet and I don't know if I should try to get some medicine or just give it more time. But for the past few weeks I have felt like I am in a mental prison. Being distracted does seem to help, but the best way to do that seems to be getting out of the apartment. Being in the apartment all day seems to bring these attacks on stronger. I don't have a car at the moment and walking around at night, which is usually when they are the strongest, is not exactly safe. My husband thinks I am just loony. He also did E and feels just fine. Has even mentioned trying it again he had so much fun. I had a blast too at the time, but what the heck happened?
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I have been taking mdma and or e tablets every Saturday for about five months now. I dont feel any strong side effects. I am usually depressed for a couple of days aferwards, and have a hard time eating the next day. But i feel fine with no panic attacts or depression. I have recently noticed however, that i enjoy taking a tablet instead of smoking pot or drinking. I havent been able to find any true harmful side effects of the drug other than 2 out of 100,000.00 ppl may die from taking the drug. My everyday motor skills have not deminished at all. The only thing i can think of is that the day after i am "rubber brained" and dehydrated. Were any of you depressed before taking this drug? maybe it increases depression....
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679575 tn?1245115450
One thing you have to remember a panic attack will not kill you.  It just feels like you are dying.  People tend to make it worse for themselves when they are having one because they have trouble controlling there thoughts.  One of the main things to do when you start having one is distraction, distraction distraction.  I can't emphasis this more. The sooner you stop thinking about it the sooner it stops or slows down.  I am speaking from experience.  Mine aren't caused by taking E but I think a panic attack is a panic attack no matter what it is from.  If you are lying in bed and find on coming on get up a do something   else.  Call someone just to chat, start a grocery list, simple things like that can do wonders for calming yourself down.  A panic attack is your fight or flight instinct kicking in when you have nothing to fight or run away from and the is why your adrenaline starts pumping and you have no way to let it out.  If you have a pet start playing with it just do anything that will change your way of thinking.  The mind is a powerful tool.  Use it.  maybe even a little cleaning up around the house might help just keep your mind busy with other good thoughts.  I know it is easier said then done but with practice it does become easier  
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yea the problem with ex and alot of others is u really have no idea what was put in when making em i no there are tons of diff kind of ex pills lik ebrand names so depending on what was mixed while making the ex u took could be causing ur problems id reccomend def not takn it again obviously. sorry i couldnt be more helpful but the people makn that **** dont give a fk bout us just makn that $$$$ so becareful.... mayb ask a dr. it could be serious and u dont evn no it. good luck
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I did E exactly 2 weeks today. 1 week later I had I guess what you would call a panic attack. I thought I was having a heart attack. I thought it may have something to do with the E so I looked into it and found this forum. Ever since that panic attack its like I have been in a constant state of panic or fear. At times feeling worse or stronger than other times. But mostly worst at night or when I am alone. I feel like a death cloud is hanging over me. I am a very spiritual person and questions and doubts keep coming to my mind that I have never had before in my life! Just so many of the craziest ideas that I can't stand to even think about and just FEAR. I would give anything to go back and undo that little bit of fun because it was not worth what I am now going through. Is this going to go away????
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I Am an etard i pop e almost everyday
and i have memory loss
and cannot show emotion
i take sleeeping pills al night
i cant tell a three minuite story without forgetting
what i was talking about
trust me if you have never touched a chemical drug
dont do it !
i am only 15 years old
just dont do it
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after reading all of what you guys are describing it sounds like you might have tipped your brain chemistry in to a manic depression phase, or bipolar. the symptoms that i see here are ones that i had when i was diagnosed and it is unfortunately part of my natural (or unnatural) brain chemistry. i have to take a mood stabilizer for bipolar II disorder. it's called lamictal and for a year or more i took prozac as well.
bipolar II is not the crazy hanging from the chandeliers type of disorder. that one is bipolar I and i do feel for people who have that one. they have to slam themselves with all kinds of drugs every day.
but what you guys are talking about are my prior symptoms spot on. i think what extacy does is to simulate a manic high similar to bipolar euphoria, (the most fun i've ever had without a drug) and inevitably slams you down to a deep depression.
some people who have slight imbalances in brain chemistry who are not aware of that and do a potent mood drug might be tipping the scales a bit. could be temporary and nothing to worry about in the long term, but seriously you guys have described all of my symptoms that i've experienced at over time. i might sound paranoid, but then that's just part of my bipolar kicking up. :)
no worries, even the worst of these symptoms subside with the right medication and a little time.
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I thought that the effexor might be playing a roll in this but I still had pannic attacks before taking it. I have been on it for now about 2 weeks at 75mg. I feel that I am managing better the last 3 nights, & days. No major pannic attacks at work.
I am still waking up at night in a sweat with my heart racing. When I do wake up in a pannic I am kind of able to calm myself down. I guess I am just getting use to that this is part of my life hopefully not longterm.  They say time heals all wounds. I am staying positive and keeping my mind busy. I hope everything will be allright.  I can tell you one thing. I am done with drugs forever.  
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Effexor gave me a lot of the symptoms that you are describing and I never touched ectacy.  The amazing thing was that it took me days of being on it to realize how much it was screwing me up.  Once I was off of it, it was plain as day.  Confusion, forgetfulness, sleeplesness, crazy thoughts, etc.  I had a similar but much less severe effect with Cymbalta, FYI.  Just wanted to give you my two cents on the Effexor, it could be part of the problem.
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I last took E September 28th  I am still having side effects.   I took  one pink pill with a gun stamped on it called " 9 Millimeters" my friends take them all the time. I was the only one with  side effects.  I am 26 years old and have not taken E since I was 18-19
It has now been over a month. The side effects started a week later. I still wake up at night in a pannic,  I take sleeping pills and xannx to get to sleep. My docter also put me on Effexor 75mg   I feel tingling in the back of my neck and in my feet, when I also am getting head achs.  (not sure if that is from the E or the medication) I feel as if I am getting better. The last 2 days have been much better, no pannic attacks at work. I know for a fact I will never do E anymore,  wish me luck all...
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I took pure mdma in UK with no side effects. Took a pill here in Brisbane Australia and it gave me a mdma feelin but I think it was PDA. ANyway my brain is throbbing all the time, Im depressed and I feel like a zombie. What is happening. 3- 4 weeks of this hell. Please anyone help me. I am not a regular user... I never thought this could happen.
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653923 tn?1225944592
I have too used X, been a while, just depends on  where it came from and who made it. My most side effect, was back pain, inability to pee, increased temperature and sleeplessness, depression and sexual excitement. This lasted for about 2 days, and subsided. I became very afraid when I had no idea where it came from. Not worth the risk
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Hey buddy... Yeh I've taken Extacy about 15 times... total about 35 pills or so... so yeh I've done alot of that ****.. I haven't done it in 3 months, but I'm stuck with this long-term effect ********... It's really turned me into a person I don't like... I'm an ******* to everyone and I have a feelin like EVERYONE and EVERYTHING is out to get me.. I'm expecting this **** to go away sometime, but I don't think it's gonna happen..
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Yeah, ecstacy can have long term effects. The most mine has ever lasted was about a month. I mess with E once in a blue moon , once every few years, if that. Sometimes what is in the pill can play a huge factor in side effects. Just stick it out, the buzz was so euphoric and your mind isn't used to that. You will be fine, I took one not too long ago for the first time in 3 years. My side effects lasted 2 weeks.
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