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How come day 5 is still so bad?

I'm in the middle of day 5, and I really feel terrible today.  Restless leg syndrome is back, and feel cold, shaky, depressed, anxious.  And really alone.  Any suggestions.  I'm on the recipe.
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If you only have aweek and a half left on it,I would reccomend hanging in there.Clonidine is a powerful b/p med.As it lowers your pressure,it zaps your energy.Im sure you'll feel better when your off of it.Hang in there.Things will get better.

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Thanks for the info Pixi.  I think clonidine has me more fatigued than detox at this point.  Was as 4 a day now down to 3.  Tomorrow I go to two.
I screwed up and tried to just stop taking it about a week ago.  My skin started stinging, face turned red and I felt really funky.  Those little .1mg white things pack a punch man!  And it isn't a good punch either.
How fast did you ween off the clonidine?  My doc has me doing it over a week and a half.

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Hi guys.I am finally kicking Hydros out of my life for good.I have went through WD's several times so I know what to expect.Day 3 right now.I took Hydro solid for 3 years and never needed it for medical reasons ever.It all started with a co-worker bringing some to work and giving me one.And of course the warm buzz feeling left me hungry for more.So I initially started buying from local dealers then finally found the easiness of online pharmacies.At first that didn't require any records at all to get the meds.They just took your word for it.That kept me with meds for a year or two.Then stricter laws were starting to be passed and some kind of proof was required but there is always around road blocks.You can actaully find xrays and records on the Net if you look hard enough.So that kept me with meds up until the present time.I have actually went through WD's quite a bit lately like the guy said way up at the top.I had one script left with two refills.But I took at least 5 a day and the scirpt only had 90,plus you could only get a refill once 30 days had past so do the math.So I have been going through 2 weeks of feeling good followed by two weeks of WD's then the cycle started all over again.Just couldn;t ever totally stop knowing that I still had some pills availible and all I had to do was pay for them and have them shipped.

Anyway...thought I would give a little background as to why I am here.This sorta takes the place of AA for me.I'm totally out of pills now and I'm ready to see the quiting process to the end.Going through WD's all the time, I found this place a month ago and used some good advice which really helped out and I want to thank all of you for taking the time.As I said beofre I'm on day three and I'm nearing the hump that I usually go through.By day 5 or 6 I should start sleeping again.Thats what I hate the most about WD's.Looks like some of you still get some sleep but I'm getting 0.But our bodies do handle it differently.I use the recipe which does help out tremendously because I have went the cold turkey route before and took nothing for it.I can tell a difference between using the recipe and not.I do rest easy knowing that many many people have went down the same road already or maybe even going through it at the same time as me.Time wil make things better for me and all you can really do is buckle up and take it one day at a time.I'm pretty sure I'll be feeling much better by the end of the week then its all downhill from that point.I can't wait for the day when I look back and wonder why I did something so stupid in the first place.Once again I'll be high on life and not narcotics.Its hard to remember how it was before I went down this road but I can wait to become "normal" and dependant on nothing once again.Except cigerettes but thats another hurdle that I think would be wise to leave alone at this point:)

Nite all and thanks
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Hi mike
I was on clonidine once for withdrawls and I felt horrible,slept all the time.I kept thinking it was withdrawl and it was the clonidine making me feel so tired and bad.Just a thought.

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There's a real strength in knowing that "it's been done before" by others.  I guess out of hopelessness comes a light from the path of others that have walked the walk.  I've been riding your lights to where I am now.  Thank you for the generous gift.

Yesterday, I went back to rehab as an ALUMNI.  People that are currently in "LaHa" were there (because it is mandatory) along with 234 fellow Alumni including myself.  I got up to speak in front of this crowd to hopefully give them the light that was freely given to them.  As a practicing addict, I would have never given away anything that felt good.  Why would I.  It's Mine.  But, after the meeting was over, three people wanted to know of this message board once they get out.  And a funny thing happened.  In giving away the light,  mine got more intense.

God Bless the power here.
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I will be glad for you when you hit that day 21.You will really  
feel alot better.During my using I just as you was there only in body.My daughter wanted to play outside alot and of course being messed up all the time I just made excuses and found things for her to do inside.Now that I am alot better I find myself asking her if she wants to go out and play ball and stuff.It is amazing how drugs can make you turn your head from the ones you love.My marriage suffered and my relationship with my two older sons from another marriage really suffered badly.But once you're back they see the change.I know God has a way of saying 'I told you so'.Take care and I'll be waiting on day 21 with ya!
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Thanks for the insight.  While her use continues, it has not been a trigger for me at all. As a matter of fact, it has been a living deterent for me.
It's odd.  When you get clean, you begin to see the shields that an active addict puts in front of their souls.  It's a terrible thing to see.  Now that I am starting to be aware enough to see it, I can only imagine the hardship I've caused for my daughter during my use.   I never even conceived of hurting her and was always spending time with her.  Now that I really see it, I was only there physically and not emotionally for her.  I will be doing more than making amends to her.  Even after all these years, she's always loved me unconditionally.  My turn to reciprocate in mind and soul.
While I was a highly functional addict, I "thought" that I covered well.  But now that I'm getting better every day, people see it and tell me of my "mood swings" in the past.  Amazing.  I was so gone, I guess,  I never realized it. It's purely astonishing how much we are affected.  And the worst part is that the evil of addiction prefers to live in the shadows of our souls and feed on itself.  If addiction were the "monkey" we all talk about, simply falling backwards onto concrete would fix the issue.  Unfortunately, it is not that easy.  My love for others and myself had to fall in order to wake me up to the resident enemy of addiction.

As far as the possibility of me slipping from her use..  I'll see you in a week and tell you how good Day 21 is.

God Bless...
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The fact that you're at home staying clean while your wife is still using must be a terrible pressure. You're right, you can't change others, only yourself. You can change, however, what you expect from others. Don't let her use tempt you after the TRMENDOUS EFFORT you've put into this. Don't let her act as a trigger.
As to your relationship with her, you may not be able to reach any positive resolution if she keeps using and you're committed to staying clean. I'm sorry, there's no easy answer I can offer. The only suggestion I can give is follow your heart.

Keep hanging in Mike.

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Thanks for the feedback Sundown..  You're right. It's not just her fault, nor is it just mine.  I hope everything will work out, but I'm not willing to take a bashing so we can call it even.  She's still using and I am not.  Remember when they tell you that you can't make someone help themselves?  It's true.  At some point, I'll take inventory of this situation and see if the "Pro's" column is longer than the "Con's" column.  But like you said, I am going to wait to do that so I can be of clear mind and will try to be as non-judgemental as I can.

Then I'll help the ***** pack.  (Just Kidding).

Love to all my brothers and sisters in recovery!

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Thank you for making me feel that I am of some help to someone.  It feels good to kind of give back in some small way.
I can tell you that yesterday, which was Day 13, I was in good enough shape to have guests over for dinner and actually participate in conversation without looking (or sounding) like I did on Day 5.  If there were a way, I would try to take the WD from you to ease your suffering.  But, even with as short a time as I have behind me, I am already looking back and knowing that it was something I needed to experience for the betterment of myself.  Remember this: "Tomorrow IS GOING to be better."  You will get to a point where it begins to ease up on your body and mind.  For me, I began to feel a little better around Day 10.  So, by the time you read this, you will be on Day 6 and only 4 days to go.  You've done the hard part now and will begin to reclaim your life.  I've said it before and I'll say it again; The farther I get from my DOC, the higher I get. And the view from here is spectacular.  You'll see it too, shortly.  You will also begin to realize what YOU can achieve.  Suddenly, boundaries you thought were obstacles are no more than a slight bump in the road.
You're doing great!  Think of what you've accomplished so far.  Think of how terrible Methadone was to you and how you've overcome it.  What a miracle, is it not?  Rejoice in the loss of it's ties to your life each second that goes by.

I'm praying for you.

All the best,
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I am glad I was able to help you through such a tough time.

Although I am even MORE happier than not only did you get back your life, you are continuing to seek the assistance to stay that way!!!!

Good Job. I am so happy to hear that you are doing so much better and are following through to stay that way.
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Been there, done that. I viewed it as almost payback for all the misery I caused her. No, we never worked it out. Too many buttons were pushed, too much trust broken. The fault never lies with just one party, but in truth, I did do most of the damage. If it's meant to be, you will work it through. If not, life will go on. Just don't run out the door today. You're still not thinking clearly (sorry, nothing personal) and some actions once made, can't be taken back.

Glad you've made it this far. You sound better each day. Yes, some days are worse than others, but the trend really in only up from here (hell, can't get worse, right?).

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Thanks for all your help along the first two weeks of this twisted mind-bender.   Day 13 for me is a little rougher than Day 12.  I guess it does that for a little while, but it sure isn't ANYTHING like the first week.  Man... going through that ONE TIME for me is good for life.
Currently, the doc told me that my fatigue was because of a couple factors.  He said that first, the WD are still there plus he said that clonidine can do it after a while to you too.  So, he's tapering me slowly off the clonidine over a week period from .4mg per day to 0 in a week.  
One thing that did not expect was the home life going to $hit.  That's the last thing I needed during this time.  None the less, it is here and I will deal with it (for a little while).  If it doesn't get any better, then I am gone.
Anyone here had that one hit you?  You come home after 5 weeks of inpatient detox, in the deep withdrawals and can't jump up and down to go have fun and your wife (or husband) can't figure out why you don't want to "Go the movies" or some other event that you really can't make?  I calmly tried to discuss it with her by saying, "No  honey, Hubby can't go to the frickin' movies right now.  Know why? Cause my brain is not home and my leg cramps will cause bodily injury to the OTHER DUMB ASS in front of my theatre seat."
Let's see.. what would top this off..  Oh... how bout a couple of Black Ops helos circling the property, IRS rambling through my **** and Joe Buck Hunter missing his shot and putting a round through the house.  Yeah.. I think all that would get me "motivated to do something". Or, I could opt to go to the movies and when I **** my pants, just look around and say, "Sorry folks, I'm in the middle of detoxing and it's all natural.  Honey, did you bring the imodium D? Hubby needs it now." :)
No matter.  I am on a mission here.  I'm fixing myself FIRST, then I'll decide what's next.
Thanks for the space to rant...
All the best,

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It is great to have people to relate to especially going through something like this. Methadone detox is hell and knowing that that hell does pass is hard to believe when in the midst of it.
I think that you are at the end of the worst of it.
Life will be good soon!
You do need some support and if you can't get it where you live you should consider someplace where you can.
God Bless,

I know what you mean about those intolerant type in AA.
I got into an argument with some guy that jumped all over a guy two days off herion. This guy said he didn't care about drug addicts and didn't want to hear it.
Gotta go
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Thanks, I did not see your post until today. You really helped me A lot I am so glad that I have made it to freedom! I never have to do it again! I am trying hard to make changes in my life so that I never lead myself back there. I go to NA meetings and for the first time I am not thinking "God, when will this meeting end!" I am actually getting something out of it and I feel better after. Thank you so Much! Lisa
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I am in South Florida, West Palm Beach, certainly a drug mecca of the world but there are a ton of old timers in the AA rooms  that are sick and intolerant and there are others who are awesome and have great recovery. Being new in recovery  (at the time I tried AA I was 2 weeks off methadone and feeling raw as hell)I could not deal with the ones who thought junkies should keep there mouths shut. I would get so mad it was counter-productive.
I was lucky to find an NA group with good recovery and people I could relate to. I have a great sponser and I feel like I will make it this time!
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Hey,I got your message and I will do just that.I hope you are better today.I will get back with you soon.
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I was in L. A., California for 1 1/2 years before I met my husband online and moved to Phoenix to be with him.  I HATED it there and I could NOT find ANY doctors who would help me with my 'gut pain' that would render me passed out on the floor next to the darn toilet on a regular basis.  They all tried to tell me it was in my head. Also, it's real hard to find a good neighborhood at times in that area.  I ended up in a 'nice looking' area, but ended up I was about the only one who spoke english and was a legal resident of this country.  I was scared to go out of my front door and didn't actually unless someone was with me. (I'm normally about 90 pounds and am 5 foot tall on the dot.)  I have NO desire to ever go to california again.

When I got here to Phoenix, while I didn't get the best medical care from the 'state system', I did get one Resident doc who did believe I really hurt, and instead of 'poo pooing' me, he ran a CT scan, which found my Crohn's Disease.  LOL.  I even have a picture of the foot of my small bowel they cut out of me very shortly after that.  By that time I was down to 72 pounds and had to be physically carried everywhere. (yes, I do have it up on a website should anyone wanna see me 'naked' from the inside out LOL.)  Sorry if you want gory though, it's a clean pic of what they took out, the surgeon must have cleaned it up before he took the picture for me, so my hubby could post it online to my Crohnie friends that same evening. heh.  We all hang out in IRC and talk about '****' a lot. (Yeah, I do have a very warped sense of humor and this WD isn't making it better I don't think.  If I lose it is when I'd start to worry.)

This is day 4.  My post on another thread earlier said I could not get the script filled my doc gave me till Tuesday.  Since that time I have found another pharmacy close to us that takes out insurance and that has it in stock.  2 of them in fact.  My hubby will go get the script in the morning and take it to one of them and get it filled for me. For those who have been following me in here and want to know my latest status.

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I hit the post button and my little helper (almost 4 year old female pearly cockatiel) ran right over my keyboard and hit the enter key, then jumped down on my mouse.  One of the other things she did made my post go thru twice.  *sigh*  Sorry.  I do hope that they can get rid of that double post, no reason to take up valuable bandwidth with unneeded posts like that of mine.

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I was in L. A., California for 1 1/2 years before I met my husband online and moved to Phoenix to be with him.  I HATED it there and I could NOT find ANY doctors who would help me with my 'gut pain' that would render me passed out on the floor next to the darn toilet on a regular basis.  They all tried to tell me it was in my head. Also, it's real hard to find a good neighborhood at times in that area.  I ended up in a 'nice looking' area, but ended up I was about the only one who spoke english and was a legal resident of this country.  I was scared to go out of my front door and didn't actually unless someone was with me. (I'm normally about 90 pounds and am 5 foot tall on the dot.)  I have NO desire to ever go to california again.

When I got here to Phoenix, while I didn't get the best medical care from the 'state system', I did get one Resident doc who did believe I really hurt, and instead of 'poo pooing' me, he ran a CT scan, which found my Crohn's Disease.  LOL.  I even have a picture of the foot of my small bowel they cut out of me very shortly after that.  By that time I was down to 72 pounds and had to be physically carried everywhere. (yes, I do have it up on a website should anyone wanna see me 'naked' from the inside out LOL.)  Sorry if you want gory though, it's a clean pic of what they took out, the surgeon must have cleaned it up before he took the picture for me, so my hubby could post it online to my Crohnie friends that same evening. heh.  We all hang out in IRC and talk about '****' a lot. (Yeah, I do have a very warped sense of humor and this WD isn't making it better I don't think.  If I lose it is when I'd start to worry.)

This is day 4.  My post on another thread earlier said I could not get the script filled my doc gave me till Tuesday.  Since that time I have found another pharmacy close to us that takes out insurance and that has it in stock.  2 of them in fact.  My hubby will go get the script in the morning and take it to one of them and get it filled for me. For those who have been following me in here and want to know my latest status.

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Just wanted to say to you that I'm following your posts since you are about a week ahead of me getting off the methadone CT.  I find some comfort seeing that by next week maybe I won't be feeling as bad as I am today.. day 5.  Wish I could trade days with you LOL.
I'm so happy to see you are doing so much better now.

I would really like to talk to you more about all this.  Due to my being well known in some circles on the internet and the fact I never hide who I am and always post with the same nick wherever I am at .. I won't talk openly about all things.  If you would be kind enough and have the time to do a few emails, bman does have my addy and he can give it to you.  I can't post it in here.

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I need to look closer at San Fran.  You sure you don't work for the Chamber of Commerce? :)
Seattle would be cool too.  But I thought Bill and the gang were cutting back due to Microsoft ME's lack lustre performance.  But, they aren't the only game in town I guess.

I do need to have a closer look at San Fran.  Thanks for filling me in.  And if that doesn't fit, then like you said, I can go to Seattle change careers and get into a Ska band. :)

Before I get in trouble, I better say something on addiction.  Everyone, do like Nancy SAYS, not does. "Don't Do Drugs".  Man, If I'd heard that before I used, I would have never picked it up. I'm sure it works for everyone that hears it. :)

Night All!  Hope EVERYONE gets a great night's sleep and wakes up better for the efforts.

God Bless,
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San Diego is pretty damn conservative now that I think about it. I think they have some religious right faction entrenched down there. Stii a nice place tho'
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I went to college in Santa Barbara years ago. It's a college town, so there is affordable housing. There are also alot of amateur-college type alcoholics everywhere (like I was when I was there). There are also college girls. Life's always a tradeoff...

I do software dev too, have since getting out of college 10 years ago. I was lucky to get a job in software a few months ago (I had a long detox and did not work for 5 mos. and was on unemployment). The tech. sector has dried up hard here in the bay area, I don't know about the rest of the state.

The San Fran area is about as laid back as you get anywhere - it's almost like amsterdam. Cops are mellow, cheap, plentiful narcotics, prostitution in plain view...I could go on. Lotta tolerance out here, which is good and bad. LA is laid back, but people are uptight and many are insane. San Diego strikes a good balance. Have you considered Seattle? I think that there are more jobs up there, and plenty of trees!
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