563698 tn?1216571680

New here, 3rd day off Oxycontin...still no sleep

Hello everyone, I am very happy to have found this forum.  See, I actually HAD to go cold turkey off oxy as my prescriptions are lasting for shorter as I take more and more...I have been on 80-160mg per day for several years, as well as tylenol #4 for severe pain.  My initial plan was to just suffer until I get my re-fill next week, but after reading so many stories here I am determined to stay off (I REALLY hope I can resist, this drug is evil).
I'm on day three, and did manage to sleep for an hour this afternoon but sadly irritable leg syndrome, twitching and kicking is making sleep impossible though I have to admit, it is less than yesterday.  It's also really fun when the diarrhea kicks in, as I live in a big old farmhouse with only one bathroom on the main floor so scared to even go to the bedroom on the opposite end or risk having an accident on the race down to the toilet.  
My main symptoms have been the leg restlessness, impossible insomnia, rapid heart-rate, really high blood pressure, dry/cracked lips, HIGH anxiety, sensitive to anything touching my skin, complete body weakness, all this leading to not being able to function properly...even bathing is an exhausting chore.
Last time I went through this I REALLY screwed myself up, and ended up in emergency.  I strongly caution anyone trying to substitute alcohol, in order to help through withdrawal is DON"T!!!!!!  It makes withdrawal MUCH MORE SEVERE (sorry for the caps, but I can't stress enough).  It won't help you pass-out, sleep, or curb the symptoms, it really just makes you more crazy as you still can't sleep, now you can't even think straight, and increases the blood pressure and heart-rate.  Then to add fuel to the nightmare, a hangover along with the symptoms.  
A few things that have helped a bit this time; Gravol (Dimenhydrate tablets), meant for motion sickness.  Not sure why, but eases up on the anxiety and after taking 3 tablets I managed to sleep a precious hour.  I stopped drinking anything with caffeine or other stimulates, and downing a lot of water and chamomile tea instead.  A hot bath also eased up some symptoms (but getting motivated to get into it is a bit tricky).  Reading has also kept me sane this time, as it distracts me from focusing on the things I am unable to do, and not stress so much about it.  Reading all the posts here...I guess misery does love company.  It's nice to know there are people going through this crazy time, and also hearing from people who are clean and never have to suffer like this again.  Because last time I ended up in emergency, they prescribed Altace (Ramipril) to get my blood pressure under control.  I had some left, and I began taking them again (5mg once a day).  These really help when you feel your heart is going to explode!
Hope anything I've written manages to help somebody, and thank you to all you other posters who've helped keep me sane and on the road to recovery.
39 Responses
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I hear ya....that why I said if you can ... I know sometimes we aren't able too.. is swimming an option?? Just a thought...

There is a light at the end of the tunnel.... I promise! It just take a bit of time to see it!
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563698 tn?1216571680
Thank you Joanne, yes on day 4....really hoped it was almost over.  Yesterday I didn't even have the diarrhea, but today hit me again as well.  I really feel this may make me completely insane, not that I needed much more help ;)  Trying to read/post/etc to get my mind off this...helped a lot before.  I craved going for a walk actually during the night, but because of my knee I can't get around well and with the pain along with withdrawal NIGHTMARE trying to even move room to room.
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Yes...the up and down is common... sorry you aren't feeling so hot today... today is what? day 4?? I know it's frustrating but it will soon get better. The symptoms can pop back up on you sometimes...and they say it generally lasts 4-7 days....

Keep posting it will keep you occupied...or watch mindless TV, read.. exercise if you can!
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563698 tn?1216571680
Thank you, nice to make your aquiantance too!  Was feeling not bad for awhile after I finally had some sleep yesterday, since then it has slowly now gotten crappy again.  Tried to rest, rls again....getting REALLY frustrated with this.  Is it common to go up and down????  I assumed once the worst was over, the symptoms just subsided completely...grrrrrrrrrr
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Well its very nice to meet you, my friend!!!   Cathy  Ditto. I hope you also find yourself
feeling better quickly!   I remember like it was yesterday. Those dam wd's.  No fun. Wishing you better days ahead. Chin up hon. Soon you'll be looking back on this all.
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563698 tn?1216571680
Thanks!  I think the lack of sleep also makes the other withdrawal symptoms a tad crazier.  I'm not close to good yet, but better, brighter outlook too.
You should be good Cathy, having someone close to you for support must be nice!  Hopefully your pain fades quickly, and you feel better soon :)
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Its nice to know there are people out at this  late hour. And welcome. I cracked a couple ribs and the doctor has me back on oxy's so I'm being very careful with them and my past behaviour.  But it hurts like hell. But I know the drill..... So I have my husband
dispursing them very carefully to me. Otherwise,  nothing new here. Hot and humid. Take care   Cathy
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I am so glad you got some sleep. that is great!! 5 hrs!! WOW.. I know the lack of sleep can just make everything else worse. So now on day 4..you should be turning a corner hopefully by tomarrow..I as you can see..lol am awake again. thinking I will go color my hair now..hope it goes well. Much Love to you~ Lisa
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563698 tn?1216571680
LOLOLOL!!!  Okay, that was SICK!!  Matched my mood beautifully :)  Thanks for the laugh!
I took some of everyones advice today - neighbor bought some vitamins, nyquil, and benadryl...will have to online order some of the other suppliments...but took some nyquil and benadryl (probably shouldn't have mixed....but desperate) and I SLEPT  5 hours!!!!  Just that bit of rest gave me a more positive outlook, and feel a bit better too!  Less shaky/twitchy/creepy crawly feelings now, and just a bit of edginess now.  Now on day 4, wish me luck, and LOVE YOU ALL!!!!
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537664 tn?1372783057
Girl... haven't you heard of plumbers crack... crack kills!!! hahahaha So does oxy  just the soul tho :) jammin to some Bob Marley So much tings to say my love... you need some fukitol :) at least 1000-10000000mgs! The doctors make you sicker than your body ever could! Just wanted to drop ya a manic note! Check out the cyanide and happiness comic. just google cyanide and happiness.... It is a hillarious dark comic strip that can turn the most morose mood fun! xoxo hang in there! only 10hrs of today left and you will be 4 days FREE
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It is nice and distracting on here.... also watching mindless TV helps! LOL
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563698 tn?1216571680
Thanks JoAnn!  I find that since chatting on here all morning it's made my wd much more manageable.  It's an extremely pleasant distraction from these crazy symptoms.  I've hidden away for too long with this, nice to open up to people who won't tell me how nasty I feel I've become.  
I still haven't seen my neighbor, but hoping for immediate gratification...will be really disappointed if the pharmacy doesn't carry some of the items.  Thanks for the link Stacy, I may just have to try and be patient and order online.  No way I could get on the highway and drive into the city in my condition.  
Lisa, I finally have my A/C fixed!  Repair guy was very friendly, though probably thought I was on crack...shakes/sweats/tremors and such when talking with him.  
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537664 tn?1372783057
btw.... melatonin and other supplements your local drug store may not have are avail at drugstore.com
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You have made such a great decision! Welcome to the forum....glad you found it. The wds are hard but you will make it through!

Keep on posting!

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563698 tn?1216571680
Thank you for that, it was really empowering to read.  I am sorry you suffered so much, and congratulations on your upcoming baby!!  I always wanted a child, but have been on so many meds to control my chronic pain that I was terrified I'd hurt the baby.  It's a nightmare living with chronic pain, but I'm thinking it's actually HELL living with these nasty drugs...damn I wish they didn't make me feel so much better!  I'm missing out on too much though, bills neglected, animals neglected, ME neglected even missed my moms 70th birthday due to my last lovely withdrawal episode, what a great daughter I am....I go days without even brushing my hair lately.  No life...hope I'm convincing myself enough...getting up the nerve to cancel my rx at the pharmacy as another person suggested to avoid temptation.  Give me strength...
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537664 tn?1372783057
Girl hang in there... I am 7mos pregnant and have been on pain meds for sheeesh 9 years after a car wreck(hit BY a drunk driver) and then a dx of Rheumatoid and FMA. Aleve! helps the pain... believe it or not (I didn't ) Our bodies want the Oxycodone, more than our minds and hearts do. The body is an evil trickster too. The crawly pain should stop within next 24-48hrs. Count em down! Melatonin is also awesome, and IF you are FOR real wanting to stop the OXY-pain-train tell the doctor you have talked to some folks who have SUFFERED with addiciton to oxy, You are SCARED of being there yourself and have decided TODAY IS YOUR DAY. There are other options for pain control,*** accupunture/pressure it does not hurt I swear, I've had needles in my face and head! ***Moxibustion-done with the accupuncture will stretch the time between treatments !*** Massage therapy (moves the toxins out of your muscles promotes lymph health and gives yummy endorphins! ~especially if you have a handsome male therapist~*** Physical therapy can do ultrasound cortisone into joints and muscles and if it is nerve pain a ***TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulator) can put white noise on the nerves blocking the pain signal from getting to the brain!!!! I have one made by Rehabilicare, they have a website! Neurontin is an anti-spasmodic (epilepsy) drug used to control the speed with which nerve impulses travel. I have used in past but personally got on too high of a prescribed dosage and had an adverse reaction 3600mg /day.
If you let your doctor know YOU ARE DONE. tell him you flushed that evil drug and did not realize what the sudden stopping could cause ask for his help. Just make it clear that help does not need to include any oxycodone derivative, hydrocodone derivative (unless you want to try trading in ty4's for Lortabs or Vicodin ES and get them WEEKLY. (this way if you are screwing up and taking too much it cannot get that serious) See if a friend can hand them out to you daily in AM and PM quantity. Some of us fight a really bad fight in the sense of We do not take this stuff to get high we have a painful condition that severely damages or ruins our quality of life. At 7 mos pregnant I was taking 10-15mg roxicodone every 6 hours as prescribed, I stopped Mon 7-7 at 3pm dosage. I am blessed I have not had w/d symptoms except maybe exhaustion, pain and a little depression. I currently have 2 pending knee joint replacements for late 2009/early 2010 and a resurfacing of left hip. I have lost the feeling :) (sick grin) in my right thigh except when I stand for more than 10mins and it starts burning from inside. I woke up this morning, took 100iu vitamin B, and 1 one ONE 5mg Vicodin and washed the dishes, cleaned the kitchen, walked the dogs, and made a 7 layer dip for lunch. I am planning what to do when I babysit my 10yr old godson this evening. This is more than I have done or wanted to do in months. I am so sick and tired of being sick and tired that I CALLED ALL OF MY DOCTORS AND FIRED THEM! (yest afternoon) It is SO empowering to take control of your life and not be controlled by a tiny white pill you can crush with your toe! I'm not gonna lie my back hurts, and you know what.......I DON'T CARE!!!
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yes bribery has it's place..he just called and said he was on his way..LOL..
I too had the bright idea to try to drink..WRONG..it seemed to amplify everything w/d related and then I was just sick and drunk..lol..live and learn..get those fluids in girl..you don't want to have another trip to the e.r.  and as hot is it is coupled with the "other" side effects, you could get dehydrated quickly..I am so happy you found this site..keep on trucking..lol..your almost through the worse..;) ♥~Lisa
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563698 tn?1216571680
Bribery always a great motivating factor :)  'Raving Lunatic' is a perfect way to describe it!!!  After filling up on mega doses of caffeine I realized too late it was a bad idea.  That's when to counter-act the caffeine and withdrawal my next bright idea, to get hopelessly drunk came into play (and I haven't been a drinker for years).  Shortly after was my trip to emergency, dehydrated and through the roof blood pressure.  I was terrified.  I really thought I was going to die.  Did it stop me from refilling my next refill...sadly not.
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563698 tn?1216571680
Thank you so much!!  You gave me goosebumps (or perhaps it's just another funky withdrawal symptom creeping in!)  I am thrilled you feel I may help others with my words...shaky as they are right now.  I will be routing for you, and please feel free to ask me anything, anytime.  I honestly wasn't planning on quiting, just stumbled onto this site after searching google for relief of withdrawal symptoms.  I really am going to try...hope I don't fail.  
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Xandria - - I just got on line and read this entire thread.   I am preparing to go off Oxy so your words were of particular interest to me.   I so admire you that you decided to quit instead of just toughing it out until your next Rx.   I have a cheap and endless supply but have just decided that this is no way to live life.  At some point we all have to decide that we are going to take our lives back and that is where I am.   I also was so impressed with the same post you read - "It's not about us."    You are very encouraging when I realize that your dose is about the same as mine and you are only three days into this - - so, I know you will be coming out of the tunnel soon.   I am going to also tell my dr what I am doing and why.   If I don't I am afraid I will only find the next opportunity to get more Oxy from him.  Well, just wanted to say you are very good at putting your thoughts on paper - keep it up - it really helps others on here.  Best to you in your quest to get off the junk.   Ochooked
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LOL..I am so glad you got a chuckle from my horse mishap..it was all worth it then..LOL..I think having your air fixed will help alot..I just got off the phone calling a repair man..I told him if he got here before it hit 80 (might have) then I would float him xtra cash.LOL...oh yeah I tried red bull for some energy..It turned me into a raving lunatic..lol  so hopefully something like boost will help. you need something in your body and that should give you a bit more energy..I know alot of people say hot baths, and don't get me wrong they do help alot..but I have been on one of these herbal/natural sites and I tried the cold shower..It takes a few minutes to get used to but I am sold..Your skin,hair etc..feels better.and the added benefits from the cold water is it gets blood flowing to all your organs..It takes about 4 minutes to adjust but once you do..it's worth it. I feel great when I do that and it does give me extra energy..Just a thought..lol.
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557230 tn?1269429829
I love standardbreds..so versatile and calm.  We have 2 thorobred geldings.  Both are older though...one is 23 and the other 21.  We actually adopted the 21 year old 2 years ago as a companion for the 23 year old.  We adopted it from a local mounted police.  They are sweet and I'm looking forward to getting back on them too!  They can't do full gallops anymore (at least not with my fat a**!) but a nice trail ride and canter will feel great.  Hang in there!
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563698 tn?1216571680
Thanks Jen!  I hope you manage this horrible addiction as well!  I was tempted a few times to inject - always heard it hits you faster that way, but never struck up the nerve.  I am/was a 'chewer'.  I didn't have the patience anymore to wait for the effect, so every morning would chew 3-4  20mg tablets.  Then chewed more throughout the day when I needed the boost.
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563541 tn?1257877567
hi there! i am so glad to here that u r taken controll of this situation! and yes this is a very evil drug! i was addicted to doing this drug intraveinously (yeah i know its horrible) but thanks to  a wonderful family ive decided to kick the habbit also! unfortunly i had to go to the dr. to get on suboxone! i got my first full nite of sleep last nite! it was AWESOME!!!! i feel like a whole new person!  the restless leg syndrome seemed to have disappeared, sleep came, & actually im having NO w/d's so far! so if u can i would say to talk to ur dr. b/c this is a very ahdr drug to get off of! but.....im sure you can do it!!!!! it will get better!! jen
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