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Vicodin... can't live with it, can't live without it??

Hi gang. First I want to say that I've been lurking here for about a week and your posts have been invaluable to me in helping me understand what is/was going on with me as I withdrew from Vicodin and Valium.

I'm 25/male, and I have ulcerative colitis (inflammation of the colon). This past January, I came down with it although this time it was preceded by inflammation of the iris in my left eye. It was extremely debilitatingly painful, and i was prescribed vicodin for the pain. During the course of the colitis which lasted about a month or so this time, I kept taking the vicodin and was also given a script for valium/5 to help me sleep while i was on the prednisone (steroid). Once things got better I kept taking the vicodin because I felt it helped me feel confident to re-enter the world without a fear of having to run to the bathroom all the time, it lifted my (situational) depression, gave me loads of energy and basically made me feel like a better than normal human being.

I was using 2-4 vicodin/5 per day, and 10mg valium at night for approx 2 1/2 months - a total of maybe 190 vics + 120 darvocet and maybe 120 valium/5,. Tomorrow at 7am will be 2 weeks since i cold turkeyed. When I stopped i immediately was thrown into a deep depression, anxiety, fear, shaking, cant sleep cant eat, no energy, but no stomach probs or anything too serious. Thought i was losing my mind until the doctor told me i was having withdrawals. They never advised me of anything, they just cut me off and im thinking of suing. Yesterday was the 1st day i started feeling almost normal again.

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I only found this board today - thanks so much for all the comments and support. I don't know why (I think it may have been an HBO "America Undercover" documentary if you can believe it), but all of a sudden the gravity of my situation with Vicodin hit me this weekend, and I decided to quit.
I was at like 10-12 per day of ES - like so many others here, I would take 2-3 before I left for work. NOBODY knew about this, not even my husband, who is now being as supportive as only someone who was in rehab 10 years ago can be. He can be a bit "programmy" at times, but he means so well. I also decided to tell my three best friends, on the theory that the more people who know, the more people I'll be lying to if I go back to the vikes. It's a theory, anyway.
So I've been without them for 2 days now, and I feel like hell on toast. I know it will get worse before it gets better, especially given the amount I was taking. I am going to try the Thomas detox, although I will have to go to work while I'm doing it.
Is cold turkey okay, or do I need to wean down first because of the amount I was taking? Any thoughts?
My biggest problem is that I have SUCH easy access to Vicodin (and basically every other pharmaceutical - which is where I am planning to get the valium for the detox). I have a connection, I don't have to scam doctors. I don't know how on earth I am going to keep from going to see this guy - I guess all I can do is worry about one day at a time. I didn't go today. I will try not to go tomorrow. You guys are all great, and I hope to visit this board often for support. I just don't think I can do meetings at this point, and if I go to rehab, I will be fired, no question.
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Yes I have the desire to throw the rest away but it easier said than done.  I know what you mean about going after them even though there in the toilet.  I have to crush them with a hammer and flush them just so I won't.  I was once so desperate that I licked the residue of of a table once after I flushed the powder.  I had my mom flush them..  Addiction is such an overwhelming thing. Do you ever star4t to itch because you took to much.  It's a side affect.  I know I am better than this.  The worst part is know when can even tell when I am high because I have been taking them for so long.  Before today I had been clean for three months.  Time to start over.  I called the dentist and told him that I forgot I was allergic to vicodine so next time he won't give me any.
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Do you have the strength or desire to flush the rest? That is what we did when we tapered our schedule, it was hard, I almost reached into the "clean" pot just to get them back and swallow them all, not any whole ones- pieces, but damn it was hard. And pretty sick...Oh well, if you don't, just try and try again. As long as we are trying we can't be too bad. :>) Tomorrow is another day and a new start.......
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Well despite al the groups and support I have around me and this website.  I screwed up today.  I went to the dentist and he handed me a perscribtion for vicodin and I took five about an hour ago.  I only have 12 so maybe I will be ok.  The cravings were real bad today because my husband and I were arguing.  We are getting divorced and it is really emotionally draining.  So when the dentist offered me the vicodine I was weak.  Its a every day battle and sometimes I lose the fight.  As long as I win the war.  I don't want to depend on this stuff just to avoid hard feelings.  I just really don't like dealing with my emotions so I take pills to kill feeling.  I go to PA (pills anaymous.  I think maybe I should go to a meeting tomorrow.  No bodies perfect but I don't want to die for it.
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Well, I'm still clean.  I wish I could say it was because of my strong will and character, but unfortunately it is only because I didn't have access to any narcotics.  I live in a pretty rural place so it makes it tough to "score".  I am having the most trouble right now, I don't know why.  It's probably because it's the first Sunday night without any drugs in a couple of years.  I sure am glad this forum is here.

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The reason you keep running to the bathroom is that pain killers cause constipation now that you are not taking them your whole system has to adjust.  It takes a little time to get your body back in order, but you are doing good don't give up.  Try taking immodium AD and pepto bismol and 2 tylenol till your body starts to even back out.  Also for enery there is a multi purpose vitamin called one a day energy it has ginseng in it and helps you get more energy and helps your body to keep nack to normal more quickly.
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I typed too soon this morning. Things are worse again, the more I try to move around the more I am running to the bathroom. I NEVER EVER want to go through this again!
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The mental cravings last a while.  But the physical ones go away.  I still take vicodine in my dreams and then wake up craving it.  It gets easier though and there are medications you can take to curve the cravings.  I take naltroxene.  Good luck you doing good the tough part is over.  It gets easier around the fourth day.  And you will start to notice your energy level increasing.  Don't forget to take vitamins to help your body heal.
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I have been a vicodine addict for 4 years now. Vicodine doesn't react the same for me as it does for others.  I get energy, confidence and feel I can do anything.  I felt it helped me to work harder and fster and gave the confidence to be in ant situation.  I did things I would never normally do. The are days I can't even remeber.  I started to steal my vicodine from phramacies and faked systems with many doctors to support my habit. I have been in recovery for 1 year with 4 relapses in that year. My withdrawals get worse each relapse. I know I took the vicoine/hydrocodone to excape feeling life. I relapse when the feelings get to intense. I was up to taking 6 vicodine/hydrocodone every 4 hours and I would chew them for a greater faster effect. I knew I was in trouble when I graduated to oxycoton. The withdrawals were more than I could handle on my own and I had to get help. I know now I am lucky to still be alive. But I dream about vicodine/hydrocodone and still crave it everyday. But no more taking the easy way out of life. Good luck to everyone. Good to know I am not alone.
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Just wanted to says thanks to everyone for sharing all the great info. Today is the beginning of day 4. I am finally starting to count days instead of hours. I am still being very lazy, start to do some cleaning and only manage to get it half done...Scared what it will be like back at work tomorrow morning, especially after being gone for a week, you know the saying you need a vacation after you come back from vacation.... I am not really feeling "sleepy, just lazy" I am taking the vitamins, gatorade and walking the dogs. I am no longer running to the bathroom every half hour. BUT, man I do think about that "whoosh" from the tabs, I still miss it, how long do the mental cravings last?
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Good Morning! Congrats on 14 hrs 17 probably at least 18 minutes by now--I too had to count the minutes-hours since my last pill and what's wonderful is that the hours do actually turn into pill free days-Amazing isn't! I'm on day six and things are looking wonderful--except for not sleeping through the night I'm amazed at how well our bodies can recover after so much abuse! It looks like its going to be a nice day here in the Crescent City except for being a little hot and muggy--Oh yea I have friends that had surgical procedures took a few of their pain pills as prescribed and then I watched them throw practically a whole bottle away--Used to break my heart! (Even considered going through their trash to retrive but thankfully I never did)Keep of the good work! Gracie-- As you know we are all in this together! Peace and Prayers--Mystere AKA New Orleans Lady
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Good Morning everyone:

Well, it has now been 45 hours and 18 minutes-NO TABS, getting better every hour. Yesterday my energy lasted for about 7 hours, starting at 5 am. Hope today will make it to 9 hours, I have to go back to work Monday 4/28 and it will probably be an 11 hour day since I have been gone a week. I am so afraid someone will notice something different about me, because I never called the office this vacation like I usually do. After reading all the posts, I feel lucky, my normal habit was 5 no. 10/500 mg per day, 8 on weekends. I don't know what it would be like if we hadn't tapered them back. But we did do something on our first "free" day, we flushed our left over pieces down the toilet! YEAH! YES, man it felt like someone took 2 bricks off my shoulders and I was proud. (won't deny the initial urge to reach down in that toilet bowl and grab one of the pieces though-GOD I AM SICK) LOL Oh well. maybe someone out here can laugh with me on that one......

Thanks again everyone, for the Thomas receipe and all the info. It does get easier minute by minute, hour by hour.
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Hi Everyone. I've been reading this board for awhile, but this is my first post. I was taking 10-12 percocet or 5 mg oxycodones per day. I was getting them from my boyfriend. I was having back pain, and my doc perscribed vioxx and muscle relaxers. it worked, but it made me sleepy.I am a single mom with 3 kids and I work 2 jobs, so I didn't want to take something that would knock me out. My boyfriend is paralized from the waist down. He needs me to take care of him also. One day he gave me a percocet for my back pain, and I found out the darn pill gave me energy as well as reliving the pain. It's taken me a year to work up to about 12 pills a day. I was stealing them from him and he knew it. I have weaned myself down to 4 a day in the past 3 days, so I am feeling the WD symptoms. I really want to stop!! I want my life back!! This board has been very helpful in helping me to stop. Thanks for listening.
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You know, percs, that actually makes a lot of sense to me, about quitting the meds in the early am and evening, when we seem to need them the worse.  I'm actually doing it b-ass-ackwards...smile...taking my a.m. dose and evening dose without fail...maybe I'll "shake" it up a little bit; right now I'm taking 5-6-7 10/325's a day; one at 6-am (when my eyes pop open and my legs won't stay still)...for some reason I think of Dracula and those old movies when his eyes would pop open and he'd rise from his coffin, cause I always think "the hunger" when I get up this early to take a vicodin to "stave" off the W.D.'S.  Go back to sleep - back up again before 10 to take 2 more ...this soothes me until about 2:00 pm or when I happen to feel discomforted and take 2 more.  Then after dinner, about 6 or 7-pm, I'm feeling "antsy" again and take another one - then another about 9:00 before bedtime.  In the past I was chasing them with Jack Daniel, but thank God, I've pretty much gotten away from that habit.  I've tapered down from about 12 a day to this; but it seems like I'm stuck here and can't seem to do any better.  I KNOW I need to quit completely; this habit is depleting my energy; not to mention my bank account.   I appreciate the fact,that while you're still recovering, you're still here to help.  Your experiences and recovery and optimism means so much to me, and I'm sure, many people here. Don't want to get "mushy" but want you to know how much I appreciate ya!!!! Enjoy your little ones this weekend; they grow up before ya know it!  Love ya, percs....Lisabet
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Ah yes! The mental olympics we go through! That my friend is your addiction talking and just like Percs said IT WILL GO AWAY!
I could not imagine life at all without my bottle of happy pills--HYDROCODONE 10/325--I was taking 12-14 of those little suckers per day and like all addicts I had my Pill Routine--My husband had no sympathy for drug addicts either until my addicition came crashing down on both of us a week ago!--To cut a long story short I got caught in a whopper of a lie about my pill taking and he was devestated!  I came very close to losing the man I love and adore due to those f$#@king pills! Sooo a decision had to be made--what was it going to be?  My wonderful life back or having those demons control every aspect of my day! (How many do I have/How to get more/What if the different pharmacies I used would find out what I was doing?  I'm sure you know the nightmare because you're in the middle of it!--I'm now on day six and coming out the other side and please believe me it does get better!  You can find wonderful support on this forum because just about everyone here has walked the mile you're walking now! 2 days is quite an accomplishment!  Please keep it up and the Thomas Recipe works!  And for God's sake please DO NOT CALL IN A SCRIPT--Just keep reading and posting that's what I did and the wonderful people here actually helped me from losing what i thought was my mind!
Oh by the way--My Husband is now the biggest supporter of my recovery and things are looking up on all fronts--I'm not saying its easy but PLEASE PLEASE believe it is so worth it!  You're in my prayers--Peace--Mystere/AKA N.O. Lady (office computer)
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Thank you so much again for the supportive word.  I know I need to keep it simple and take one day at a time, not getting too caught up in my head.  Now I'm battling eating like crazy!!  I'll probably gain 10 lbs. this weekend!! Ugh.
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I also forgot to tell you--Your addiction will say--"God I feel so bad right now I'll just get one more bottle and then I'll taper and get off of them for good"--ALWAYS TOMORROW--For me it was always tomorrow until the choice had to be made! I could never taper those little demons called my name 24/7.  I also worked during the brunt of the withdrawal and you wonder how you got through it--But the fact is that you DO!--You have a chance to STOP this speeding train to destruction and believe me its headed straight for your door if you continue. This forum saved my sanity and everyone here is willing to help!  God knows we've all been there!--Peace & Prayers--Mystere/ AKA New Orleans Lady
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Hey Percs - once again...an excellent post. Your usage mimics my heaviest usage almost to the minute!!!  I, like demonfeeder, have the most problems in the evening. Nothing is as much fun without the vicodins, a.i. relaxing in the evenings with TV, shopping, having dinner with friends.  This is the thing I'm trying to adjust to right now, actually trying to enjoy life without the pills.  It's the hardest thing, I tell ya.  Hope you enjoy your weekend; it's supposed to rain and be chilly here in West Virginia, "perfect" weather for this mangy dog to stay in the doghouse and snooze...smile.  From one M.D. to another, Love, Lisabet  :)
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Hell i could recite my pill taking routine in my sleep.
Wake up at 4:45a.m. for work, take my first 2 percs to get into the shower.
By the time most of my fellow workers were arriving at work, i was ready for another 1.5(now all of 8:00 am) Another 1.5 at 10:30, and finally 1.5 more to go to lunch.  Then my massive will power kicked in, and i stretched it to 2 more just before going home at 4pm.  Then just to help be stay energized at least 2 or 3 more before dinner, so i could play with the lit'l ones.
Usually cut my dinner short so i could rush upstairs and grab a couple more, Since my damn food was diluting my pills.
2 or 3 more around 8:30(just about ready to put the lit'l ones to bed; after all i had to read them a couple stories, so i needed them right?) Ah, and then the night cap, 1 or 2 or 3 more to put myself to sleep.  Can't forget the 1 in the middle of the night either, waking up withdrawaling is no fun you know.


You have to give yourself enough time between your last pill, and you will once again be "normal".  And, i strongly encourage you to not just sit back and say "well i got off the pills, now what".  Make it happen, fill your time, retrain yourself if you have to.  You know the old "Effort in === Reward out"
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Thank You.  I will keep reading and maybe posting.  I don't have the luxury of time away from my job.  I am going to try the hot bath as soon as I get home though.  Though the physical withdrawl is tough, (my bones ache), the toughest part is the mental addiction.  I am so used to coming home from work and going right to the narcotics, that now when I get home, I pace, I try to watch TV, but nothing seems enjoyable anymore.  I hate that feeling.  I don't want to be in the office, I don't want to be at home, I don't want to DO anything.  How long does this symptom last?  Will it ever go away?
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I don't have to tell you that you will get caught if you keep calling in the scripts to I?? Just a matter of time, then you'll be on wife #3(from what you've indicated)

As far as help, you've found a very good start with this forum.

I've copied a detox recipe for you to read through, which should be of real benefit to your recovery:

Thomas Detox Recipe

PLEASE NOTE: I am not a doctor, simply a long-time Rx opiate junkie who has had many opportunities to develop a way to detox. This is a recipe for at-home self-detox from opiates based on my experience as well as that of many other addicts. It is not intended as professional medical advice. It is always wise to make sure none of the recipe ingredients or procedures conflict with medications you may be taking. Likewise, if you have any medical condition, disease, allergy or any other health issue, consult your doctor before using the recipe. Thanks, Thomas

This recipe is designed for cold turkey opiate detox. It assumes that you can get about 5 to 7 days away from your job or household responsibilities during which you can sleep, veg and act as miserable as you feel. Opiate WD mimics the symptoms of the common flu, so, if you need a smokescreen, hide behind a bad case of the flu.

If you can't take time off to detox, I recommend you follow a taper regimen using your drug of choice or suitable alternate -- the slower the taper, the better.

For the Recipe, You'll need:

1. Valium (or another benzodiazepine such as Klonopin, Librium, Ativan or Xanax). Of these, Valium and Klonopin are best suited for tapering since they come in tablet form. Librium is also an excellent detox benzo, but comes in capsules, making it hard to taper the dose. Ativan or Xanax should only be used if you can't get one of the others.

2. Imodium (over the counter, any drug or grocery store).

3. L-Tyrosine (500 mg caps) from the health food store.

4. Strong wide-spectrum mineral supplement with at least 100% RDA of Zinc, Phosphorus, Copper and Magnesium.

5. Vitamin B6 caps.

6. Access to hot baths or a Jacuzzi (or hot showers if that's all that's available).

How to use the recipe:

Begin your detox with regular doses of Valium (or alternate benzo). Start with a dose high enough to produce sleep. Before you use any benzo, make sure you're aware of how often it can be safely taken. Different benzos have different dosing schedules. Taper your Valium dosage down after each day. The goal is to get through day 4, after which the worst WD symptoms will subside. You shouldn't need the Valium after day 4 or 5.

During detox, hit the hot bath or Jacuzzi as often as you need to for muscle aches. Don't underestimate the effectiveness of hot soaks. Spend the entire time, if necessary, in a hot bath. This simple method will alleviate what is for many the worst opiate WD symptom.

Use the Imodium aggressively to stop the runs. Take as much as you need, as often as you need it. Don't take it, however, if you don't need it.

At the end of the fourth day, you should be waking up from the Valium and experiencing the beginnings of the opiate WD malaise. Upon rising (empty stomach), take the L-Tyrosine. Try 2000 mgs, and scale up or down, depending on how you feel. You can take up to 4,000 mgs. Take the L-Tyrosine with B6 to help absorption. Wait about one hour before eating breakfast. The L-Tyrosine will give you a surge of physical and mental energy that will help counteract the malaise. You may continue to take it each morning for as long as it helps. If you find it gives you the "coffee jitters," consider lowering the dosage or discontinuing it altogether. Occasionally, L-Tyrosine can cause the runs. Unlike the runs from opiate WD, however, this effect of L-Tyrosine is mild and normally does not return after the first hour. Lowering the dosage may help.

With breakfast, take the mineral supplement.

As soon as you can force yourself to, get some mild exercise such as walking, cycling, swimming, etc. This will be hard at first, but will make you feel considerably better.

PLEASE NOTE: If you have any medical complications, first check with your doctor before detoxing to verify that this regimen is safe for you.

You are probably somewhere around halfway to coming out the other side, so that is a very good start.  Although i'm sure it doesn't feel like it.  Try and keep yourself moving and your mind occupied!!!  Read through a bunch of threads, and find some inspiration/motivation/support, or whatever you are looking for.

Keep posting!!
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I just starting reading the postings here.  It has been a big help to me to know that I'm not alone in my addiction.  I can't talk to my wife about this, she has no sympathy for addicts, and I can't say that I blame her.  I started talking my nightmare of "feeding the hungry demons" about 2 years ago with OTC cough syrup with codeine.  (It is legal in Wis. to buy 120ml of this without a prescription.)  Then I started taking 8mg w acetam. that I bought on-line.  I started to worry about the effects of the acetametiphen on my liver, so I started to strain the codiene out and drink the bitter mixure like that.  Then I was prescribed Vicodin for a minor back strain and BANG!!  I was in love!  I felt GREAT!  But then the bottle was empty and I headed back to the Dr. to get more.  No problem.  When that went empty, I started calling in prescriptions (my first wife is a pharmacist) and I worked part-time with her as a pharmacy tech so I learned how to read and write scripts.  I have not been caught doing this and nor do I want to get caught.  My 2nd wife would surely leave me if I got arrested for this.  I have been without any narcs. for 2 days now, and I can think of nothing else but how to get more Vicodins.
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Hi Bunches...........i'm glad you found us!!!

Sounds like you've got a fresh start coming.  That fear is very natural.  Although i didn't do an in-patient detox(i tapered and used Thomas' Recipe; w/o the benzo); my MIL did one fairly recently, and was very thankful for it.  She came off a poly-drug habit of many years(coke, vikes, and xanax), and was treated with clonidine and valium(only for the first 3 days) over an 8 day period.
She was amazed at how well "it" worked....meaning she didn't get creamed by the withdrawals.....like she expected.

Don't be too hard on yourself, thinking its all about self control..........it is the nature of the opiate beast. Lets just try and tackle one step at a time, starting with the detox.

I think your plan is a wise one, tapering--heading into detox.
I'm not sure if you have a follow-up phase(like counselling, AA, NA,etc); but this place is at least a very good start, once you get out of detox.  Please try and read through the Thomas Recipe, and i strongly suggest picking up the ingredients(of course you won't need the benzo!!), so that you can start when you get home.

Take some comfort knowing you are not alone, and that there is a large group of people(compassionate,caring and knowledgeable) here for you.


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Thank you for writing and the encouragement.  I am trying not to put "everything" on detox, I know that is just the beginning.  But I so want to not crave and just think about these damn pills, 24/7.  I don't even remember what it feels like to be without them.  I know I was depressed or something was underlying to begin with, but sure would take that over this.  It's almost like the more and more I take, even to maintain, I become irritable and enjoy things less and less.  Is this normal, or should I say typical of drug-use?  When I just had a few to get me through each day, waiting for detox on monday I was doing just that. Now that I have more, enough to get by and "then some" I want to take more.  I feel so out of control.  I think of how I will be after detox.  Oh, I'm just caught up in all my thoughts right now....
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