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Well, hello all . . .

After reading several of your posts . . .I am literally sitting here crying on a gloomy Saturday morning.  Several weeks ago, I began to change my life.  Ten years ago, in a miserable marriage, I was misdiagnosed with Bipolar.  I kicked Seroquel several years ago . . Valium came two years ago.  My mother told me if I ever tried to "kick" Cymbalta, I might as well put myself in an institution . . that damned drug was worse than having the DT's (my mom should know . . she has been addicted to every damned thing on the planet . . .maybe that is why, ironically, I do Drug Counseling as part of my Counseling Practice -- ironic, huh?!).  So, despite that warning, I KICKED Cymbalta, by myself, with no supports, no help, no outside drugs . . . no one even knowing three weeks ago. Now, I am sitting here this morning . . and it is time for me to pick up my Norco prescription. I have been on this, dare I say, DOPE, for TEN YEARS.  I was prescribed Vicodin 5/500 ten years ago for a pinched nerve . . slowly, it went up to 7/7.5 (for those of who don't know . .the first part sympolizes the narcotic combination; the second .  .and more lethal is the aspirin, which can "kill your liver" and THAT is what makes this damned drug, over time, so bad for your health . . .).  Well, what do you know . . the stuff stops working over time.  For those of you who have been on two years, three years, four years . . .yeah, I have been on a DECADE.  And I am now on the super-duper variety . .Norco's.  That means the 10/3.5 (note: I actually, knowing the levels, requested from my doctor to "reduce" the amount of acetaphamine in my Norco so I wouldn't collapse my liver and kidneys . . .) last year.  However, since I have gone off of the Cymbalta, I have noticed that without the sedating effects of THAT drug, people constantly are telling me I talk a lot and quickly, have a lot of energy, and (did you notice?) I write a lot.  Hmm . . . could it be that the NARCOTIC in this drug is having some effect?  So, as I put the pieces together today, sniffling like I am getting a cold . .which is precisely one of the symptoms, and feeling like I am 100 years old as opposed to my regularly spry 46 . . . another symptom, I wonder myself how long this hell will last.  Of course, there is still the pinched nerve in my shoulder to contend with, however, I have been informed that Vicodin/Norco actually INCREASES the pain receptors in our brains, so I have no idea if the level of pain I am feeling right now is REAL or heightened due to this drug.  Politely put:  WHAT THE HELL ARE THE DOCTORS DISHING OUT TO US FOLKS IN THE FORM OF HELPING US IF WE ARE GETTING ADDICTED TO THIS POLUTION??  Jeez, the cure is worse than the disease . . .I still haven't located the answer to my question:  how long will my proverbial hell last . . or will I last through the day or cave in . .. no, I will look up some more withdrawel symptoms and then I will get to a 12-step meeting STAT . .as I suggest the rest of you do.  We are all f-ing addicts off of this stuff.  And this is coming from a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, folks . . who TREATS addicts. What a joke.  Hello, Everyone . .my "code name" is Nikki . .and I am an addict . . . I wish you all the best on your journey . . .
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Wow.  Thanks for all the great comments today, guys . . . I literally worked my butt off staying out of the house, busy, busy, busy so I Would Not Focus on My Pain.  For whatever the heck reason . .I am not experiencing withdrawal symptoms . .. that said, I realized that actually contradicted myself.  Earlier today in the bathroom, it hit me . . I HAD been titrating ALL week.  Realizing I was running out of pills early, I started taking less and less as the week went on . .ten down to six a day down to four down to two down to one.  By my "Birthday," I had only one pill the day before.  MAYBE that is why I am feeling "less" of the withdrawal symptoms.  That said, there are still moments of "screw this" . . .but KNOWING I do not have that avenue anymore has really, really, really helped keep me on the straight and narrow.

Today, I ran to church.  They were talking about diversity -- it is nondenominational, all faiths are equal .  .a lesbian guest speaker was talking about living in Kansas and discussing the integration of schools. I weeped through the entire service (what I made of it . . I was late due to my condition).  Then, I volunteered for two hours . . .THEN I volunteered for another two hours at a senior facility with my dogs.

Then . . I went to Walmart where I had a heart-to-heart with a pharmacist and discovered that the on call doctor was about to prescribe me yet ANOTHER "controlled substance" tomorrow . . uh, no, no, no. I talked to her about my chronic pain symptoms . . .any vitamins or minerals that could help with the pain?  She said no.  She said, and I quote, "If you are in 'real pain,' then we just need to get you on the right medicine and you will not have to worry." Uh, no to that.  I am NOT going down that route again. I politely and calmly told her that ANY medication she put me on, besides a muscle relaxant, would only have to be brought up, just like the Norco, over time. Wasn't going down that route again.

Listened to a Christian station all the way home . . .it kept coming up with songs about pain management, struggling through difficult times, etc. I am not a (excuse the phrase), "holy roller" and I AM NOT going to preach to anyone here . . but for me, it is my absolute only way out of this mess. I need a liferaft right now and since I am struggling more with serious pain all over my right side than anything else . .I have to learn to manage that.  That said, I also had several "ah-ha's" today . .that the pain in my right side is a direct result of anger brought inward . .  that if I struggle, fight, it gets worse. That if I relax, it gets better . . that if I continue to keep something in my stomach, it gets better.  I have been literally muttering to myself all day, "Listen to your body, listen to your body . . you have been ignoring it for all these years . .the pain medication just 'masked' the real problem."  So . .I made peace with my father (very controlling), made peace with my ex (very abusive and controlling), checked in with my kid who had texted to see how I was, had a prayer said over me to ensure that I heard whatever was being said to me by God was Loud and Clear this week and beyond . . and then I kept looking at my little dogs and remembering to look at the beautiful weather outside . . .and to continue to count my blessings.  

I am NOT going to let this thing beat me.  Hell, if I have to . . I will learn to live with pain but I will NOT go back on any, any, any controlled substance.  Period.

As for reference to the aspirin vs. acetematephin (sp), no problem . .no insult there . . .When my daughter just recently asked for a book for a book report, I silently took 1984 off my little book shelf, and said, "Try this one, honey."  The kid was mesmorized. She ended up getting--in Honors' English--95%, 97.5% and 98% grades on the various parts of the Sections she had to do on the Book.  Also, I ordered the old video off of Amazon . .it is waiting for her to arrive tomorrow so we can watch it together.  As for the reference that I was "still quite young when the date came around," yes, I was only 20, but as Walter Conkrite so aptly put in his preface in MY copy . . "it might not come around in 1984, but there is always 1985 . . " and sure enough, folks, we are arrivin' . . .(BTW, my daughter FIRST read "Animal Farm," so she has been pushing me to read that book . . .I'll go to it as soon as I begin managing this pain a bit more mentally . . thanks!!).

Thank you, also, on the chapstick reference. Damn if I NEVER knew about THAT either.  Jeez.  My beloved chapstick of 38 years . .has got to go, too.  I am heading up to my kids' room right now to go searching for THEIR tubes of beeswax "chapstick."  Might as well just do all of this in One Fell Swoop.

I might have been ignorant, but I am not stupid.  

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.

I'll try not to "trigger" on any more folks . . .that being said, I DO get ornery when I am in pain, but then again, I guess I will just have to modify that behavior 'cuz I see a lot of pain ahead in my future and I am not going to go through life a permanent beoch.  

Thank you for your support today, everyone . . . .
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I hope that my pointing out the difference between aspirin and acetomenophin didn't "chaffe" you? For some the difference is critical and life threatening. Wasn't trying to "correct" you just the statement ok? [George Orwell, 1984], that's great " We've always been at war with Eurasia", Ha. You were still quite young when the date came around, many like me waited for years to witness the "prohecy's come true", Or how about his book "Animal Farm" , We are all equal, but some of us are more equal than others! You made me laugh about the chap stick addiction, did you know that it actually causes your lips to chaffe thereby a person needing to use it more frequently? It's petroleum based, and there are products out there that don't cause chaffing, bees wax based for one. Don't trigger on me, I'm only trying to help. That's what they call "Roy Rogers" horse in Germany, " Hair trigger.
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617347 tn?1331293081
I agree, sudie's comment was intended to be a supportive one and well intentioned as all her comments :)
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Thanks, Vicki595 . . . you seem extremely knowledgeable.

You and I might disagree on the one point about titrating off of meds only because I keep seeing fellow addicts (I previously called clients, family members or friends) just returning to full doses after they lost more "strength" to carry on . . .

but overall, we seem to be on the same page on and you appear to know your drugs, what they do and what we (I) all need to do to stay clean.  There, I said it.  Clean.  and Sober.

And with that,

I will bid adieu for a bit and go to church . . .did a little regress there, didn't I, and started to judge after all?  Oops . .sorry, it was the shoulder biting again, makes me grouchy.  I'll start taking responsibility for my own moods, comments and behavior and stop blaming it on my pain . . .ciao, guys, for now . ..
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There are policies on this forum. Email addresses are blocked for your own protection. You should know that.  It's not personal to you. Email and phone #'s are not encouraged.

Also, I'm sure Sudie meant no harm calling your post a "rant". People "vent" and "rant" here all the time and it's healthy! She was just calling it as she saw it.

There is private messaging. You can give your home address,email address,and phone number to anyone via private message. So,there's an avenue for you...
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I think that you are definitely in the right frame of mind to go through with this.....You sound a lot like me, I am very analytical and tried to make sense of what I was going through....I used to write pages of notes and then going back and re-reading them.  I would read post after post on this site trying to find the best answer to getting through detox with the least amount of pain.  I finally listened to some of the elder member on this site.....No matter how many times I went over it in my brain it was inevitable....WE cannot take narcotic pain relievers ever again....We HAVE to go through the pain and agony of detox....we have to work the program to remain sober....and most of all taking it one day at a time.  I am a little nervous for you in regards to the withdrawal symptoms.....I do not know if they are just delayed a bit or if your dosage was low enough to minimize the effects.....You might be one of the lucky one!  :)  Even if the physical is lessened the mental is usually the toughest part....Trying to adjust to life sober instead of relying on a little yellow pill.....The Norco's were my favorite as well.....I was taking 120-150mg's a day every day!  I could not even function without it.  It sounds like you come from a religeous background like me.....I find it really helps to surrender myself to God and surrender my symptoms and put them in his hands....It helps me to think that he only gives us what we can handle and if we are successful we will be rewarded!  

One last note......I think with your background, strength, and profession you could do a lot of good on this site....I would use this as motivation to get sober.....I think that your words and your training will really benefit a lot of members on this site....We just have to get sober first so that we can live via our own words.....God bless and have a GREAT Sunday!
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lol.  Guess the site will not allow me to give out my real email address. That's downright funny.  Almost Big Brother-like (note:  I made reference to "1984," my favorite book . .before -- now here is a PRIME example).  If I want to give out my email address, why shouldn't I be able?? I am a grown woman!  Hell, people go out into bars every day and proverbially and literally "give" their bodies away . .(last night, a gal literally set her entire wallet down . . I sat for another 45 minutes with it . . until she returned and told her, "Please, please do not do this again . .in doing my study two nights ago, I literally just had my wallet stolen right under my nose in the bathroom . .with $2,500 in it."  She was shocked but said, "Oops" and I think she might have learned not to do that again.) Anyhow, I guess one can go drink, pick up people, etc. . .but to give out an email address so you don't have to keep logging on here is verboten.  Okey-doke then . . . Big Brother Says No.  
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Well, now that I am over the initial "shock" and anger of 1) my own industry lying to me all these years (now, take responsibility for thy self, too, kiddo . . .no one "forced" you to imbibe this stuff . . .), and the fact that I was prescribed not one but two of the same meds and 2) that this journey may not be an easy one . ..

I am literally sitting here, awaiting the dt's.  And.  They are not coming.  Hmmm.  I woke up.  My shoulder did not hurt one bit.  Hmmm.  Maybe this pinched nerve is more bunched up stress, anger, angst . . .maybe a "lifestyle" and "attitude" change is more in order than a bunch of pills.

My body has always been kind of different from others.  I have an extremely high tolerance to pain medication and extremely low tolerance to pain.  When I had epiderals in the hospital to deliver my first baby, my former husband turned to the doctor and said, "Shoot her twice in a row, guy," and he did.  This is precisely WHY I was on such high doses.  The lower stuff never works for me.  This or that is like baby aspirin for me.

That said, I am like a Dragon . . and a bull.  I am only 5'4" . . 145 lbs, but I can carry a woman my own weight up three flights of stairs on my back .. and did just that after the Lada Gaga concert two weeks ago when she sprained her ankle.  I have incredible strength but it may have been misdirected . . .o.k., as I type the tingling is returning in my arm.  Hmmm . . .typing might agitate the shoulder.  That would be sad.  I wouldn't be able to stay on anymore . . .

The anger has dissipated a bit since I slept last night.  I am one of the lucky ones.  I happen to have Valium for sleep and I don't misuse it.  So, I took the prescribed two and slept for a full six hours with no problem.  Also, as soon as I hit the bed, I noticed my screaming shoulder went . . .blank.  No pain.  So, this is most definitely a vertical pressure problem . . .

For everyone (and I am absolutely not talking down to anyone out here now) who is suffering, suffering, suffering out there with Very Real Physical Symptoms, please do not turn back.  It will not help us.  It will not help you.  We all have to stay strong.  I know personally where I was getting my Norco for extremely inexpensive and it was totally legitimiate and the doctor even explained where to go after I lost my health insurance last summer.  HOWEVER, I am NOT sharing it because I do NOT want to tempt you all to run out to that source and go pick some up . . . Do Not Do It.  

We are strong, people.  I work with people every day in the "abuses"-- physical (domestic violence), child abuse, substance abuse . . . I work with parolees who have to do 52 weeks of domestic counseling.  The parole agents are always joking that I am the Little Therapist with the Big Voice -- the Dragon Lady -- they call me.  Last night, I had like 20 guys trying to pick me up at the clubs (not bad for a 46 year old woman, but I am told I look a decade younger . . ).  But I AM not going back.  Not to my psychologically abusive husband who downed a bottle of Vicodin himself and reached out to his baby daughter and said, "Come say goodbye to daddy" to manipulate me to stay with him while I was packing . . .later, years later, he simply resorted to pulling the girls by their hair and pushing them into walls until I said, "That's it.  Next time I see you do it, I'm calling the police."  He did.  12/24/06.  IHe was arrested . .and I never invited him in again.  Enough is enough.  Dad was controlling, ex was controlling . . and now, yes, I was "pissed" yesterday when I realized that I had handed all that liberty over to a bottle . . .jeez.

I am sorry to any of who think I write a book and tire of me writing.  You don't have to read but please do not comment on me "ranting" anymore.  That stung a bit.  It was not a nice comment.  We should be here to support one another . . .not put each other down or insult one another or tell someone that their experience is not authentic.  "Hey, the sky IS purple and the grass is pink."  Sorry, folks . . I have had years of that . . .and I am not going back.  When my daughters approach me for advice, when my clients approach me for advice, I always turn it back on them . ."What do YOU think? The answers lie within you."  I am tired of being controlled, and I do not wish to control myself.  

I am going to my faith center this morning.  There, each faith is equal and none is above the rest . . we believe that to not judge, to just "be" and to love each other as equals is the most devine . . ."let peace be here on earth and let it begin with me . . ."  I wish you all the very, very best.  That is enough of my proverbial ranting. I think I shall move forward into the world, possible withdrawels and all, and forge ahead.  If anyone wants to connect with me directly, you can contact me at ***@****.  Oh, yes . .and by the way, my REAL name is Debora.  Ciao, guys . . .
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lmao . . .rant is right.  Sorry, I happen to type as quickly as I think.  My daughter keeps telling me to "shorten" my posts" on everything . . .I'll try to keep my posts a bit shorter from now on.  That said, it WAS my first day . . and I am in a lot of pain without this medication, not just going through withdrawals, but also hurting like hell.  Hmmm . . maybe if I get off this computer and actually take a hot shower and RELAX my shoulder, it might stop hurting?!  Now, there's a thought . . lol.  Goodnight, everyone. . .on to tomorrow.  Another day of sobriety for us all.  Stay strong!!!
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1580085 tn?1400940838
well, thankyou for your rant, god bless you, i can certainly say how much sense you were yelling, it has made me feel better and stronger, i do really wish you well and i know you will get your life back!!, sending prayers to you, god bless.
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Mellie4, I am addressing this specifically to you . . however, I want to thank Each and Every Frickin' One of You for responding to me today.  Firstly, yes, I did just as you did, Mellie4:  being an "addiction specialist," I specifically talked over and over and over again with my doctor about my concerns with addiction and was told over and  . . well you get it, that I could NOT get addicted since I was treating pain. Yeah, **** that ****, as my daughter would say.  I started out with 5/500, went to 7.5/500, then 10/3.5 (to pretroglyph54), yes--the first part represents the "narcotic," or opiate portion and the last part represents the "acetametaphin" portion . . . six months ago, I requested to be placed on Naproxen because my daughter is taking it for chronic arthritis in her ankle (age 13) and I already had it in my head that the end of this addiction was coming soon.  Yeah, so the "smart doctor" placed me on TWO ibuprofin prescriptions basically . . that AND Naproxen.  When I found out today that I was getting heartburn as of a week ago because, most likely I was overdosing by doubledosing on the same med and most likely would have bled out my stomach, I almost went ballistic . . I literally put on Lada Gaga and belted out "Show Me Your Teeth" and tromped around the damned house for over two hours . . .(my kid and I just saw the concert last week . . ).  Boy, was I pissed.  To answer another question:  I was prescribed 240 of these suckers a month . . but in the last five months or so, I have been zipping through them and literally counting tabs by about the middle of the month . . yeah, like that's NOT addict behavior . .I felt like a squirrel gathering for the winter. If you even detect any humor, it's because I am starting to realize how absolutely frickin' tragically funny this all is . . . My plan today was this:  "out myself and STAT."  So, I called the On Call Doctor (that's who told me the doctor f'd up and double prescribed the Ibuprofin and to stop taking both immediately to let my stomach heal), then I called the pharmacy and told them to rip up the prescription so I had no frickin choice and no opportunity to look back . . .I KNOW temptation, dammit, and I am NOT going to even chance it . . .then I contacted every friend, family member, Facebook, you name it.  Then, I took a long hot shower, had dinner out with a friend (took advice from this site and we walked the 20 blocks to dinner each way . . .), then I tried to go to two AA meetings but they were BOTH closed (uh, thanks . . .), so I went to two clubs and continued my study of "mating rituals" for my Sexology PhD dissertation Just To Get Out of The ******* House for the Day.  Tomorrow, same plan.  Am I hurting like hell right now?  You betcha.  My shoulder, right clavacal, right arm and back are on FIRE.  But I am NOT turning back.  No rehab, no support except two worried looking little pet therapy dogs and a decrepet 18 year old cat who keeps looking me in the face like "Hey, mom, I got hit 18 years ago by a car and I live with chronic pain . . . if *I* can do this . . you can, too."  Tomorrow, I am going to get up, go to my faith center, volunteer there, and then go volunteer at a senior center with my dogs and visit elderly people who have no one to visit them . . .I called my eldest daughter today (13), explained exactly what Mom was doing, how Vicodin has opiate in it (think Opium out of the Opium Dens in China, kid . . ), told her I loved her and her sister more than anything but I might be too damned sick on Monday to pick them up and they may have to wait until later in the week to see me because I might be busy "puking in a toilet by Monday," (no lie)  . . . and she said, so help me God, "I am so glad you are doing this. See you on the other side of hell. I love you, Mom!"  So, here I am . . .wrapped in a blanket at almost two in the morning . . .with flu-like symptoms . .. with Lada Gaga running through my head . . . waiting for the "restless leg syndrome" (boy, can't wait for THAT part tonight . . ) and the worse is yet to come.  But no going back.  Period.  The end. As my oh-so-wise if not so-eloquent daughter would say, **** That ****.  I am not having some little yellow pill control me and have me running for it like I'm its ***** anymore.  I am very, very lucky.  My body seems to be made like a tank and except for the flu, so far . . .no other symptoms . . . except really, really bad pain where my pinched nerve is.  But in the end, I was taking Norco, Naproxen, Ibuprofin . . Valium . .and NOTHING was taking the pain away anyhow.  My daughters were STILL massaging my neck, my shoulders and still, it was getting worse and worse.  The friend I had dinner with tonight, her boyfriend was up to 640 of these suckers by HIS end . . .and they were at 20 mg strength!! He was barely coherent.  (Does the guy even have a liver or kidney left, I wondered aloud to my friend . . go have him checked asap!!).  So, yes.  The psychiatric industry, which actually conjoled ME into believing that they were "correcting" our "mental chemistry" is, I am discovering now, only making our mental chemistry worse by inflicting these drugs on us . . you take this to decrease depression but it increases anxiety, this to decrease anxiety but it increases irritability, this to help pain but it makes you cranky, this to help you lighten your mood but it kills your libido.  Jeez.  After all of this is said and done, and I can laugh again . . I am sticking to my chapstick addiction.  Period.  Goodnight, everyone.  Hope your "twitchy legs" don't keep you all up too much tonight . . .I will shoot up a prayer for all of us little soldiers, in this mini war -- together!! Thank you ALL for your support.  Oh, and by the way, you better believe I am ******* mad as hell.  
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Good luck.  I hear your anger, and I'm right there with you.  I tried to cold turkey off a bunch of stuff at the beginning of the week ... a big jump down from the Fentanyl and then quitting the oxycodone, Ativan all at once.  Couldn't do it and still move and even take care of anything.  So I'm tapering on all.  Have an appointment on Monday and making sure we have a REAL PLAN for a taper.  I've been talking about this since I got on it and now I'm pissed I'm where I'm at.  And it doesn't cover my pain.  At first, it did help me function but later made me numb and apathetic.  I don't like that about myself now.

I don't have the mental addiction but right now it doesn't seem to matter.  I still have the physical dependence.  I don't believe these doctors are truthful.  I talked at EVERY appointment about dependence vs. tolerance vs. addiction.  One doctor told me I COULDN'T get addicted since I was treating pain.  Right.

I'm starting to think pain management is a cash cow and they don't even want me to taper down.  My medication comes to a little over $3,000 a month.  Someone's making money.  I'll probably be dealing with mild withdrawals for a long time since I think realistically it's going to take a while to bring me down off this stuff.  Unless I go the suboxone route, and I don't think that's for me.  Once I'm off, I'll reevaluate what my real pain is and go from there.

Best of luck.  I took myself off Cymbalta last November.  It was making me crazy.  The doctor didn't want me to but I did anyway and I'm grateful now I did but the first four or five days I had the blackest depression I've ever had.

Keep us posted on how you're doing.
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After reading your post I had to run and check the compostion or vicodin. My search said and you may have meant the first # is the mg's of hydrocodone and the second # isn't aspirin but acetomenophin. Which yes can damage your liver especially if taken with alcohol. Aspirin, which I take daily, and presribed works well as a blood thinner and is prescribed for many for same. Congratulations on kicking the cymbalta and your decision to quit the other. The norco's are similar with the 325 being tylenol [acetomenophin], but I think the 10 part is hydromorphone? Good luck
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Nikki.....Welcome!  Many of us on here come from all walks of life and professions.....This addiction does not discriminate.  If you are truly serious about quitting then there is some things you need to do first.  In the upper right hand corner of this page you will see a Health Pages icon....Click on it and go to the Amino Therapy Protocol article....The article was originally designed for methadone withdrawal but the natrual suppliments and vitamins are essential for lessening the effects of withdrawal and will shorten the length of time that you will have to go through them.  You will also need to get some protein powder...This stuff is loaded with the essential amino acids and good lean protein that your body needs to heal.  You obviously have experience with withdrawal and what you need to do to get sober....I too woke up one day and realized I was taking 100-130mg of hydrocodone as well....I am a working professional and am married with children.  I was able to maintain my habit right under the nose of my wife, friends, and co-workers.  I am now 15.5 days sober and have a lot of experience with withdrawal....I have literally gone through withdrawal and relapsed hundreds of times.....

Ok....once you get the suppliments and vitamins you will need to talk to your Dr. or Dr.'s and tell them what you are trying to do....they might try to convince you to taper but cold turkey is the fastest and in my opinion only realistic way to quit.  You need to make sure you do not have access to ANY pills....All you will need is the natural suppliments, lots and lots of water, and the two protein shakes a day....You are going to feel pretty crummy for the first 3-6 days but this will not kill you and is doable with a little bit of determination.  You have been on Norco's for 10 years so depending on your daily dose will dictate how bad your withdrawals are going to be.....Do not let anyone on here scare you though....It is going to be rough but you can get through this.....you NEED to get through this!  WE are all here to help you with support, questions, and to just vent if need be....I truly hope you decide to quit and again, if you need any help or need any suggestions or have questions please do not hesitate to ask.....God Bless!
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1580085 tn?1400940838
hi and welcome, i just read your post and it made me sad, in fact sad and angry, i really feel how low you are,  you have done so well to quit seroquel, and you can do the same with anything else you are taking,  it is awful to think that the very things we take for pain, actually make us in even more pain.  also no one is immune to addiction , not even the folks who help us over come it, i have been off the meds for quite a while, and i know you can be free of them too, i know you will get lots of help and support on here, you deserve so much more, and i really wish you well, god bless   sudie
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How many Norcos do you take a day??
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Nikki-   Are you out of the pills now?  It sounds like it. Do you want to stop? It's very simple.

The first thing you do is not pick up the Norco! We'll help with the rest...Let us know...
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Is treating glaucoma with marijuana all hype, or can hemp actually help?
If you think marijuana has no ill effects on your health, this article from Missouri Medicine may make you think again.
Julia Aharonov, DO, reveals the quickest way to beat drug withdrawal.
Tricks to help you quit for good.
A list of national and international resources and hotlines to help connect you to needed health and medical services.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.