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Going through alcohol withdrawl

Hey. For the past 6 days , Ive been going through alcohol withdrawl . I am 18 years old , and have been drinking 4-5 times a week for about a year or so . I went to my doctor , and he gave me Lorazepam to help with the withdrawls . I was wondering how many more days I should expect withdrawl to continue , and if taking Lorazepam is a good idea (only taking it for a few days )
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Alcohol withdrawal normally last about 7 days.  The bitter horrific part normally takes place between 12 hours up to 72 hours from when you body has got you BAC levels to 0. Normally people with a serious dependency has visual signs of hand Tremors within a few hours of not drinking. People with a serious alcohol dependent issue need to seek medical help because along with Alcohol and Benzos withdrawal can be fatal. Alcohol withdrawal normally peeks within 24 hours and this is where it can be very difficult because you have elevated heart rates normally anything above 90 beats per minute at resting levels is a concern. Also your blood pressure rises and anything with a reading higher than 150/90 is serious. During this time frame you can experience shakes, fever, facial flushing, dilated pupils, racing heart and or off beat heart rate, it most cases with people who have been drinking for long periods of time you will suffer from Hallucinations normally Visual and Audio meaning you see things that are not there and you hear things that are not really there.  During this time you need medical attention and will be administered Benzo's to counter act this so that you do not go into full body shock and suffer from a seizure. The problem with society is that people are not informed of how you can potentially die from alcohol withdrawal its a life threatening matter and people should be more educated on this. Your brain is going through over drive during this time and is sending your body so many signals at once overloading it with electronic waves and its almost like when your car over heats itself that's how your brain is acting it needs to calm down and that is where the Benzo's like Lorazopan help your brain relax and calm down. I would highly suggest taking those medication as prescribed by a doctor until you do not need them. Benzos can be addictive and if misused can be harmful and when coming off them you can suffer from withdrawal also. I know your post is fairly old but I am writing this for future people who come on and read this to shine some light on this issue. Typically people have to be dependent on alcohol to suffer withdrawals, meaning they would have had to drink almost every day for a week and more to suffer some forms of withdrawal symptoms and also depending on if you are drinking morning, day and night can play a huge factor in this. Also be aware that people who have suffered multiple withdrawals in the past and continue to drink can take on "kindling" effect which will cause your future withdrawals to be 100 times worse and more aggressive. I hope you are doing well my friend and continue on your journey to being sober and healthy. I am not a doctor but I have read on this topic a lot and feel people are not educated enough on this and there isn't much information out there but scare tactics on the web to make people scared.  I am not here to try and scare anyone I am just trying to educate people on this.  
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I had a drinking problem for a few years and just got up one day and stopped. I don't remember going thru any big time wd's. Make sure you don't start using some other drug to replace the booze. This is worth repeating make sure you don't start using something else to replace the booze. Your young and have an entire life ahead of you. I would visit some AA meetings and try to form friendships with sober people. I have a feeling you weren't drinking alone but I may be wrong.

Take Care,
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I give u props chuckie, my 24 yr old son likes to drink like u did and i tell him just like im telling u im a recovering heroin addict and i just got off of 250mgs of methadone, alcohol is the ABSOLUTE worst addiction, because its legal. if a heroine ir crack  addict went to the hospital for being dope sick the first thing they would do is send them to a detox, if its alcohol they automatically hook u up to an iv drip for the dt,s u can die from dt,s nobody in the literiture has died from heroin or crack withdrawals people die every day from alcohol so please stay strong, your so young and u can do this good luck
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Welcome to the forum. This post was started 8 years ago. I suggest you start your own post by going to post a question on the top of this page. There is also an alcohol forum here, but feel free to post here if you want. Congrats on stopping. By starting your own post, you will get a lot more feedback. Best of luck.
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I am 52 and have been drinking for 40 years.  I stopped on Saturday and I am soooo tired after working 8 hrs a day.  I started with beer and worked my way up to hard liquor.  I love drinking and I hate that I can't go out this week-end and get drunk and party with my friends.  I have had a headache for 7 days now, am moody, cry sporadically, basically I am a an emotional mess.... How long will this withdrawal from alcohol last????
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I am 52 and have been drinking for 40 years.  I stopped on Saturday and I am soooo tired after working 8 hrs a day.  I started with beer and worked my way up to hard liquor.  I love drinking and I hate that I can't go out this week-end and get drunk and party with my friends.  I have had a headache for 7 days now, am moody, cry sporadically, basically I am a an emotional mess.... How long will this withdrawal from alcohol last????
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Hey chuck Im Ray, Im 25 and Im the definition of an alcoholic. Any way Ive only been sober for a short time, but once your vallum run out your still going to get those eurges to drink. The best thing is to go to GNC or where ever vitamns are sold and get some, valarian root and some melatonin. All natural substances, but the combanation of the both will relax you and take the edge right off. Take 2 valerian root (500 mg ech) and 1 melatonin (5 mg) and you should be good to go. The total for both is like 10 bucks.
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hi my name is Rick and i binged drank for 3 or 4 months have now stopped for 3 months ,but now have these pains in the left side of my body under my ribs and i have had tests done but they can come up with nothing ,is this normal ?
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My brother has been a drinking binge for the past 4 to 5 weeks drinking basically non stop this happens about twice a year the last time this happen was in May he ended up in the hospital going through de-toxs. is it possiable for him to get through this on his own ?
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I'm currently going through withdrawl after a few weeks of fairly steady drinking, and some symptoms I'm experiencing are mild twitches in my hands, an inability to focus, and incredible anxiety.

Seeing as how the anxiety has me most concerned and is by far the most uncomfortable symptom, how much of a hastle can I expect if I attempt to get medication for it?  Is it as simple as talking with a physician, or would I have to go through an exhaustive physical and/or mental examination?
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I posted a couple of comments in the forum, looks like this is the one where i should be posting.  this spring, i got the scare ofmy life, i or what i felt it was, my very first alcohol withdrawls, happened in the afternoon the day after.  lasted for about half hour, scared me to bits.  i called outpatient detox and went to see them. the nurse said it could of been minor symptoms, i stayed clean for 2 and a half mths. i went to all but one of the classes they held, the one i missed, 'relapse and recovery' i had starting working again and my job is during days, and so was their classes. then i let myself go and my thoughts left me, and i started again.  well last night, i over did my limit bit time, and this morning, i am remembering how i felt the morning of, that day i got the withdrawels, it feels like that again this morning, last nite i really let myself go.  i am so upset with my self.  scared.  i really don't want that feeling again.  i am reaching out to all of u.  right now, i haven't talked to anyone about my addiction or that i was even in the outpatient program this spring.  chronic, progessive and incurable, right? today i am sober.
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Thanks for the help everyone . Today is day 12 sober from alcohol :) I'm feeling pretty good . The weird thing is , I was at my friends house 2 nights ago where everyone was drinking  , and I didnt even feel the urge to drink . Its not so bad :)I think the reason I didnt want to drink was because I know how shitty withdrawl was and how much alcohol has messed up my life
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Hey Chuck..  7 days!  Dude, you made it..  As for the feeling tired, that will go away on the 10th day.  You will start feeling perky after the 11th day. These time periods are not true for everyone. This is true for my body and mind. I quit drinking and smoking many, many times. My last cigarette was April 1, 1989 and last drink was Jan 1 2001. When I look back it don't seem so bad, however, I didn't think that during detox.

After going through detox and all the agony it causes I am not going through that again, I've done that 20 or more times. The seceret to never taking another drink is simple and only a 3 step program instead of the 12 step program AA uses.

Good luck Chuck...
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I stopped drinking for about 4 months just over a year ago.  For the first time in years I felt in control of me and my life.  But since November last year, I've slipped back into my old habits.  I just need a support person to pat my hand now and again and tell me what a wonderful job I'm doing.  Weak, I know, but a day without a drink is about 72 hours long, at least, that's how it feels.  I did it with support before, I'm sure I can do it again.  But now I've lost my support person, and drinking helps deaden that pain as well.  Just wish me luck and ask how I'm doing now again.  Today is day 1, and I'd love a drink already.  Maybe tomorrow, if I'm good.  One day at a time.
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Still feeling enxiety. Someone please tell me this is normal because I feel like I'm losing my mind :(
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Im feeling pretty good today (as I was yesterday too). I think the withdrawl is pretty much over , its been 7 days . I'm still feeling axiety though . Is this normal ?
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Alexis , some of the symptoms I have been having include anxiety , panic , emotional changes , hot flashes , sweating, fatigue, loss of appetite, and nausea. Most of that happened the first few days after the last time I drank ( last Saturday night , it's been a week now), and I'm feeling pretty good today :) .Its almost been 24 hours since I last took the Lorazepam , and I dont think I will be needing it anymore (hopefully not). I don't feel 100% , but I'm much better than I was. Hopefully 2 or 3 more days and I will feel normal
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Hey Chuck..
When I detoxed off alcohol it took about a week... Hang in there, you can do it.  Ciggs were a real test of faith and still are..  Alcohol is just another drug like the opaite familly.

Cold turkey is the only way for alcohol. Remember any 3 day succession of drinking and you will be right back where you started...

Good Luck Dude...

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Thanks for the info nawoc. I have a question for you . Im starting to feel better , but I feel pretty fatigued . I'm assuming thats normal after all that my body and mind has been through this past week . Can you tell me if I'm correct or incorrect? Or should I be worried ?
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I'm NOT an expert when it comes to alcohol addiction, so I can't give you any real advice other than what I have seen from friends who have drinking problems. I believe that once you stop drinking and go through the withdrawels, you cannot drink again, otherwise you risk a relapse. From a scientific standpoint, I don't believe that if you had quit for years and had 1 drink you would suffer withdrawels, however it would greatly increase your chances of a relapse. You sound like your alot older and mature than 18, so you already have a headstart in that you realize your problem and have accepted that you have to deal with it. I would advise you to quit hanging around any of your family/friends that you use to drink with, as it will only make it harder for you to stay on the right track. If they don't or can't understand that, than they truely don't care about your own health and future life. You need to try and surround yourself with people and things that will keep you busy and on the right track. Try and be strong!!!! I know it's alot easier said than done. Good luck!!!!Peace!!!
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Thanks Dru . I realized I had a drinking problem , and I think going through withdrawl is what was needed for me to stop drinking and open up my eyes a little bit more . I hope to gain mental strength from this experience . The support everyone (family, friends ) has given me has really been helping .
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One more question . If I dont drink anymore (and I am not) , will I experience withdrawl again ? Or does it just occur once ? I hope I dont have to go through this again
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Hi - I'm not familiar with alcohol withdrawals, so I don't have any good advice to give you, but wanted to give you my support and encouragement for quitting like you're doing.  We all know that giving up something that we have enjoyed, yet is ruining our lives (whether it be alcohol, drugs, etc.), is hard but so worth it and necessary for our health and wellbeing.

I used to drink beer on a daily basis years ago (when I would go out to clubs), but never became addicted to it.  So I'm not exactly sure what types of withdrawal can occur, but was curious as to what symptoms you're experiencing now?  I've read that alcohol withdrawal can be dangerous when drinking was done on a daily basis for many years (or less), but am really not knowledgeable about this subject.  Wish I could be of more help to you, but did want to wish you the best.  Keep posting, you'll get wonderful support here.
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I wish you a complete recovery. You sound like your ready. Most people your age aren't. Good luck, and keep posting here if you feel the need. It helps alot of people. Peace!!
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