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Tramadol to suboxone questions

I have decided to stop taking the tramadol i had a reality check 2 days ago and it was my rock bottom.  I take about 20 50mg pills a day. I will have a full script on the 24th of 180 so I was wondering is there a way to taper with just those? Otherwise I have an appointment with a doctor tomorrow to discuss a suboxone taper program to get off the tramadol. I have taken subs before for a short 10 day taper 2 yrs ago in a detox facility to get off oxy's and benzo's and it worked with very little withdrawl symptoms. I had a year and some change clean time then my doctor suggested tramadol for my ruptured discs assuring me it was a non narcotic. In my state it was just listed as a narcotic in January I think. So I was already addicted.  Any advice would be great. The people who posted comments in my other posts told me to post a new question so I could get advice on the subject.
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I meant to say I explained to him that its not like I don't want to work I do I don't want to stay in bed all day I just have no drive to get out.
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Four jays thank you so very much I was done tapering but I made the mistake of keeping like 10 I guess sub consciously I thought it was for emergencies but I know that was just an excuse. My husband and I had a long 2 hr talk he wants me to get a job to help with income and to get myself out of the house he does not understand depression at all he just sees that for the last few months the house stays messy I sleep a lot I have no drive to do anything at all and he works all day and provides for us so of course it's frustrating I tried explaining to him as best I could that I don't want to not work and stay in bed all day when kids are at school etc. But taking on getting a new job is stress and stress is a BIG trigger for me. I just need to figure out how to do both get clean and get a job. I know i was doing so well and I can't bet myself up I have to just try again but realize I'm only going to have so many tries before I lose everything. I wish there was a cute for us out there it's just not fair. Thanks for listening. Here is to tomorrow!
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It is NOT pointless!!!  You had a bad day - that happens to many of us (I know it did to be a few times).  You are in a really vulnerable situation right now  Our emotional state is pretty fragile in early w/d as you are.  You have been doing SO well and making a small mistake does NOT change that.  It's OK - pick yourself up and get back on track.  You are human and humans make mistakes.  Not a huge deal if you can learn from it and move on.  

You are in for the fight of your life here (literally).  Please don't beat yourself up.  Concentrate on all of the positive things that you have done in the last few days.  One thing for sure - YOU NEED TO DUMP THE PILLS.  If you are done tapering (I thought you were???), you really need to get them OUT of your house or you will not be safe.  I am coming up on 100 days clean (in a bout 10 days) and I STILL could not have pills in my home or anywhere I could get ahold of them.

You are still doing great - look back a couple of weeks ago how far you have come.  You can do this.  Get up, dust yourself off and look forward only.  One day at a time.  
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Hey guys I am going to be completely honest because I know you guys won't judge me. My husband and I got into a huge fight about a bunch of things it got really really bad and I took 5 trams I felt so horrible for doing it I made myself throw them up but I still did it I dunno what to do my emotions are crazy I can't stop crying and now I feel like this whole thing is pointless now that I took those 5!
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I am sorry to hear about the back pain, and I truly can relate.  I have the same kinds of issues (that also started me on the tram train to **** years ago).  Keep using your 800 Motrins as prescribed and what about trying a heating pad on your back and/or a soak in the tub with Epsom salts?  Aslo try that Immodium for the tummy trouble - it makes a world of difference.  SO many people find that If you can get yourself through this withdrawal period that your pain will actually decrease even without the pills.  It is as if the painkillers make it worse and mask it over time so we don't really know what the true levels are.  Hopefully this will happen for you too.  In the meantime, take good care of yourself and it maybe hold off on those 2 hour Walmart trips for awhile!  I still think you are doing great . . . hang in there :))
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I am sorry to hear about the back pain, and I truly can relate.  I have the same kinds of issues (that also started me on the tram train to **** years ago).  Keep
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470217 tn?1360565361
Aw, I'm sorry, hon. For the tummy stuff, are you taking some Imodium?
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Well the awful stomach issues started yesterday evening still no tramadol but its all def worse now. My back I think is by far the worst part of the entire process. We got out last night and just walking around walmart 2 hrs had me in years when we got in the car. This is what got me to see a pain specialist 5 yrs ago where I was diagnosed with a ruptured disc asteo authritus and a diseas in the spine called spondelosynthesis any ways it's almost unbearable but I made it thru the night took the reg chlonodine ib profin 800  and vitamins and a sleeping pill and a half last night cause I was in so much pain. I'm just hoping this gets better cause I truly don't know how long I can go with my back like this!
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470217 tn?1360565361
Wow--you're doing great! Amazing. I can tell how determined you are. Keep up the great work!!!
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4204073 tn?1361831476
You sound great!  Keep on truckin...I hope it doesn't get worse but only better for you.  :)   I mean the withdraw symptoms..hehe
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Oh my goodness....I slept for 9 1/2 hrs woke up feeling so much better than yesterday. So far I haven't taken any tramadol. I took a chlonodine, a non narcotic muscle relaxer, vitamin c, b-6,b-12, potassium, and a multivitamin. And it's now almost 3 and I still feel great. Mainly just restless legs all the time but hey at this point ill take it. So it's been almost 24 hrs since I took the last tramadol! I feel free already! I'm praying that its not going to get any worse because I know with 100% certainty I can do this! Oh and the dope sneezes have begun I for my first one while at subway eating and almost choked on my sandwich lol they come so sudden I remember having them for almost 3 straight weeks in rehab many years ago when coming off oxy and benzo's I thought it was just when u took stuff like that but guess not!  Today is just a wonderful day. I feel like a new person already and feel like because of you all who have talked me thru every step of my decision to stop made a big difference! So thank you. Ill update later this evening!
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Julie (four jays) you have no idea how much I needed to hear this right at this exact minute! I only took 1 pill this morning and 1 around 3-4 I think. I have not taken anything since then except the ib profen my daughter is having two friends stay the night all 11 yrs old then I have my son 7yrs old but I managed to take them to walmart to get me several different vitamins and to get them snacks and breakfast stuff then to subway for dinner then to see a movie being out in the cold most of the day really got to me though my bones were just aching esp my back so when I got home I thought I can take a few it won't hurt anything then I got destracted and found myself reading your comment and I am glad I did because I have done so good this far why back track! So the kids are finally all in beds so I am going to take my sleeping pill chlonodine and ib profen crank up the heating pad and hope I am able to sleep a full night! Goodnight everyone ill update tomorrow!
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You are Awesome!  You know there will likely be a little increase in the w/d when you jump completely off - but they are temporary and you can do this.  If/when it does get bad just think of how free you will now be off these evil pills.  And think about how close you came to risking everything - for a piece of s**t pill that does NOTHING but take and take and take . . . until you have nothing.  Now instead you can concentrate on much better days to come - clean and healthy days!  I am SO proud of you!!!  Hang in there girl and remember - every day will get better.  We can talk about emotional issues and aftercare (all VERY important) later; just get through the weekend and start feeling better.
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Yes I did call the pharmacy and told them I did not want to get the refill and explained to them I wasn't aware how bad the drug had effect on me and i no longer want to take it and to please cancel the refill on the 24th. She said she put a note in the account to not refill it even upon request so that is done. Ill just go ahead and flush the lortabs because your right its just trading tramadol for a stronger opiete. Tomorrow I am going to try and just stop the tramadol all together. I mean I'm down to 2 a day might as well jump!
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Hey - it sounds like you are doing well (considering).  Did you end up cancelling that extra 180 script you had coming?  I'm wondering, since you tapered down to such a small amount so quick???  You are doing well though, glad to hear you have the Clonodine - they is probably helping a lot.  I did not have that in my detox (didn't taper, just c/t'd from 40 to zero in about 48 hours - because I was forced to basically).  But I have heard really good things about it.  A couple things; first - I would not take the Lortabs if I were you.  I mean, that is just another opiate, right?  If anything they will just delay the inevitable.  Second - yes, your body could be taking it better that some and it could be due to many reasons.  The Clonodine is likely helping, and also, you are not on any benzo this time right?  Those present a lot of bad w/d symptoms that you wont have to deal with this time.  Hey - I wouldn't question it - take it as a good sign - of even more good to come.  BUT - I would expect your discomfort level to increase once you are completely off the Trams (after they are through your system).  But even so, it sounds like you are doing great - and its SO good to hear that you told your hubby!  And it sounds like he took it ok.  Now, he knows to expect you to not feel so great for the next few days.  Sounds like your "stage is set" to get this thing done . . . . "just do it" as they say.  You have all the tools and support of your spouse.  PERFECT timing to get this over with.  Just please make sure you get rid of any extra pills (incuding the Lortab).  You CAN do this . . . . by next week the worst of the physical crapola will be over.  Good luck and keep posting your progress.  You are doing great :))
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Well I unno what happened to my post yesterday but basically here is how it went. For those who don't wanna read throughout the entire thing as of Sunday I was taking anywhere from 20-25 50mg pills a day some days more but usually that amount. Monday I saw Dr #2 well I stupidly altered the script by the pure grace of God nothing happened the pharmacist called the dr confirmed the right amount and then he asked me if I changed it and I said no. He filled the right amount and sent me on my way. This was and still is astonishing to a lot of people I have told on here. The doctor has been my primary doctor since I was 15 along with my husband and his entire family. Any ways after everyone on here telling me what could have happened I decided that was my sign. So tues I started a taper I went from taking 20 to 15 on tues then wed decided to take a big jump and took 3 pills when I woke up at 7 along with chlonodine and a non narcotic muscle relaxer ib profen 800 then slept until 2pm woke up took 2 tramadol and a chlonodine laod on the couch most of the day besides when getting up to answer the door for the pizza guy so the kids could eat then around 8:30 i took a sleeping pill (trazadone) another chlonodine and no tramadol this time. I slept till like 2 woke up took a Ibprofen another half a sleeping pill and was able to sleep till 6am on wednesday so i woke up Waited till 7 took 2 tramadol and a muscle relaxer then slept till 12:30 woke up took a hot bath then laid on the couch with a heating pad till about 3 picked kids up from school made. Them a snack helped with homework then about 4:30 i took only  1 tramadol an Ibprofen and a chlonodine along with vitamin c and b-12 laid on the couch or in my bed on and off until I made a quick easy dinner and when hubby got home I told him I was taking myself off the tramadol so the next week I am not gonna be 100% he was happy that I was getting off of them as he doesn't like any type of pill. Anyways I went to bed around 10pm took 1 1/2 sleeping pills and a muscle relaxer no tramadol. Today (Thursday) I woke up around 2:45 back aching really bad headache and restless legs I took an ib profen 800 and another chlonodine laid back down with heating pad fell asleep about an hour later woke up about 6:30 and just laid there switching sides until alarm went off at 7 to get kids ready for school. Today I felt like I had just ran a marathon and then was forced to tread thru knee deep mud is the best way I could describe it my arms felt like noodles and my back is the worst! Any ways I took kids to school came home took 1 tramadol an ib profen 800 a chlonodine and muscle relaxer laid in bed with heating pad on back and couldn't get comfortable but managed to wear myself out from tossing and turning and fell asleep till 11 woke up could barely walk to bathroom due to lack of energy and treading thru mud feeling ran a hot bath and laid in it for 30 min then got out back felt a little better so sat on the couch cause my back could not take laying any more used heating pad then around 3:00 got kids from school and I took 1 tramadol. I am feeling okay just main symptoms are back no energy and mud treading feeling. I have some old lortab 5 mg from when I had a tooth pulled a year ago and was wondering if stoping the tramadol completely and just taking 1-2 of those a day would be more helpful? Any ways compared to what I went through 2 yrs ago in a detox facility from opiets and benzo's this is not unbearable but I was wondering if it will prob get worse once I stop taking 1-3 a day of the tramadol which is what I have tapered down too. But I was thinking if I have gone from 20 a day to 2 or 3 a day in 3 days if I just somehow got lucky and my body is taking it better than some? Thanks for listening
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1700643 tn?1464846682
U CAN taper w/those but u clearly need some1to hold&give u what ur alloted dose.i would normally say its insane to go2subs from trams but a 10day program sounds good.U got off other meds w/that so it works for u but u NEED AFTERCARE ASAP.Get that in place now!!U will.never STAY clean otherwise.Actually I think if ur taking that many a day u will have a miserable time tapering on ur own even w/a large script cause u take so many u will have what would be a really quick miserable time.Talk2ur dr tomorrow.U can GET CLEAN.ITS ABOUT STAYING CLEAN.NA,THERAPY(I c a addiction therapist&go to group meetings).U need to not only get them out of ur system but find out why u went back to using hun.Get that fixed,get a great support system or better yet numerous different groups.TIME TO BE HONEST WITH EVERYONE.Family,friends,medical professionals,call pharmacy tell the not to fill these or any narcotics,tell ur dr etc TELL ABYONE WHO WILL LISTEN!!
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Now backing over them in a car is an interesting option!!  In the height of my addiction, would have been picking or sweeping up the pieces from the driveway!  What a sight that would been for the neighbors!
I actually took the 550 count blister pack capsules that arrived during my first week of ct wd (and Iused to relish those arrivals, spending an hour or so popping them out of their blister packs, counting them all, putting in ziplock bags, and be amazed at how many there were, and how relieved I was for awile that i dod not to have to worry about when the next shipment would come), and put them in a used crouton package, drove to Speedway and dumped them in a pulic trash can by the gas pumps!! Knew I'd never do public dumpster diving...would be too obvious.  The tablets I just flushed!

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470217 tn?1360565361
Yeah, the 180 qty is what I always ordered online. Due to delays (and over-ordering due to panic over delays) I had 3 orders for 180 come in after I already quit. Just make the package go away if you can taper without. You can refuse it, let the post office send it back, you can accidentally back over it with your car... Lots of possibilities.

Tramadol is such a crappy drug.
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Please, please, please if you really want to get these pills out of your life forever, listen to what these members are telling you.  If you keep the extra pills around you WILL give in - the pull is just too strong.  If you don't have them, you cant take them.  I know it is so scary but ending up in a criminal situation is much scarier!  Think about your kids - they need a mom; a sober Mom.  Trust me - you have a lot to lose.  You CAN do this and get a normal, healthy life back.  Please dump the extra pills and just get the w/d over with.  It is NOT that bad.  Many of us have done it and will be here to help you get through it; we wont let you down.  Good luck . . . . keep us posted.
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My guess is tat the new Rx for 180 pills is coming from n online order through FedEx and nit a legit doc...correct Tramprisoner?  At least by the sound of how you're describing things...it sound much like what I used to do....know te exact dat that the next monthly FedEx delivery was going to be made.  If this is the case Tramprisoner, you need to absolutely get rid of this  completely or you will just sabotage your efforts.  I got a huge overseas shipment of 500 100mg capsules on day 7 of my ct WD and then another 180 of my monthly FedEx shipment the next day.  I pitched/flushed the whole works right away, in a moment when I felt strong because I knew if I had them around anywhere, I'd end up taking just 1or 2 to take the edge off....and we all know how that goes.  And I was dead right to do it...there have been times when I've been weak and miserable and would have taken 1 (which invariably would have led to another and another....), but having gotten rid if them, I had no choice but to power through.  And an hour or two, or even the next day, was so glad I did!  If I can do it, you can too..so take charge of the situation and dump the pills except what you really need to taper.  Don't set yourself up to fail if you really want to get your life back!!
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480448 tn?1426948538
I'm confused.  You're obviously getting the tramadol from two docs?  You just had the 50 filled (that you altered), and now you're saying you will get another script for 180 on Sat/Sun?  Is that correct?  Two doctors?

If so, I would tread VERY carefully here, as that is doctor shopping and also a crime, which, considering what happened with the script altering...may not be in your best interest to get that script.

If anyone IS considering any kind of legal action....that would only worsen your problems.  I too would try to get the help of a doctor, if possible...to help guide you with a taper.  Tapers aren't for everyone, as it takes a lot of self control.

Good luck!  Great decision to stop the madness!
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4204073 tn?1361831476
I don't think all Dr's are very educated on what Trams really do to a person.   The good ones know that, but not all of them do.  My Dr is fully aware of it, so he prescribed them sparingly.   He had it to where I wasn't supposed to take more than 2 a day so that I couldn't refill too soon.   But that didn't matter to me, I would take 12 of them in a day (4 of them 3x daily) to get me by until I could my drug of choice, Norco.   2 of them did hardly anything.  Took away some of the withdraw symptoms, but not all.   If I ran out of those and didn't have my Norco's, the withdraw from them was worse than the opiates.  It was much harsher.   I wouldn't take the suboxone for the tram.  Like it was said, it is like substituting a glock for a flyswatter.   You are better off to keep on your taper plan.  
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