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Not doing so good....

Hey friends. It's been a bit since my last post. For those who seen my last post, I guess you might remember the fall I had. Ended up breaking my thumb in 4 places at the joint. Went to see the surgeon and he said it would basically be like "trying to put cornflakes together with pins & screws, may work, may not. It's pretty much crushed". So....I didn't do the surgery since there was no guarantee it would work. He said I will just have to deal with arthritis at some point in my career and that my thumb will look a little "screwy". I was REALLY hoping the pain would've subsided by now, but since being casted, it has hurt worse. :( He switched me from Percocet to Vicodin and I'm still having to take those at the moment. And no...I do not have someone holding them for me. I did have my husband holding them, and turns out, he was taking more of them than I was, which put me in a bad spot because I couldn't take as many as I needed and I didn't wanna ask for a refill and have the doctor thinking I took them all. So now I have them in my control and I'm doing fine with it. But it's just really starting to bother me that I'm still having to take them after 2 1/2 weeks. I DO NOT wanna build up a dependence to them and have to withdraw! That absolutely scares the bejesus outta me. I can't take ibuprofen anymore due to GI issues, and the Tylenol just doesn't help. Has anyone had a broken bone like this? Can you tell me how long it will actually hurt? I just need a timeframe...something to look forward to I guess.
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And I should add...I cannot wait to get this damn cast off! They way they casted it, it looks like I'm giving everyone a "thumbs-up" or like the Facebook "like" symbol. So they guys at work walk around and shoot me a thumbs-up all the time. Lol. When it actually stops hurting enough, I'm gonna smack them all one good time with this cast before it comes off! :):):)
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Thanks for the responses guys :) I feel better getting that out in the open. I don't want to feel defensive, but sometimes I can easily take written words in a different tone as opposed to words that are spoken...if that makes sense? It's hard to say what I mean. Lol.

Mary, I can only pray that my situation will end up nothing like yours. Wow, that must've been tough! I will keep you in my prayers for sure.

Lu, I do my absolute best to be a positive influence on my husband. But in all honesty, I have to take care of me first. He's a big boy...he has to take care of himself just as I do for myself, and I don't mean for that to sound crude, but I finally had to realize that it's going to take 100% effort on his part before I can truly help him, and we can help each other. He's one that will take them if they're there, but can go weeks or even longer and not have them. So it's evident that he doesn't truly NEED them as some do. That's what is so frustrating to me. But I know that one day he will come around, and I'll be here when he does because he is my soulmate and my one true love.

Vic, thank you for the positive reinforcement and kind words. You are such a sweetheart!! You always manage to give me a little lift :)

And Jerry, geez...you aren't kidding at all are you! Good Lord, I think a feather could touch the end of my thumb and it'd still be excruciating! Lol. And the cast is so awkward and bulky...I am constantly running it into the edges/corners of the walls, bumping into the countertops or kitchen table. I'm one of these "arm swingers" when I walk...so I'm pretty clumsy and rough on myself. Definitely looking forward to when it's completely healed! :)
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1445648 tn?1470319663
I was strung out off and on with norco's and vics from one injury to the next and when i finally got clean I was in a street bike accident and begged the doc and my wife not to give me any pills due to the fact i was clean for so long but my wife took them just incase and I was busted up bad well that night was all I could take and I took three time the persribed amount ( no big deal for me) and when the bottle was empty those were the last i took so my point is if the doc gave you ?? just take the correct amount and hang in there and when you are out call it quits if you can and with your spouse eating them to sounds like it wont be long.. PS my right thumb was busted in three places from the knucle back so I know what it feels like the slightest tap at the tip and you go through the roof......
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4522800 tn?1470325834
Hi Girl..First I want to say to marycarmel that I will be sending some prayers her way. I am so sorry about your troubles here..Be Strong Mary!

Sweet..I have known you since you first come on here back in 2012..I have also known many of your struggles and you always seem to plow right through them..SO I am going to say that I am not worried about your addiction issues, but I would not want you to become to depended on them..Remember they build up a tolerance quick.. I am concerned about the thumb too. I sure do hope that you can find some other pain relief and that it will heal a bit on its own.
Back in the 90s is when I had a plate and 3 screws put in my foot (little toe area too) I had to have opiates and as a addict I was able to take them right and for about 2 months. It did take about 6 weeks for it to heal somewhat..Years later I can hardly even tell it is in here. Yep! It was a few years later (pain issues before surgery again)  that is when I returned to the hydos that lead to the oxys that lead to the Methadone and after the other surgery I was too gone, no pain just for the Buzz now..SO just be VERY careful and only use these meds short term if possible..I DO have FAITH in YOU and our God to see you through this..lol
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1855076 tn?1337115303
Wish I could share a positive story but I can't.  I have severe arthritis in most joints but it was excrutiating in both thumbs.  When I went to a hand specialist he said he never saw anything this bad in someone my *3.  The bones in my left thumb joint were totally shattered.  I had a joint replacement with an artificial joint.  It was a total failure, not just in me bur in nearly everyone. I had a total of nine surgeries, Pt, OT, countless procedures, etc.  I had ti retire from my job that I loved.  In addition to the pain, I also have very little strength and drop things all the time.  I'm always trying to find new ways of doing things.

I ended up with RSD which can be difficult to treat.  I have come off pain meds in the past.  Then my BP went crazy high because my pain was so high.  I agreed to go on a small dose and that, along with 3BP pills brought it down to a high normal range.  I had just started taperijng off when I was diagnosed with a brain aneurysm.  All the doctors told me to'stop tapering until that was taken caare of.  Two weeks ago I had an open craniotomy.  I have  a 6-8 week recovery if all goes well.  One good thing was I didn't have to increase the narcotic dose.  They did put me on Fiorocet and they anticipate I should be able to get off that in 3-4 weeks.

I see the brain surgeon June 19th and am hoping to get the okay to start my taper.  It's likely that I will be on and off pain meds my whole life.  But I stay vigilant and cut back or come off them for a time whenever I can.
I'm not sure what kind of doctor you saw but I would definitely suggest seeing the best hand surgeon in your area.
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1926359 tn?1331588139
Don't feel defensive honey, believe me I'm not criticizing you.  I am hardly in a position to judge.  It must be hard to be balancing all this stuff and worrying about your own pill use and THEN on top of that worrying about your husband.  You've got a lot on your plate.  I'm glad you're hitting the meetings and though i don't know you I can tell you're one tough cookie.  I just want to make sure you're getting all the help and support that YOU deserve.  At the end of the day, we have no control over anyone or anything.  The only thing we can control is our own choices.  It sounds like you're making good ones and I commend you.  
Keep hitting those meetings and maybe tell your husband he should think about hitting some himself.  It's tough on relationships when one person is in recovery and the other is not.  I've seen it many times here.  You can lead by example and hope he follows.
I wish you all the very best for a speedy recovery...
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Oh wow Luv. I didn't figure on that long at all :( but hopefully mine won't last as long as yours did. That just sounds brutal! Ugh. And Lu, I've always been very strong willed, when it comes to everything! Not just pills. I scrutinize everything I do, taking pills, spending money, allowing my kids to do whatever it is they're wanting to do..just everything really. I'm really not worried about getting in too deep. Maybe I should be in some ppls eyes, but I'm not. I know where I am in my recovery and sobriety, and I will stay on that path. My husband is definitely one who can't fight temptation. And the frustrates the hell out of me. Maybe that's what keeps me on the straight and narrow. Meetings also keep me grounded...I haven't been able to go as much since my accident and the kids starting summer sports, but I'm still hitting at least one or two a week. I realize that everyone here is concerned and cares about my situation, but I just honestly wish they could have as much faith it me as I do. It's disheartening sometimes when I feel like I'm on the defense.  Faith is what got me to the point I'm at, and it'll get me thru each and every day. :)
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1926359 tn?1331588139
Hey lady-
I'm feeling for you.  You have to take pain meds (I do too right now and I HATE it) and so far, you're doing pretty good, right?  What worries me is your statement about your husband taking your pills.  I thought he was your sober support?  Is he an addict too?  Right now I'm having my man hold my pills, but he does go out of town to gig every so often (he's a musician) so I'm on my own sometimes.  I set up a plan with my doc and a contract and I go in to have my pain re-evaluated every 2 weeks.  This way I only have the exact amount that I need prescribed.  My pain is up and down depending on how much I have to work (and right now it's a lot)  Like you on weekends I rest and have less pain so take less.  I'm just sayin' that if your husband can't help you (and really what he is doing is jeopardizing YOUR recovery) then maybe you need to enlist some more help.  I can't remember if you're hitting up any aftercare?  I did a support group tonight and it really helped to vent my fears about dependence and losing control.
Anyways, I wish you a speedy recovery and freedom from pain and pills soon.
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Hello. I don't know about a thumb but when I broke my humerus a spiral break along with shattered parts. I do have plates screws  it took like 3 months b4 it eased up at all and that was with plenty of percs. Other breaks I have had its a good 6 weeks for pain to subside. Count blessing u didn't have screws put it. It's miserable always hurts. Cold hurts it and too hot hurts. So hang in there. U might want ask for special compound pain cream which helps tremendous. Not addictive. I feel for u am praying for u.
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They're 12 & 14. It's summertime though and it seems they're always gone when it comes time to do things I need help with. Go figure...lol.
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3197167 tn?1348968606
I'm sorry to read this, girl....and sorry you are hurting.

How old are your kids?  Any of them old enough to help you?
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I'm taking 2-5 a day. Weekends aren't so bad so I can take less those days...unless I try to do things like cut veggies up for dinner, like I did yesterday (that put me in a lot of pain afterwards). I've only missed one day of work since I broke it, the day I had it casted, because it was just terrible really. Working all day, and typing all day on the computer is hard one my hand, but I have to do it because financially, I can't afford to be off. It's prescribed as 1-2 every 4/6 hrs. Which I've never taken that much, but what I AM having to take just seems like a lot. And I don't like it, but there's not much else I can do. What I do take just knocks the edge off and makes it bearable. I truly don't think any amount of pain meds would take away ALL the pain anyway, and I'm not willing to find out.
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495284 tn?1333894042
How often are you taking the pain meds?
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Thanks ABN. Definitely hanging in there...it's all I can do at this point...and pray of course. It's just getting old and this bulky cast is really starting to get to me. Lol. I couldn't imagine having one on my leg in the summer. So I'm sure I don't have it as bad as some others do out there!
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4113881 tn?1415850276
Ive never had a broken thumb before...I just wanted to say Im sorry your dealing with this pain and I hope you get relief soon. Hang in there!
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