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Methadone vs suboxen

I'm sure there have been other postings on here asking this very same question but I couldn't seem to find a direct answer...
After 8 years on the methadone program, I finally decided to detox and get off! I came on this site back in February with the plan to detox on my own at home since my clinic wouldn't help me get off. I did well for awhile, until my family and I made a big move across the country! Then of course I gave myself an out "for all the things I had to do, I had to have energy right?" (Addict thinking)
Anyways, now that I'm here in AZ and at a wonderful new clinic; I've been detoxing 5mg a week. I started at 105 and am down to 50. And except for being tired and lazy, I feel ok!
My question is, once I get down to 20-30mg, should I continue to taper slowly, OR should I switch to suboxen? Anyone have any experience with this? Of course as an addict, I'm looking to endure the least amount of pain as possible!
I'm looking to hear some success stories and would love to hear about your journey.
I wish I would have stayed on this site and made some new friends so I'd have someone while going thru this but of course, I was ashamed when I started raising my dose again so I stopped communicating all together :(
Well, this time I'm not going anywhere and I'm more determined than ever. Although I have 3 kids, my husband and I decided I would not work until I succeed with this detox so I'm not on a time limit, and I'm able to lay around (to a certain extent), and feel lazy or ill. (Thank god for my wonderful, understanding husband)!!
Looking forward to hearing from you!!!
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Hi everyone... Thought I'd check in since it's been awhile.
Went down to 27mg yesterday. Right now I'm at a 2mg/wk drop. Once I hit 29, it's been hard to fall asleep at night. I'm still hangin in there and continuing on with my plan.
I'm thinking about asking my family physician for some sleep aids, or any other meds that may help with this. I'm just not sure I want to fill her in on what I'm going through. She's a new doctor since I moved 6months ago, and she's my kids doctor too. Not sure I want the judgment every time one of kids has to see her for a flu shot or immunization shot, etc.
So... Maybe I should go to a different doctor? Or just talk with my doc from the clinic.
I've been considering suboxen but still planning on waiting. I'd like to get down as low as possible before truly considering that.
Ughh... I don't know. I think I'm just getting impatient and feeling annoyed with this whole process. I'm tired of feeling tired. My head hurts all the time. And the other night I had pretty bad RLS already. Luckily it was just for about 24 hrs and then it was gone. I'm eating Tylenol, Advil, Motrin, etc like candy every morning when I wake, and before bed at night.
I'm still optimistic... Just feeling a little low today. Gonna keep pushing through. I do feel better after I take my 27mg... It just isn't holding me til night time is all. And I try to wait until late morning-noon before taking it (and I'm up at 7am everyday... Yes, my mornings are long and spent looking at a clock, lol)
Anyways... Just wanted to check back in and let you all know how it's going!
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Ive never been addicted to methadone because they just don't do anything for me however I strongly advise against getting on suboxone as a means of coming off the methadomes. It didn't take long for me to get addicted to the suboxone after first trying some (2 weeks). Now here I am 2 years later & although I have greatly decreased my dose of subs I can't seem to completely stop. I've tried so many times but opiate withdrawals generally last a week to a week & a half at the most. Suboxone is so much different, you can have withdrawal symptoms for over a month! I've been addicted to so many other things from different kinds of pills to meth & everything in between but never had a problem stopping any of them. Most hospitals have a detox program that helps with withdrawals maybe try finding out some info on these. Good luck to you, me & everyone else that need it.
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You have to be in moderate withdrawal to induce subs. I felt fine within half hour of taking subs after methadone. I only used them 20 days, but long term methadone use usually takes 90 days to turn the recovery corner., so I went right back into methadone withdrawal and PAWS. If I had to do it again, I would stay on 4mgs of sub for 3 months and taper down from there over another few months. I think it would have been easier, but I didn't want to get stuck on subs.
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When you switched to subs, how was it? Did you have to deal with a lot of w/d from the methadone still? Once you were on subs, how were you feeling? Are you having an "ok" ( I know it's not "easy" per say) time from detoxing and lowering your dose from the subs? Do you feel confident in continuing to detox off the subs to where you'll be successful to hit 0mg?

Thanks so much and sorry for all the questions! Switching to subs is my "plan B" if I'm not able to handle the methadone taper all the way, so I'm very interested in your experience!
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Slow and steady... That's the plan! Please keep sharing advice, tips, and stories! It's very comforting and so helpful. And I will be sure to continue sharing my progress.
As of now, I go down 5mg every Friday. Saturdays and Sundays are usually the days I feel it (not that it's too bad or anything I can't handle). I go to the clinic every other Friday, but they'll adjust my take homes accordingly. So, if there comes a time where I go down 5mg and it's too much; they'll allow me to come back in if I want and will adjust/raise if needed. Even if I wanted to go down 1mg/daily, that's how they would fill my take homes. It's really great since my last clinic wouldn't lower my dose/take homes at all for me! The one thing I am missing from my new clinic, is that they don't offer any groups/meetings. I have a young counselor who seems to get all of her knowledge from a text book rather than experience (best counselors are people in recovery!!!) and the nurses and doctors are very nice, and very accommodating; however they don't ask a whole lot of questions about how I'm feeling. Which is fine. I'm certainly capable of speaking up if I have any questions or concerns.
I moved 1800 miles away from every relative and friend I've ever known! And although I LOVE living in AZ (FYI- its 90 degrees right now, lol)- it can be lonely at times. Going to a meeting by myself is really intimidating for me for some reason? I know it can only HELP and I'd probably really enjoy it but... I feel uncomfortable. I'm also afraid of judgement of people looking at me as if I'm still using. Which I am, technically.
Thanks again everyone!!!
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I agree with Weaver, take it slow, like he said 8 years is a long time and like I told you , even with my slow taper I still got sick along the way and I have been off since the middle of March and still suffering symptoms from long term use. I am not saying this will happen to you but I was on it almost as long as you and tapered slowly to 1mg, slow and steady wins this one.
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My opinion is slow it down when symptoms occur. After 8 years a lot of methadone has built up in you fat and bone tissues. Some don't have severe withdrawal on a fast taper, most do, especially after long term use. Patience is hard I know, but it really makes it easier when you take it easy. The nutrients I found most helpful were Amino acids, cal/mag/zinc, multivitamin, and EmergenC, try not to make it a race, but make it slow and steady to the finish line. You will get the rest of your life back, it is so worth it.
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Wow, 2 months?? I'm so envious! How long after you were off of methadone completely, before you started feeling better (having energy, sleeping, etc)? Did you take anything else to get you through the w/d and/or to help you sleep? I'm already having to take Tylenol pm's at night sometimes and I'm only half way there; knowing the first half is the easy part!!
Since I'm gonna feel like sh$t anyways, maybe tapering faster would be a better choice, rather than dragging it out? Was that your mindset?
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Wow, LOVE LOVE LOVE seeing all the great reply's and advice and hearing success stories!!! I know everyone's body is different and can handle and will react differently to detoxing. So, I guess my plan is to continue to taper down and just take day by day. I'm scared. I'm nervous. But I know, sick or not, this is going to happen! I have the most supportive husband in the world (even though he can't possibly relate being he has never touched an opiate); and I'm more determined than ever. 8 years is waaayyy too long and certainly wasn't the plan when I started this program!
I know that exercise is important but its so hard to find the energy to do so! Vitamins are a must and I take a couple (including a prenatal which was my family doc reccomendation) daily.
Any other tips, stories and journeys from others, and support are SOOO welcomed!!!
Thanks so much everyone! Feeling strong today :-)
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198154 tn?1337787265
I didnt read all the posts on this page so this may have already been stated.
Methadone is a full agonist, Suboxone is a partial agonist. This makes a HUGE difference when trying to come off.
I tapered down to 7 mg Methadone and had serious wd's.  I knew if I went down to 0, I would not be successful.  I switched to 2 mg Sub and immediately went down to 1 mg. Am now at .5mg
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Methadone was my drug of choice. I tried to taper many times and failed many times. For that reason alone, I used subs to break my addiction to street methadone. My last dose of methadone was 160mgs, that was how far a tapered from 250mgs. in about a month. I switched to subs for 20 days to get me past the acute methadone detox, which I personally think is worse than subs, for me subs was more doable. That being said, after I stopped subs, I picked up in methadone detox where I left off. I didn't get the vomiting, violent shakes, and severe insanity that methadone detox usually gave me, but I was really sick for many months. So there's my story, subs didn't really stop withdrawal, but gave me a moment to form a plan and get my nutrients together. I was able to taper them easier though. If I was able to taper down to 0mgs of methadone, I think it would have been much easier on my body and mind. If you can do that, I believe it will be the easiest way. Not easy, but easier than switching to a stronger opioid, subs, then detoxing again. Janelle above did it right, she is a hero to me. I was too far gone and almost dead, so I had to get out anyway I could. You seem to be doing okay with a taper, I think you should just keep up the good work you started. Keep us posted.
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Hey Dryan, just noticed this. First off I'll let you in on my story, as you asked, ;)

I was using Heroin, Valium, weed and anything else handy, not good! This went on for approx 14years. Although I was for the best part a functioning addict/dealer, I had more than my fair share of time in the gutter, living rough, jail and loss of close friends. Well with enough hurt and misery I decided once and for all it was TIME! There were plenty of other times, but this was the simply TIME!  I used Methadone to break free from street drugs, I would have stuck with it too, only it never agreed with me, I felt ill from the off till I swapped to Subs. Not something I would recommend for you, I would have chose a detox from Methadone if it held me correctly. Subs it was though, I can tell you now, subs are no joke, they take some beating. I see myself as a strong individual with good health, (luckily) and they had me on my knees and beyond. It takes a big fight from either, but stick with the meds you know and trust. If Methadone is working for you, why change you know! Your not going to escape without w/d's but you already know this, it's a process we all had to face, it's not nice granted but so doable! It's a few weeks vs the rest of your life being tied to Drs/pharmacies and the streets. If I were you I would taper very slowly and get as low as you can, then get it done, out the way, finished with, nada, nothing, clean, happy and alive, haha! Go get your life back, you owe it to yourself! By the way your hubby sounds great, you've been given the gift of time to heal, use it wisely my friend! Looking forward to your success story, ;)
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1909286 tn?1379435137
I agree w/the others!!..u should just keep tapering the methadone!...I was on it 4 8yrs & tapered from 80-100mg 2 none in just 2months...my withdrawal was not bad at all!...I think the thing that really helped me was getting out & exercising everyday!!..the only thing that really bothered me was the sleep, I had a tough time w/that!...best of luck! :)
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Hi there, congrats on deciding to go off your methadone, you have done great going from  105mgs to 50mgs without being sick, usually at the higher doses you don't feel so bad when you drop that much, it is when you get to the lower doses it becomes harder. First of all and this is just my opinion, I would suggest you not go on to Suboxone, it is just as hard or harder to get off of and basically you are trading one for another. I was on methadone for 7 1/2 years and I took 3 1/2 years to taper off, I know that was a long time but I was too scared of withdrawals. I tapered very slowly and when I got down to about 15mgs I started tapereing 1mg every 10 days until I was down to 1mg and then stopped completely. I think that when you get down to about 30mgs it would be wise to slow down your taper, I think that 5mgs/week would be too fast, although others have done it. It sounds like you don't really have a time limit so why not take it slow and easy and let your body adjust to each reduction. There were times I got sick for about 5 days, not really bad but it happened a few times and my taper was super slow. Nobody gets out of this without some sort of withdrawal. There are many others here who have also been on methadone that can give you some advice as well. Good nutrition, vitamins etc are important. Again slow and steady wins the race, please feel free to message me if you choose. Take care and keep posting for support.
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3197167 tn?1348968606
Welcome back!  We have more than one forum member here on MH that went from methadone to subs before they quit.  I'm sure when they have a chance to read this they will chime in with their experience and wisdom.

My take....or opinion,, is to just continue slow tapering the methadone down and NOT switch to subs.  Why switch one synthetic maintenance drug for another?
Subs are STRONG....and they work differently than methadone.....I'd just keep your focus on stepping down the dones and getting some recovery support in place.  Many fail because they believe once the "drug is gone"...they are done.  That's actually when the work truly begins...AFTER we eliminate the drug(s) that were masking our pain and emotions.

Glad to have you back.....and wish you the best with your taper~
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