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Tingling Sensation, Jumpiness, General strangeness

Hi I've posted before, and been clean before, which is hard to imagine now! I have been in w/d for a few days. I am taking a fraction of what I did (basically, going from percs and oxy to over the counter tylenol 1 with 8 mg codeine), all within about 4 days. I have this strange feeling in my lower abdomen, I can't explain it, almost like terrible menstrual cramps, and I have a foggy haze, no appetite. No diarrhea, not any vomiting, generally I guess they are mild w/d symptoms. I do have to drive to pick up my children from daycare which scares me.
I did fine yesterday, and the day before driving around, but today is different. Like the small amount I get in the 8 mg is not enough to stop the symptoms. I have to work two jobs - one is my own business. I pray that today is the worst. I feel good about stopping. I just did. Is this weird feeling in my gut, female anatomy area normal? I had the sweats yesterday but not today. I took 1 perc this morning. nothing since. I pretty much went c/t not by choice, but after starting, I'm figuring, I gotta do it sometime, may as well get it done now.  I know it will be over soon. I pray. I pray. It's not what I expected as the last time I weaned very slowly because I was pregnant and it worked well. Now it was fast and wow, do I ever feel bad. I guess like a junkie should feel!
I have no more options and I have cut my source off. I am seeing my doctor tomorrow who should be sympathetic and maybe will have something to help. I just needed to write this down and ask if ringing in the ears in normal w/d
thanks and god bless everyone here!
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Nov 29th - Sunday. Kids screaming. Have to pick up rentals and food and haul a load of stuff from the party last night. No headache and NO anxiety of shortness of breath! The shortness of breath was one WD symptom I just couldn't believe or deal with, but it's gone...now I need to get back into shape, ha ha!
so today must be day 5 or 6 - I'm not really counting, I'm just thinking about not scoring and wondering how I will cope with a life of sobriety. Alcohol? I like it once in a while, never had a problem. Pills - always took 'em, never one left.Wine - glass here and there, not a bother. Not ready to drink yet. Had a coffee but still very tired. My eyes are hurting a bit. No doubt w/d are still here...but doing better. Cannot believe what I went through, never thought I was an 'addict' but here I am. Addict. but clean. for now. Hope forever. I have a strong will. Thank you all. Thank you. SInce I have a business, two small kids and a second job, counseling is hard to fit for now, so I have to rely on this site for aftercare until I can find a sponsor or a meeting or something. I will post everyday. If I miss more than 5 days, I'm away or I've relapsed. Love to all, and one this I have learned THERE IS NO PERFECT TIME TO QUIT. I quit the WORST possible week I could have, so the "I'll wait until after Christmas" or "next month" - maybe it's true, but if I did it during the busiest work week in my career, a make or break week for my business with 16 hour days and no help with the toddlers, then anyone else, well, almost anyone, can do it. We don't know what we are capable of until we are put to the test. You are stronger than you think! FIGHT!!!!!!
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Nov 28th...still good! worked all day in my store then went to set up a major event with a staff of 20 for a huge client and only forgot one thing: my laptop bag. so...my brain is healing and I'm clearly well enough to work, took one T3 ths morning (I think? maybe yesterday?) anyway, I would have taken about 4 80's today usually, but I didn't and it was fun and I felt normal. Hungry even! Kinda sorry I might gain the w/d 10 lbs back! I even flirted with a guy which I never do (I'm a married mom...but heck, not dead and still got something!) I never would have felt this way last week. I would have counted my pills and tried to figure out how to make them last to cope with my career and kids. I cope BETTER  now. I remember ! anyone who is in the middle of the 'sick' --- it will end. I promise. So fast! now I need aftercare. I don't know what to do but post. Y'all have to keep me honest. Keep me a success! lost my brother at 41 to addiction, my mother would die if she lost me: she always said: "thank god for you lizzie". anyone suffering, it will NOT last long. I thought I would die on Thursday, two days later, I get it, I totally get it!!! lots of water and gingerale, that helped.
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Ok, last post tonight. To anyone quitting. This community was all I had in the dark hours of the early morning rain at 4 am, my baby sleeping next to me, my husband next to him, all alone, cramping, nauseated, tossing and turning, clock-watching and wishing my insides would just fall out. I had an itch I couldn't scratch and no otc drug helped. I couldn't breathe. My kids went to school and daycare in day old clothes b/c I couldnt lift the washing machine - never mind run a blasted business with 11 employees counting on me. All day, into night, wrapped in pillows, sweat, anxiety and only able to drink ginger ale through a thin straw. Ice water helps the stomach. Pain in my adomen. Ringing in my ears. sweats only the first day. Today is 4 I think, and I have a fuzzy cloud and headache but I function. Still can't breathe. I did yoga for 10 years...and rode a bike 100's of miles a week. what happened? I blamed the kids, my business. No drugs. I spent the two worst days of w/d on this computer, until my eyes crossed and blurred into oblivion, where words jumped around the screen, and I didn't know what time it was, just knew it was afternoon because that's when I got most sick. This community, a community of strangers, have saved my life. I may relapse, sure. I know, but I have you. Thank you. More than hot baths (never did them, no energy), I jus lay there, laptop heating my aching ovaries and my stomach. and you. I will help anyone here with anything. You cannot tell me something so shocking it will make me judge you. please let me help you as you all helped me. I will always need you. If I do not post for a while, maybe I relapse, If I don't maybe I'm traveling, but I am an addict. That will never change. If I want my two sweet baby boys to have a chance at life, they need to see I am an addict and I - we - cannot tolerate it in our home. Love you all. over and out. I am tired. YAY!!! more tomorrow. I have a huge wedding and a huge corporate dinner I am doing. the one benefit is losing weight during w/d - I'll look great. I hope. Maybe Day 5 *****....only tomorrow will tell...
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Thanks Hon!
I feel I'm sometimes writing to myself, which is good in itself. I still feel bad, but wow, better and better. I actually drove past a McDonalds today and ran in for a shake and a burger. Never do that!
I've been on and off pills for years, always a joke,fun, on and off, never a problem until I made the move to oxy. Oxycontin. Wow. The pain of w/d was so beyond comprehension, i was really fooling myself. I can say that if I can stay away, I won't have to go through that again. Now the hard part: staying clean. Can I take one pill? I won't take oxy - I may take codeine - I know that even 10 of them won't give me a buzz, and after w/d all you want is NORMAL. I want everyone to know that we're all different and we all handle w/d differently, and maybe I was lucky.  If I didn't get those anxiety pills from my doc so I could sleep, I may not be so happy today. Some may disagree and say I'm trading one for another, but going from 3-4 80s a day plus percs and when morphine or diluadin (sp?) does nothing, well, a small anxiety pill to help me sleep isn't going to bother my psyche. we do what we need to do. Thanks for reading. How are you doing?
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Wow!  Great posts and I'm glad you kept posting so everyone could see your progress!  Keep eating...you know this is so important and water,also.  Good job!

xo   V.
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Ok day 4 or 5 - can't count. I slept 7 hours straight last night and I swear if you can do that, it makes it must easier. I actually feel sort of normal. wow. day 5? I can see the light. The w/d seem so far away. So horrid, but it's better. kids screaming. gotta go. real life, can't hide anymore. It's like they are testing me...ha ha..and I have 0 access to oxy if I wanted to so I have to do this. And I can. Anyone who thinks they can't they can. I went from last weekend taking 3-4 80 mg a day to 80 on mon then 5 mg on tueday nothing wed nothing on thursday (the WORST day) and took a few T3 to help me through and they did the trick. Today I took one in the am to keep from being sick, but I don't think I'll need anymore. Seems the worst is over...until someone calls me to 'wonder why I haven't called' - such a good customer I was. Nice and polite and totally not the usual stereotypical 'user' - are any of us??? God bless all of you. It's day 6 tomorrow or Sunday, I'll say Sunday. Cannot wait till day 6. I ate something yesterday. Forced myself to eat protein. It was so hard, but it helped. I'm still losing weight, which, frankly is awesome, but  i need to eat more. Eat, sleep and rest. You will all recover. Thanks for listening!
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Ok, I'm going to keep posting because every minute I am better. I watched tv tonight after putting my sons to bed (could not do that yesterday, or day before). Watched a silly sho called Glee and they sang this song called 'Lean on Me' - like High School Musical stuff fluff and I'm 40 so holy cow, why am I watching. Well, I cried. I cried because all of these great memories of my youth came back. Traveling, all the excitement of new opportunities, friends, lovers...don't get me wrong, my life ain't all roses: father died young when I was 20, mother moved across the country, into the US the same weekend my dad died, leaving me alone. My brother died two years ago last month from alcohol, I have no family but my own. We all have challenges, some are much worse than others, frankly, my life isn't that bad. I'm in debt, my business is not terrific, I work 7 days a week, but I am no longer feeling like I need to medicate. I feel like, well, like me. Like I used to be. I see in hindsight that people must have known. They do, we can't hide.
Tomorrow is day 4. I have a huge wedding. God willing, I will sleep tonight and make it through tomorrow with maybe 2 T3 (but nooooooxy - yaya!! I can't even get it which is a blessing!). Then sat. we'll see. I already feel like it's getting better. The fog is lifting. The nausea is almost gone. Still have so long to go and I need aftercare. I live with a borderline alcoholic. My kids, they need to have a healthy environment to escape substance abuse - I was the only one who did pills - every one else on both sides drank.
enough of my rambling. I'm just excited. This morning I wanted to die. Now I want to live. A nap in the afternoon and one mild anti anxiety pill with some chicken soup was pretty awesome. Love you all. thank you. thank you. it was YOU all of YOU who helped me do this. I read posts night and day the first two days. Never would have done this without this forum. You saved my life.
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I made it through day 3. Saw my doc told him I wanted off. He gave me some bromazam  or something like that for sleep and some tylenol 3 to just help with the horrid horrid w/d. I was taking oxy for a while, never had issues off percs or codeine, no w/d ever, until I went big and did the oxys. Now I get it. Holy cow. I was feeling so bad: combo of flu, getting a cold, going pretty much from 3-4 80s a day to 1/2 a perc for two days, then nothing, so I count the day of 1/2 perc compared to the previous day of 1 80 my day one. So I am on day 3 or 4. Very bad. But...I am dealing - I own a business, my husband has two jobs, I have a second job and I plan weddings (yikes talk about stress!). Two children. Talk about responsibility. If I can do it, right now, at the worst possible time in my life, anyone can. Yes, it *****, and yes, it is strange and I never thought it would be like this. I keep thinkgin of the scene in Trainspotting w. Ewan MacGregor coming off dope at his parents house for days in his bedroom. I was like that for three days, but today I had to start coping again so I took the sedative and just enough tylenol w codeine to take the rough nausea away. I consider that a triumph personally. If I feel better tomorrow, if I can sleep and eat (lost 9 lbs already - good, yes, but rough!). No vomiting, no shakes, just feeling buzzing in my ears and general blah flu.
I spent the three days in bed addicted to your posts. I made it this far with you. All of you. I don't know you, but I will. Thank you. I know it's not over and I'm glad that the w/d were as bad as they were so I can't go back. Thank you and please if anyone needs support in the middle of the night I am here. Thank you and god bless! Or Buddha bless, Ganesh, whatever your thing is. good luck and hang in!!!
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You are not alone...we're here. I'm sure many will be on and off all evening and will offer much support/advice .

Just a thought, the lower ab discomfort sounds intestinal. Like maybe you don't have diarrhea but you're going to. There's OTC med. for that.

Hang on...you'll see the Dr. tomorrow which is a good thing :)

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thank you - I am eating whatever I can keep down. Haven't thrown up, but feel very queasy. I am drinking water, vitamin water, gingerale, eating fruit and I had a peanut butter sandwich today. My children are giggling in the next room. My motivation. Stomach acid has not been bad, but I have taken some pills I took for morning sickness when i was pregnant - so you gotta know they are safe and pretty benign. Sleep will be a problem, I can tell, but I have to get better. I can't keep doing this. Please tell me that the nausea goes soon, it's just horrible right now. last time I had any oxy was 24 hrs ago. This whole site has kept me sane today. thank you everyone.
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1077863 tn?1279055963
That is normal..are you eating?  if not it could be stomach acid?  I went cold turkey and it was hell but left a never forgotten impression in my mind :thoughtIwasgoing2die: but I didn't Thank You God..your doing great keep on keeping on it does get better soon and it's so worth having quality life again and feeling normal :)
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thank you! I have never experienced this. I know this is w/d for sure - I was taking 6-10 perc a day and when I could, oxy the most I ever did was 2 x 80 in a day, which is a lot.   I've cut back before, in the summer, and was down to 10 mg a day oxy with no w/d ever. now that I'm pretty much off, I'm not doing so well. I didn't think it would hit so hard. It's been 2-3 days 2 days of feeling wretched. but I know I will make it - one minute at a time for now. I'm seeing my doc tomorrow am for the nausea - I can't live like this: my whole body is hyper sensitive. smells of food - ha ha I own a food store! - make me sick. I hope this is the worst - seems to have hit a plateau, not getting any worse, but not better. yuck. I went too fast but I planned on going slower...I just ran out and decided to tough it out not to get more. I hope you are ok. It's bad, but it should be, I don't want to do this again! thank you and god bless your kindness,  i am very alone right now.
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I am so new to this board and am just tapering off oxy and percs myself.  You said you are down from oxy and percs to just 8mgs of codeine? from how high amounts of percs and oxy?  I have had that same type of crampy, sore hard to explain feeling as well as I'm at half the dose I used to take of both perc & oxy so I figured that was what the weird stomach thing was. The jumpiness is def a w/d symptom that I have experienced...I just want to shake my legs constantly.   As I'm new and just getting off myself I'm probably not much help but I feel for you and just want to send you some cyber support :)  good luck with your recovery.  Your kids will be glad you did it as my daughter will be glad I did too.  God Bless.
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