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On my 7th day of HELL!

OMG! well i finally went to a 3 to 5 day detox. i know 5 days isn't long enough but its all i could afford.  anyway I am detoxing off of the fentayl or duragesic patch and i was taking 150mcg. before that i was on oxycontin 60 mg 2x a day and 3 vicodin es every 4 hours 4 x a day. i took these medications for my painful disease which is called chronic interstitial cystis and vulvodynia, basicly pelvic pain syndrome. its hell, well i started seeing a pain specialist who could do these treatments to really help with my pain and im waiting on a pain pace maker!!!. people who live in pain try it.  anyway so i got this other procedure done that was simialr to it called radio frequency and it helped a lot and i didn't have to take the vicodin es for the breakthrough pain, but i was having constantly raise my pain med every 2 weeks, so i had to detox. let me tell you i went throught tourture hell! i went in wed morning to start detox and they gave me clonodine and tramadol. i couldn't offord the subuoxone b/c it was $375 DOLLARS. i was juse weak and tired the first 2 days but the 3rd day i felt like i had the flu and i felt like total hell. they told me oh the 3 rd day is the worse and then you'll getr better. i don't think so. the pain i had was constant throbbing and burning. it never stopped. i was moaning and screaming. i never slepted one bit since wed night and its tuesday. i took about 50 hoyt baths from friday to monday night. every night i had the damn restless arms and legs. i have the heartburn. i had to go see my doctor yesterday because i was in excruciating, tourture pain and couldn't take another day. she said she didn't understand why i was stilll like this ans offered to put me in the hospital or on subuoxone. i didn't want to the hospital and have people tell me what to do and all that. i went through that getting off xanax at the same rehab she wanted me to go to. so i said i would stick it out one more day and find some kind of money for the suboxone tommorow. well after last night of having diareah, throwing up, naseauted and in severe pain, jittery , restlesss legs and arms that was it! well i woke up today (tuesday) out of pain and just exusted and very weak. i passed out this morning going to the bathroom. i haven't eaten since wed. i am drinking my gatorade and something is seriously wrong with my taste buds , b/c everything tastes like ****. i want to know if anytone experienced detox like this and when willi feel normal? whne am i going to finally SLEEP?? etc???  thanks ya'll! anyone dtoxing i will pray for ya'll!
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thank ya'll
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I must say, after reading your post I feel like saying congratulations...

I felt like I was having a hard time tapering from a QTY of 3.5 10/325 vicodin a day- and here you are detoxing off of fentanyl, oxycontin and vicodin. Seriously, congratulations.  I wish I had the tenacity and the flame in me to just DO IT like you have.

This is a suggestion- not sure if it will help but you ought to give it a try. I didn't read the whole thread so I'm not sure if others have suggested this- but Melatonin works very well as a natural sleep aid. Take it about 30 mins before retiring- make sure and shut off the lights as light can screw with the efficacy- and you should sleep like a baby. Dosage varies, but you can buy them in sublingual form so you eat it like a mint, tastes good too-kicks in quickly, non addictive, won't screw with your tummy.

Another natural sleep aid is Valerian, although you mentioned you have some type of stomach ailment so I'm not sure if an herb as pungeant as valerian would be good, though I have read that it's uses include easing stomach upset and menstrual cramps and some types of pain.  Valerian is characterized by its non addictive sedative- like properties, natural sleep inducer, and it's over all calming effect on the nervous system as well as having a VERY strong odor that reminds me of smelly feet.  They say the worse it smells the better it is!

You go girl. Good luck!!!
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442658 tn?1563386491
hey shellbell  im on 31 days today and last night i didnt sleep at all.  its total hell, but other nights if i take a sleeping pill and a drug called neurontin i can sleep.  i didnt take them last night cos i was dog tired, did drink coffee bout 630, but couldnt sleep.  its the worst part of my wds.  i think we cant sleep cos our brains are just so messed up from no drugs., plus all the other stuff you go through.  i can relate to this so much and when we dont sleep its hell.  but i dont want to keep taking sleeping aids, thats all i need is to be addicted to something else so im trying to wean off but with not much luck.  hopefully we will all sleep better real soon...wish you luck..try not to think to hard when you try to sleep..i know this is hard but our thoughts are crazy at this time..hope i helped ya out...maria
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why can't we sleep detoxing off opiates???? what the hell causes it? does anyone know????
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I will be 2 weeks tommorow. I took like a million baths. The sweating is your bodies natural way of getting rid of the toxins, so is throwing up and diareah ....and of course it is textbook w/d symptoms. Totaly normal!. I have not been taking imodium b/c I want this **** out!  I detoxed off of Fentanyl patches at 150mcg. I now know why Im not better b/c of the info I found on here.I found out that those patches are hell and thats why I have been so messed up. Belive me that burning, aching , throbbing pain goes away. I thought I was gonna die.  Its my 13th day and I am still exusted, weak, and my eyes burn and water to any light...I can't even see outside, the light is so stong for my eyes. I wish I could nod off. i can't freaking sleep at all. I tried 95% of all medicines. Anyway, I have heard that tramadol is a nasty drug to detox off of. That is the medicine they gave me to detox for 4 days....it didn't help at all. I really did it cold turkey. I couldn't afford Suboxone, plus you have to detox of that ****....and i heard its bad, Someone told me the hald- life is 72 hours....which is psycho long. Im so glad I had no money to get it. Your brain is freaking out and is craving the drug, thats why you get the w/d symtoms. I had no idea I was in for this. I thought I be back to normal in a few days.....lol.....more like months....Its avbout a year for your brain to completely heal and then after you detox you get PAWS.....which is post acute w/d symptoms. I just want to feel normal. I can't work or start school this semester b/c of this ****! Ive been told that everyday gets better and u will have good and bad days.And when its over , its over!!!!!
keep commenting!!!!
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580352 tn?1218552387
I'm in the middle of quitting Tramadol (ultram) right now. Been off of it for four days now. I can't sleep right. I nod off ONLY during the day and for short periods. This morning at around 2am it was 76 degrees in this house, and I was laying in bed listening to music. Then I noticed my shirt was soaked. So were my pajama pants. I was sweating like CRAZY. I have no idea why. I just got done taking a half hour long hot bath... and my pain seems to be slightly lower than usual. But I don't feel normal. Not at all. I'm praying for you Shell. And please keep this in mind: at this exact moment, I'm in the same boat as you. Hopefully that helps. Misery loves company, right? Or maybe it's just nice to know (for me) that I'm not the only one in the world going through this garbage this second.
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352798 tn?1399298154
Keep posting, posting, posting. It does help.

Keep hanging in there!
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thanks everyone for your support......keep commenting....it helps
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352798 tn?1399298154
Unfortunately, as Jacqui told you, sleep evades you during the w/d from Fenatnyl. Also as she mentioned, w/d from Fentanyl lasts for a long time. It is not like most of the opiates where within a few weeks you start getting back to normal.
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thanks but i already had insomnia before the bad detox. i was taking 400mg of trazadone and i slept good with that. i had also tried ambian and ambian cr, sonata, benadryl, unisom , all stuff over the counter, lunesta, rozarom, seroquol, thorazine, just recently i went to the hospital  for the no sleep and being exusted. they gave me 10mg of valium and it did nothing and then another 10mg and nothing. i also found out i have severely low potassium levels and recieved magnesium from an i.v. for some reason the mag being pumped in my blood hurt like hell. i also had low grade fever and had some kind of infection. i had a lil bladder infection and that makes my i.c and vulvodynia severely bad in pain. they gave me a non narcotic to help with pain. basicly 800 motrin which i already had. SOMEONE OUT THERE HAS TO KNOW ABOUT SLEEP!!!!
HELP!!! whne does your body start gettin gback to normal. im almost 2 weeks,
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352798 tn?1399298154
Valerian root, melatonin, Tylenol PM can help with sleep sometimes. Take a brisk walk as far as you can go. Take magnesium and calcium at night to help relax the muscles.
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i detoxed on a 4 day taper 0f 50mg of ultram.....i basicly did it cold turkey......no wonder everyone said i was brave!
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i am not on suboxone....i detoxed with just 50mg tapered off in 4 days with clonodine. i was in hell for 4 days and nights of severe pain. thats not including from the othrt days and symptoms!  im am almost 2 weeeks and still am exusted and have very low potassium levels. i also haven't slept in 2 weeks. thanks for the commments but i need all the support and comments i can get. i can't even get out of bed. help....i need hrlp with sleep bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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536882 tn?1225512859
Suboxone may help you at the moment, but you're going to have to take it every day for a while.  Does the price include a bottle or just one dose?  If you decide to go w/the sub you might want to keep that in mind.  May last you for a day or two, but then you'll have to come up w/another 300 bucks....several times.  Try melatonin for sleep, bananas and the vitamins really help w/the muscle aches and RLS.  If you wake up w/RLS and pain, take an extra vitamin and see if it helps at all?  The sleep will eventually return, but your body is really going through a lot right now.  Just stick w/it.  You've made it over a mountain so be foolish to turn back now.
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OMG I detoxed off of fentanyl and let me tell you it is one of the hardest things that I have ever done.  That drug is horrible.  Read my post on it, it kinda outlines what I went through.
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569676 tn?1315641158
Fentanyl is some wicked stuff....

Congratulations on your desire to quit...

Let me explain the half life thing.  A half life is the time that it takes your blood plasma levels to eliminate 50% of the metabolite of the drug you are on.  So with Fentanyl's half life being around 6 hours, and you too 100mcg at noon, if you were to have your blood drrawn at 6pm you would have 50mcg's of fentanyl in your system.

It may seem long but compared to others 6-8 hours is nothing. For example Buprenorphine (Suboxone) half life is around 72 hours!  Makes for VERY long wd's which I am going through now (Yuck)

I wish you all the strength in the world. I ct'd off IV Fentanyl while I was in medical school and it really sucked.  I was shooting about 1000mcg's daily.

You will be ok, I promise you, and I can not remember who said it, but you will feel like you are going to die from this, but you will make it.

You are in my thoughts and prayers.

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did u get my message??
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401786 tn?1309152034
Let me say hello first off Shellbell....I am over 6 mos. now, off of 200 mcg of fentanyl...  I took it every three days for four years.  I found this site, in January, out of sheer desperation because of how I was feeling.  The positive news first, is that I have made it to where I am right now, and I got through times I swore I would not, during w/d.  Now for the bad news...it was bad, very bad for me.  It took much longer than the time it seemed to be taking others on different meds., to feel even a tiny bit better.  I was starting to think I was in big, big trouble....many people here welcomed me, and helped me to get through it all.  SO, it CAN be done, it's just really hard.  I had the runs and the anorexia (no appetite), for week, and you're right, nothing tasted good.  I could not eat for a full week, and when I resumed, it was small meals, and I had to force them down.  For me at least, none of this was the worst though...the sleeplessness and anxiety, and pain, were absolutely horrendous.  I did not sleep at all for something around 11-13 days...and then, after that, for months, only minutes at a time.  When I awoke from those minutes, the anxiety became much, much worse, so I almost dreaded those minutes of being blissfully unaware.  Drug dreams were vivid during those minutes too, as few as they were.  I took a bazillion baths for the pain, every OTC med available, besided every OTC med for sleep, and dealt with the restless leg thing for months too.  Gradually, the sleep became longer, but I have to say here, it took a really long time.  I was thrilled when I got to the point of three 20 minute stretches..  Somehow, my body seemed to adjust to this miniscule amount of sleep.  My appetite increased to the point of being ravenous for about a month too.  Wicked restlessness, and heart palpitations bothered me throughout this lovely journey, but again, I survived.  I still have some problems, but they really do seem to be almost gone at this point.  I suffer from pain as well, and that has been very hard.  I just recently started a new med., Lyrica, and it helps somewhat.  

I want to offer you support in your w/d from fentanyl...it was super hard for me, and I really was suicidal at points in it.  I'm telling you all of this to warn you in advance, so that you'll know to expect it.  I thought I was going through some freakish hell all on my own, and that I would never feel better.  It will all be ok eventually, it just takes time, alot of it, inner strength, and support.  I can help you with the support, as can alot of folks here.  

Anytime you want to talk, please PM me (private message).....I went through an awful time, and I could not have done it alone.  I am glad to help you in any way that I can.  

I know all of this seems scary, and it IS scary, but I also want you to get the message that you can get through this.  You may feel like you're gonna die, or that you have reached your limit and want to, but I swear you're not gonna die from it, and if you feel like you want to, dig deep and come here for support....hang strong through this and you WILL get through it.

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352798 tn?1399298154
Google it and you will see. Be sure to Google the other opiates too so you can see the difference in 1/2 lives. I believe 1/2 life is how long 1/2 of the serum blood level is metabolized. So in this case in 7 hours 1/2 is gone then 1/2 of that in another 7 hours etc...
We have had several people here go through withdrawals on Fentanyl. It is a tough one. I sent one of them a message to come on here. If she is around, she will come on too. Her name here is jacqui805.
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ive been out of pain all day . i just feel, very weak and exusted. iam finally happy because um not screaming in pain.
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ok what does 7 hours mean? 7 hours to get out? where did u get your info?
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352798 tn?1399298154
Its 1/2 life is 7 hours. That is twice of even Heroin and most other opiates.
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