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Help-prescription fraud-need advice desparetly

Someone please give me some good advice....I am seriously addicted to opiates and I think I have finally hit rock bottom. I have been on narcotics for 4 years now. I have degenerative arthritis and just had diskogram done several months ago and found out I have a tear in the fibers around L5-S1 and the center nucleous is leaking out...(herniated disk). I am a patient at a pain clinic and am now on Methadone. My doc wants me to have an IDET but my insurance wont cover it and I think I am too young for a fusion...Im not even 30 yet and really couldnt afford the surgery anyway. For the past year I have been going through the cycle of running out of meds early and trying to figure out how to get more to get me through. Recently I was involved in a car wreck...well it was a road rage incident....guy with big stuffed duck tied to front end of flatbed utility truck ran me off the road passing me, i blew horn and he slammed on brakes and reversed into me causing 5,000 dollars damage to my car...broke my husbands foot and then he waited for cops to get there....needless to say I have been in extremem pain since then...I took extra methadone( I only take 30mg per day), so I ran out. My brother just had back surgery and he was taking percocet....he had a refill of vicodin left at the drug store and I called it in and picked it up.. I really didnt think he was using it anymore, and he wasnt, but he ran out of his percocet early and tried to get his refill just 4 days after I had already picked it up. I know I really screwed up, and he knows the truth now b.c I told him...he was mad but understood that I was desperate...going through withdrawels for 3 days and in pain and knew I could get my meds for 5 more days....the problem is now his workers comp is involved and is filling a police report. I am wondering if anyone has been through this kind of thing before.....I am hoping that by the grace of GOD that I wont be recognized on the surveillence tapes at the store. The pharmacy told him whoever picked it up cam in the store so they will be going through the tapes with the police soon....I didnt really go in the store, I went through the drive-thru not in my car and with dark shades on....the store doesn'thave camerras that show tag numbers, just the car through the window...I am hoping that because I was driving a super-raised truck that they wont be able to identify me...and my brother isnt either......PLease give any advice you can..... I know I messed up, but I am really a nice person, loving mom, devote Christian, but I gave in to a weakness and know I am so truely ashamed. My husband doesnt know how bad my provblem is. What should I do???????

Thanks for any advice.

HElp_me_im_drowing!!!!! And i dont want to go to federal prison....
43 Responses
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228686 tn?1211554707
Jeez...  I can tell you a way to quickly make it go away (maybe) but it won't help with your other problems. You're brother would have to go along with this. AND, he'd have to give up his prescription for that month. You'd have to still have the prescription (or most of it) too.
    You'd have to write a night and date it for the time of pick-up, telling your brother you picked it up as he asked.
He'd have to say he mentioned you picking it up for him, but thought he'd said don't bother.  It's shaky, but it could work. You'd then go to the insurance and report the incidence.

You do know that once your body is addicted to these medications, they essentially stop working well for you? At this point you're dealing with pain which because of the addiction, you can't even be sure how bad it is.

I've got a rod and screws in my leg, and after all these years, it doesn't hurt "that bad". Then again, I think I'm just used to it hurting, and have adjusted.
HOWEVER, if I miss my dose and start withdrawal, my leg hurts worse than right after I first had the surgery, to the point I can't walk. I KNOW I'm not taking a *deal with the pain* dose anymore (I've been tapering, down to 5 milligrams). So be aware that this does eventually happen, regardless of how little or how much pain you're in.

Otherwise, let's step back and take a breathe. People have to remember there are two types of addicts out there.
Addicts who have an "emotional problem/psych problem" inside them that craves the high of drugs to achieve escape...

And pain management addicts. These are people who may never have taken a drug for pleasure in there whole life (not counting a few tries in college) but are in life changing pain due to physical injury. They don't have "addictive personalities", they just don't want to be in pain.
This doesn't mean they haven't become addicted to they're meds. Most are. It just means the drive is different. With these folks, you take away the pain (and this includes withdrawal pain), and they wouldn't be using anymore.
Because of the failures of our society in dealing with addiction, both of these types are being let down, misinformed, and not being given proper treatment, for different reasons.

But it comes to the same thing.
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Sorry that I have to respond to all these old posts but I don't want new people, who are definitely reading them, to get the wrong information. That is soooooo not true that true pain patients are not addicts and/or addicts aren't or can't be true pain patients. There is also something called pseudo addiction, look it up. I have read sooooo many posts here saying that a TRUE pain patient wouldn't do the things that people here have done to get medication. Only an addict does this stuff. That is sooooo not true. I started taking medication for a TRUE, honest to goodness, pain condition. The dependence on these medications has made me do things that I would NEVER do in a million years. You all call it addiction. Fine, yes, I am addicted to the medication. Of course I am. Who wouldn't be. Taking Oxycontin and/or Methadone for 25+ years, I challenge ANYONE to take meds for that length of time and not be dependent on them. However, I can tell you with 100% certainty, I have NEVER taken an extra pill of Methadone! Oxycontin, hell yes! It never lasted long enough. But Methadone, nope, never! Also, you guys say that a True pain patient wouldn't do desperate things to get their hands on medication. I can assure you they would. Now, maybe, a TRUE pain patient shouldn't run out of their meds early, but it does happen. You don't have to be an addict.  But a TRUE pain patient can be discharged by their doctor, sometimes for no reason. Not that I can always blame the doctor, they are put in a tough spot too. If a pain patient is discharged from their program, many of them will do WHATEVER it takes to avoid withdrawals. I am not talking about forging prescriptions, but a lot of them will doctor shop, and that is illegal too. Problem is, a pain patient is on high doses of pain meds and doctors won't give a person that much medication so they need several scripts to get anything near enough to keep withdrawals at bay.
Yes, I agree with the statement that if you take away the pain and the withdrawals, a TRUE pain patient wouldn't be using anymore, but that's not the case.  You also can't say that pain patients are people who have may have never taken a drug for pleasure in their whole life. Some may not have, but many have. Many addicts are also true pain patients. Just because someone is an addict doesn't mean they don't deserve pain relief.
Maybe I misunderstood/misread this post, but I have seen it/heard it many times before (not just here) and it is very frustrating.
52704 tn?1387020797
I'm with Steve T - she just picked it up for her brother.  Her brother already knows, so he just needs to tell the pharm. "nevermind, my sister picked that up for me - it's sitting at home.  Sorry to trouble you."  

If I were the brother, I condition that assistance on my sister getting the help she obviously needs.

btw, I did exactly the same thing on scripts that really belonged to my mom and a good friend.
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Again, this is old, but for people in the same kunundrum in the future, the brother CAN'T just say, "oh my sister picked it up for me, it's sitting at home, sorry to trouble you." That would mean, brother called in the script, sister picked it up for him, he didn't realize it.  So then what? He forgot he already called it in and called it in again? I suppose that MIGHT work, but not likely. It might work if he ACTUALLY called in the script, sister overheard him so SHE went in and picked it up because she's an addict. Brother goes in to pick it up a couple days later and they say, "that's already been picked up." Then he could say "My sister picked it up while she was out, it's right here on my kitchen table." But "he" tried calling it in twice, so that's not going to fly. They won't believe that he FORGOT he already called it in 4 days earlier.
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THANK YOU ! I completely agree with your comment about beachtowel and his know-it-all guilt filled posts. I also don't think making her feel like what she is saying or admitting isn't worth **** is helping at all.  You aren't an expert. I have posted before and have gotten your same reaction of, "nothing you say is new and I know cause I've done it". It truly isn't helping anyone....well maybe it's making yourself feel better and superior. Like I've mentioned before people like you are the reason others stop going to N/A meetings. I don't know what it is about sobriety that turns others into mind readers and experts like yourself.
It is not your place WHATSOEVER to judge her on the acts she has done, and it's definitely not your place to say a god damn thing about her family! Your very quick to point the finger at every single person and THAT is a narrow-minded thing. Why don't you take a second to use your brain a little before posting accusations. On second thought why do you even post at all? Just keep your thoughts to yourself, cause no one is begging for your expertise.
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I know this post is very old and I'm glad this stuff is not locked to new posts like a lot of forums are. Trust me, new people come in and read through these old posts, I see a lot of new responses to old postings and I myself have been reading through lots of old posts during days, that feel like an eternity trying to get clean here.  Two222, you are exactly right about beachtowel's remarks. They are EXACTLY the type of remarks that make people stop going to NA meetings. I know that from personal experience. Right around Dec 1999/Jan 2000 I went inpatient to get off  of Oxycontin. My baby was 6 mos old at the time. Not only was I withdrawing, but I had been breastfeeding him (long story, baby was weaning too, doc was aware of breastfeeding) so my breastmilk had to dry up while I was inpatient. Been through that too beachtowel????!!!!! Very painful. They put me on Clonidine and I ended up in the ICU because my heart rate was 35. Been through THAT beachtowel?!!! Hubby came to see me every day, with my baby, I was inpatient for 2-1/2 weeks then did intensive outpatient. I shared one day and had a guy, just like beachtowel say something to the effect of "wah wah wah, stop whining about everything, nobody wants to hear it." That was the last time I went to outpatient and figured the crap, lack of energy and motivation I was feeling wasn't worth it anymore. I was 30 days clean. Just in time to get my next refill of oxycontin. Here I am now in 2019 weaning off of 240mg methadone and 180mg oxycodone. Currently down to 75mg Methadone, no oxycodone. So beachtowel and people like him, while you may be using the tough love mentality to try to get people to take ownership of their actions, it doesn't work, AT ALL. I was arrested in 1995 for forging scripts, didn't work. I stole money and drugs from family, didn't work, had the tough love mean spirited beachtowels, didn't work. NOTHING worked until I WANTED TO WORK IT FOR MYSELF!!! For those who are teller her to come clean with her husband, or new people in the same situation now, they will do that in there own time. You all have to realize, the first thing is fear of the police. Recovery is a process. People can only process so much at once. Dealing with getting caught, withdrawals, telling the family, etc etc, is a lot to handle all at once. Instead of preaching to people, trying supporting them and letting them do it in their own time.
Thanks for being here and being supportive, but take it down a notch. Nobody can force help or sobriety on anyone. I've seen several posts here where you all have chased people away because you all are sooooooo pushy.
My take?  No, you didn't ask but hey, forums allow for jumping in.  So, I think people all speak the way they do sometimes trying to stir the sh&t and sometimes because that is just how they speak and are trying to help.  Can be hard to figure out which so I give them the benefit of the doubt until otherwise.  And would say that one size fits all statements don't always work. Tough love approach works for some.  Like a shake up in their head---  it could hit someone on the day they need to hear that.  But agree it can be irritating and detrimental to others.  It's a touch call on what is the best approach.  

Rntracy, sounds like you've had a lot over the years.  So, that you are still standing, still fighting to get clean and still fighting to have a good life, I give you a major shout out.  Go you!!
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Like her you both are missing the point..........

No everybody does not lie that is for people who are ashamed or afraid of their life style being exposed........

She is a mother of two and has a husband who she refuses to be honest with do both of you think this is normal or ok or acceptable........

All I would like to hear from one of her posts is that she is considering recovery and helping herself to get away from the insanity she has been living dragging her family in with her for the past four years.........

What statements did I make directly trying to hurt her..........

She has zero consideration of stopping using my whole intentions is to hear her once ask some advice about Recovery and getting her life back............

one way you missed the point of unique........I was referring to her back injury which is her justification and she doesn't get it I am only trying to get her to think about recovery........
my comment of I've been there twice was only to let her know that I understand what she is going through, as far as venting if that is what you call it I guess I read it as she is in a panic because she is only afraid of police.......not herself or her family........

one way why in the world would give you the idea that I am mad?

Where is your post to her showing all this compassion and concern that your accusing me of not having?
When your reading my posts your only see what you want to see which I feel is a very narrow minded perspective.........

If you have read any of my posts over the past 7 months or so I am all about recovery not a Posh Puffs salesman...........

Shattered where is your post to this young lady?
I would be very interested to read what your thoughts would be............

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OH WHAT ADDICTION CAN DO TO US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i know the guilt shame embarasment oh, so well!!!   i hope you can see the power of this ****.
i am trying to ween now i no how you feel maybe we can do this together i am a loving mom too.  and the lies i have told.  i know this stuff is killing me  i do not even remember what sobriety feels like.  but with GODS help i will.

as far as getting caught you probably won't, but do not take this as a good sign sometimes i wish i had got caught in my drinking days, maybe i would have gotton sober earlier!!!
i have not drank in 10 years.  but am addicted to pain pills now.  

good luck and keep keep us posted.
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Cool it. Your comments are not helping. You are only satifying your own transgressions and past guilt. You are not helping somelse.

To Drowning- Again wait it out ( maybe take STEVE T's advice ) ...and then concentrate on the addiction. good luck

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