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Legal Question... Dr. Got Me Addicted and Then Left Me to Withdrawal!! UNETHICAL!!!

I've been seeing my Dr. for several years and was prescribed Oxycontin for pain and Oxycodone for breakthrough pain.  Suddenly, for no reason, he says I have to go to  Pain Mgt. Clinic and he won't re-new any prescriptions.  I call the pain clinic, they don't prescribe narcotics and they can't do anything with prescription.  I call my Dr. back 5 days ago, and daily, I'm ignored and only left with, I'll try to call you back with an answer.   I'm day 2 of no meds....
Dr's can't do that, that's unethical... Anyone know any recourse to such a dangerous dilemma???  I'm screwed....
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if your doing what you are suppose to then why would he do this? I was in same pain management 11 yrs.. I asked him to taper me off a couple times.. he told me by the LAW he has to  taper me as requested..
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Decided to drop by and say Hello.  Been over 3 years without even a second thought.  Learned to live with pain all over again, but it's totally fine.  What brought me back was my niece,  got hooked, couldn't get meds, and started using Heroin.  In and out of rehab several times before getting clean again.  She's 6 months clean and I hope she has it under control this time.  College grad, good kid, started off like a lot of people, pills for a car accident.   To anyone who second guesses themselves or doesn't know when to start.  Now!!  You can do it, this forum will help.  The first step is the hardest, you will not regret the choice to get clean!!!  Good Luck my friends...
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3197167 tn?1348968606
Thanks for coming back and checking in....really good to hear from you.
And a HUGE congrats on your almost a year off pain meds!

I'm still dealing with pain myself....but returning to opiates to deal with the pain just isn't an option for me personally anymore.  Hope you keep on keeping on.... and will continue healing....(they tell us it takes a really good year post surgery and I found that to be true, too).  
Hope you are pleased to have found that man inside of you that you lost while on opiates~
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480448 tn?1426948538
Wow, it's so great to read your update!  I'm thrilled for you that you were able to break free from the pain medications.  

Reading through this thread brought back lots of memories of your situation, and while we all didn't necessarily agree with one another, you got wonderful advice and support from everyone.

Thanks for checking in!
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It has almost been a year since I stopped all meds cold turkey.  I read back and remember how tough it was in the beginning.  This site really helped me a lot.  I no longer see my old doctor and I do not take any pain meds.  My knee still hurts, but I don't need their medicine.  I also found it amazing how many different side effects are caused by a Rx, and then you take a Rx for those side effects, etc, etc....  Very vicious cycle.  
You Can Do It!!!!  
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The same exact thing happened to me. I think opiate pill abuse is making doctors very, very nervous and overly cautious to prescribe medication to anyone.I think you're only going to prescribe pain medication if you've had surgery (short term use) or if you're dying.
Good point made about that specific Dr being investigated for excessive opiate prescription writing. Maybe he got scared and now good patients like yourself must suffer the consequence.
File a complaint. I will do the same.
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Wow, you are 100% on the money.  I want to go for a walk, weight lifting, etc.. but I'm still on crutches and in a brace for 3 more weeks.  9 months before I can walk without my brace.  My 9th knee surgery, 3rd reconstruction.  I wish they would just replace the dang thing, but they say I'm too young.  I'm 40, I feel too young to have 9 knee surgeries.  lol...  I'm def. in a fog, still no sleep, staying up til 5 or 6 in the morning, finally passing out and up at 10 am..  I don't like that.  I will def. try some of the suggestions here.   I am so glad to have found this site.  I know people who need to find this site, I hope I can get into their head.  If I can do it after a knee reconstruction (hurts like ****), then they can do it too...  Thank You everyone.  
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4204073 tn?1361831476
I've suffered RLS in both my arms and legs.   It IS painful and very uncomfortable.  In fact, all of the WD symptoms are painful.  Even yawning I noticed it was not a sleepy yawn but more of an achey one. I've never taken it, but Walmart has some stuff called RLS.  Many people on here swear by it.   Potassium helps with it too.   I ate lots of Bananas and drank tons of Orange Juice.  I also took Magnesium.   And speaking of, hot soaks (if you can) in Epsom salts are highly recommended.  The Magnesium in the salts is good for the RLS.   Another thing that helps with physical withdraw, other than the obvious, is the Immodium.   It binds in your digestive tract like an opiate, but does not cross the blood/brain barrier, so it helps take the edge off other symptoms.   Excederin, Aleve, Ibuprofen really helps with the pain too.   The Immodium Multi Symptom helps with the tummy.   You will need to make yourself eat something.  Toast, crackers, yogurt, soup, applesauce are good starts.  Many people swear by Ensure or Boost Protein Drinks.  The protein helps build your muscles back up.  

Energy and sleep seem to be the biggest complaints.   I didn't suffer from no sleep, although I didn't sleep as well.   If you can get a sleep aid from your Dr, it will help.  The lack of or poor sleep feeds the mental fog.   Otherwise, Melatonin, Valerian Root, Nyquil are common OTC products used.  

Since you just had surgery, you a probably not that mobile yet.   If you can move about in the house at all, (even if it is pacing) any type of activity helps get the endorphins going.   You have to force yourself to move about, or tackle an activity, but anything you can do to get your mind engaged helps a bit.   I would listen to my ipod and the music being forced into my head got me through some tough times.   I'd also look up comedians on you tube and get laughing.  :)  

Your story sounds like many of ours...started taking pain meds for pain and was able to go about our days more productively and continued building a tolerance and then the pills turned on us.   Soon we were shells of our former selves trying to look and act normal, but mentally we have checked out.   I was never able to taper, if I had pills, I took them.   It is unfortunate that your Dr didn't give you that option, but now that you are a week into it, the worst of the physical should be behind you and every day you are healing now.   That's good!    The mental ups and downs afterwards are the harder part, so keep coming back, reading and posting.   We can get you through this!  
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The Dr. never knew, it was my sister, she's dying from AIDS.  I would do anything for her.  She has her meds, but she sometimes is sicker than other times.  It's a matter of time for her.  As for me, you are correct and I agree.  I want to know what's going on and how to deal with it.  There are a lot of alternatives out there.  Thank You.  
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4407520 tn?1363011865
i noticed on one of your posts you said you know alot of abusers they came to you to get extras, maybe the doctor found out somehow, probably unlikely, but you never know, anyhow i feel pain medicine only makes you feel good and forget about the pain, its still there, but you feel so good you dont care and probably (like me) overexert yourself because you cant feel it, and when we are finally without we have to live with what we have done to our bodies during this time, i hope you pain becomes tolerable, GOOD LUCK!!!
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495284 tn?1333894042
You sound better today.  Glad you checked in!  The sleep is a hard one but it will come back.  If the RLS doesnt get better talk with your doctor.  
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That is a great idea.  Thank You for all of your help through this.  I think this forum gave me hope, gave me direction, and most of all, suggestions from all angles.   Thank You..
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I would first like to say that I do not judge anyone who is addicted to pain pills.  I have family and friends addicted and I have bailed them out on more than one occasion.  I was totally against any pain pills or anything that would make me NOT myself.  I'm on call 24/7 in my profession.  I didn't need to be groggy.  I needed to be 100% and ready for whatever.  Dr. convinced me he could alleviate  my pain.  I tip toed with trying meds.  And they worked.  He increased my dosage until I didn't feel much pain at all.  No more pain, but after awhile, I was no longer me.  Lost a part of me, became passive and life was passing by.  They made me have no feelings at all, took away my drive and desire.  Quit calling friends and doing anything.  My wife pointed it out and I decided I wanted to come off.  Not Cold Turkey, but wean off.  Dr.'s BS made the decision for me.  I still want to stomp someone's *** for it, but I'm grateful it's behind me.  My stomach still doesn't like me, SLEEP, would be awesome.  This forum has really helped me, I've taken many of your suggestions to help me.  THANK YOU!!!
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Thank You.   It's been a rough 7 days.  I'm having a lot of problems with sleep and Restless Legs, which is even worse because I just had my last surgery Jan. 25th.  RLS hurts alot if anyone has experienced it.  I wish I had more energy, I'm feel foggy and tired.   I wish I could go for a walk or something, but that's not an option right now.  Any ideas??
Thank You!!
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4204073 tn?1361831476
I hope you are doing ok.  I've know alot of people that were on opiate therapy that did not abuse their meds, took as prescribed or even less, but when they were cut off went through withdraws.   This can happen with any med you take long term.   I do think it is the Dr's responsibility to assist a patient with coming off a medication.   I think that because opiate addiction is so rampant that even the people that are not abusing their meds get lumped into the same group of people that do.   And I would say that part of the reason is there is such a fine line between dependent and addicted physically.   It's really hard for a Dr to define the difference and if they have the DEA on the behinds, then you are probably right that you are part of the fat they are cutting off.    I would do some checking around for another Dr myself if this Dr isn't willing to communicate and be forthright with you.   You need someone in YOUR corner too.  This is not a one sided relationship with your Dr.   Please come back and let us know how you are doing.  I feel for you being in withdraw....
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495284 tn?1333894042
Please keep us updated on how you are feeling.  We know how awful this feels~
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480448 tn?1426948538
Just to clarify, so there is no confusion...

"My personal opinion...get yourself detoxed off the pain meds, give yourself some time (probably a few months), then reevaluate."

As I clearly indicated in my post, this was my opinion, based on the rebound pain issue...that's what I was discussing...to reevaluate the pain after a long enough period of being off of them.  Hence the rest of that paragraph in my post:

"IF you will need more pain meds, do not take them regularly...ONLY here and there, as needed for the very worst pain.  When taken in that fashion, there shouldn't be an issue with tolerance or dependency. "

I was trying to address the pain issue.  In no way was I saying what you NEEDED to do...none of us can do that.  We're only all offering varying suggestions and opinions on how to handle this situation you unfortunately find yourself in.  I would never presume to tell someone what they need to do, only offer my opinion and recommendations.

Since you have already said that you wish to try to approach this without meds...and since you're almost on day THREE of no meds, I think you can probably do this cold turkey...without going back on the meds.  That is ONLY my opinion, you certainly have to make that decision for yourself.  If your pain is unbearable, or you choose to get back on the meds, then seek out a new doctor...Pat's suggestion of going to the ER is a good one.  They could at least help you get the pain under control if it becomes very problematic.

Understand that while there are similarities, there are also a lot of differences between addiction and physical dependency.  Because you never abused your prescription, or had mental cravings to seek more, it sure looks like you're dealing with a dependency vs addiction.  Unfortunately, the w/d's still stink either way.  The major difference is that you wouldn't need to seek any kind of mental health aftercare like you would if you were dealing with an addiction.

Someone best explained it here by saying...the easiest way to explain the difference between the two is dependency is physical and addiction is mental.  That's not a definitive description of course...but you get the jist.

Hang in there.  Sorry for any confusion the back and forth on this thread caused.

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4113881 tn?1415850276
This is the last time I will post on your thread as its time to move on....

I stand by everything I said...Im sorry you are going through this...

For whatever reason God brought you here....your here and you have received various OPINIONS on your issue....I hope those OPINIONS didn't confuse you but rather gave you some form of guidance. There are some great people here with many different backgrounds who see things from different eyes....its like looking at that picture that's an old lady and young lady at the same time....it depends how you look at it and who's looking at it....neither people are wrong...they are both right....its just how they see it.

Having said that...you can decipher through all this and apply what applies and discard what doesn't...there is no absolute here...I think that when all the dust settles...you will see THAT WE ALL AGREE HERE that this is a great place to make a stand against addiction...if that's what your looking for....or just to gain helpful tips on how to better cope with a forced detox...

I wish you the best of luck and may God guide you on your journey
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2107676 tn?1388973859
Totally agree and so is withdrawal.  Please let us know how you are feeling parmotinc.
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1970885 tn?1435860428
Reading back over this thread, my own initial response included, I see why there is some confusion associated with the various posts and responses. You tile your thread "Legal question...Doc got me addicted"; you state that you are addicted, so some of the earlier responses were based on that statement, and how you seem to blame the doc for addiction. But later you state that you've never abused, even took less than suggested. So I think that, due to your legit pain, you've come to depend on the meds, and having them taken away, without explanation, is definitely something to be upset about. If what you've said is true, then I really don't think you're addicted. Just in a crappy situation. Find another doc. Be honest about what you've been through. And keep your guard up. Long term use can lead to addiction.
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495284 tn?1333894042
Rebound pain is real, addicted or not.
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Lets all take a deep great here....it is interesting that someone shows up here, who, on first post, looks like someone seeking pills and in my opinion (right or wrong), is exhibiting all the symptoms of the panic of facing withdrawl and addiction for maybe the first time (and all of us have been there too....) and it makes some of us uncomfortable that we've laid our naked truths out there and asked for help on this form when someone else hasn't gotten to this point yet.  At least that's how it felt for me.  Believe me, I think all of us want to help just as we've been helped (and for me, this has been a life-saver).  I just don't. Want to help someone go down the wrong path for them, whatever that is.
Parmotinc, your later posts seem more authentic than your first, and I guess the question is, do you want to stop/taper what you see as a real " substance abuse" problem (hence the name of the forum), or do you want help with a prescription/doctor/medical problem?  Because all of us want to help you do the former if that's what you are looking for, but none of us can help with the latter.  It is completely up to you.  I do have to say though, after what may have been only hours off of the pain meds, your more recent posts have seemed more rational and lucid than your first and that's a great thing.  Just something to think about.......  We just all want to help...but you have to decide what help you want.   Just sayin.....
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2107676 tn?1388973859
Today is day 3 for you and from my experience it is the worst day.  Just know that the worst will be over soon.  Make sure you are drinking lots of fluids as you don't want to become dehydrated.
As someone else said, soaking in a hot tub will help with pain.
What symptoms are you having right now?
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2107676 tn?1388973859
Hey parmotinc
Is there any way you can go to the ER and get some help.  They could either prescribe you with a script to taper or something to ease the withdrawals.
I don't think you should have to suffer like this.  
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