1987784 tn?1356829321

I am really scared about quitting Tramadol

I need to talk to someone who's been through something similar to my problem. I have been taking Tramadol for six years now. I usually take two 50 mgs a day and a half right before I go to bed. I use a pill splitter to take the half. I take 1 and a half of a half in the morning. I know that sounds confusing. I take a half of the pill and cut it in another half in the middle. That's what I take in the morning. I take one another 7 hours later and then a half at night. I have kept the small pieces that I've cut from the halves that I said I cut in half just in case of an emergency because I've been without this medication for a day and I felt so weak and sick. I kept getting hot and and then cold and I experienced sweating, restlessness, nausea, and even drowsiness.
I have one half left and am scared because I want to quit this drug, but I don't want to go through the pain that accompanies that. I just stopped receiving insurance as well and I cannot afford fifty dollars for 90 pills a month. I am also on another medication, but I don't seem as concerned with that one? I've lived on this medication for the last 6 years and a month of my life now. I am really scared and my fiance knows this as well, but he tells me I'll be fine. My best friend tells me I'll be fine. I don't know if I'm going to be fine though after all this time. I need someone who has had this similarity help me, especially if they've quit taking this themselves please. Any information would be much appreciated. Thank you
23 Responses
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1979360 tn?1328143865
please continue to keep us posted as much as you can. you're going through the worse part right now, and it will only get better before i gets worse, promise!
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1987784 tn?1356829321
I pray you are all doing well. I have a ton of fatigue to get over which is why I haven't been on here in a few days. Thanks guys :)
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1987784 tn?1356829321
really? That's it?! I knew I should have asked my doctor for it =(
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I got clonidine from my dr for my wwithdrawals. She just faxed it in to the grocery store pharmacy. It was $5 and I don't even have insurance! Totally worth it!
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495284 tn?1333894042
Buying drugs on line is VERY dangerous.  Anything that we need to go thru wd's should be prescribed by your doctor.  Make sure you do a slow taper on the tramadol.  We have some ladies who have come off this successfully and they have some good info.  I will hunt them down for you...sara
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1987784 tn?1356829321
You should really get that Clonodine,even if you have to buy it online. I read that it can really help. I've got two weeks before I have to come off for good. I want a child and I can't have that with this. It's just too risky. I hate the way it makes me feel thinking I need a pill everyday to keep me happy and productive. My fiance understands. He's actually the one who made me go to the doctor Tuesday. He doesn't want to see me suffer he says and I love him alot for that. He used to smoke pot everyday for seven years and just gave it all for me, so I have to do this for him and myself. Good luck to you nd I'll be thinking of all of you and I'll keep you in my prayers! I promise. Thanks for helping me out when I needed it. I appreciate it more than you'll ever know. Your words encouraged me alot =D
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1987784 tn?1356829321
I did go see my doctor and he took me down from 90 a month to 30. I can only take one a day and then a half the last two weeks of qutting, so I'm really nervouse because even with one a day, it's still hard for me to want to do anything! All I want to do is sleep and I have to make myself move slowly to get what I need to get done DONE. (lol) My pharmacist said it's not addictive unless you take it on a regular basis, but he also said that it shouldn't be that bad. He is really WRONG! I'm really proud of you for getting off of it. Even if you do relapse, don't beat yourself up over it. It's not easy and you're not a bad mother! I want a child which is the main reason I want to come off of this and I want my normal life I had long ago. Did Tramadol ever make you not want to eat or when you ate, did you feel tired afterwards by any chance. I won't eat even if I feel hungry. It decreases my appetite. I'll be here if you need someone to chat with because this is the one that's my problem. I don't take any other pain killers. I wish you all the best of luck and Thanks for the invite. I needed to speak with someone who was having the Tramadol problem, but the other two have been helpful as well. I need to get some Clonodine because my doctor said I'm still going to go through withdrawals no matter what and that alone freaks me out. I'm so scared, I could cry. Only two weeks and I have to come off. I'm glad you're pushing yourself though. I know how hard it is, trust me. When I WAS going to college, I kind of dropped out for awhile, I took more and ran out early and Oh! I had a 5 page paper to write and it was due that Monday and I had to beg the pharmacy to let me have them five days early, My parents are both addicted to methadone and xanax. I won't ever take a methadone again. I've seen my dad have to go to the hospital for seizures. He almost broke my arm once he was holding on so tight from running out of methadone too early. I've watched both my parents waste their lives away on those drugs and I don't want to be like that with my children, you know? Well yes I do because you said that. I feel really stupid. I'm sorry.You're not cheating them though. You were sick as I am (pill sick) and it's nothing to be ashamed of no matter what anyone tells you. Everyone falls and has to get back up. I think if it weren't for my mother giving me a half an alprozolam when I was 14, I would have never touched them. She said it would help me sleep because I was keeping her awake. Don't be hard on yourself. ONE DAY AT A TIME. I'll be thinking of you and praying for you :) By the way, I have family in Louisville. That's where my moms actually from. My best friend lives there :)
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1981713 tn?1389860165
Norco is 10mg vicodin. The highest mg available for vicodin.
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Neither have I...I just looked it up after susie posted about it. Its typically used to treat high blood pressure but can b used for opiate withdrawal. I'm thinking of calling my dr about it tomorrow! I don't have insurance so I hope its affordable. Honestly, I would go pay $100 for anything that would help ease my withdrawal symptoms!
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1986130 tn?1326767295
ive been on tramadol for 5 yrs and quit 3 days ago and i thought it was going to b awful..and it was for the first 2 days but today i got up and cleaned and helped my husband cooked....i just feel really lazy and my back hurts real bad.  good luck 2 u ..its hard to stop i was taking 15 a day and stopped cold turkey..but they say not to do that, u may need to talk to ur doc. if not get determined, thats what i did ( i want a new baby) and knowin i was abusing them was hard on me, i felt like i was cheating on my kids with the evil crap...best of luck...
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1987784 tn?1356829321
Wow. That is really good. What is this Clonodine? I've never heard of it
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I have been taking the Norco for about a year & a half & the Oxy for about 8 months
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1987784 tn?1356829321
That is one thing I can say for the Tramadol. When I started taking it, I didn't want any other pain pills. They didn't make me feel good like I thought they would or help. They just made me itch. The Hydroccodone did anyway which was the only one I took while on Tramadol.
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1987784 tn?1356829321
How long have you been taking the medication?
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Simply put, Norco is really strong Vicodin.
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1987784 tn?1356829321
Could my doctor prescribe that to me and is it cheap by any chance? I appreciate all the info :)
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...also the fiance/best friend situation...I am right there with you. I finally gave in and told my fiance today I was having withdrawals & nott the flu & he was supportive but he also seemed to take it rather lightly. Its just bc they have no idea what withdrawals really feel like. My suggestion is to basically live on this site, read the success stories, & dwell in the support u will receive by everyone on here. If u want to quit, now is the time to do so! Taking it longer will only make future withdrawal symptoms worse.
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1987784 tn?1356829321
What is Norco? I'm sorry that I don't already know as I should probably.
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I was addicted to oxycontin (240 mg/daily). When I decided to quit taking meds, quitting was especially hard on me, since I lacked motivation. I simply didn't want to. I loved dilauded, morphine, percocet, xanax, tramadol, and valium. Yep

The miracle drug for me was clonodine. I felt no withdrawal when taking it! It comes in patch and pill form. I used more than prescribed though, I admit it. However I've been drug free 2 years now!
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I don't think u should worry about that. The feeling u get while on pain meds is a false "normal." You might go thru depression, its hard to say bc everyone is different. I'm on day 2 and I haven't felt depression...just aches & pains. But after its all said & done and ur clean, THAT'S when you'll begin to feel "normal" again...don't let those pills convince you that you feel "normal" while on them. They play tricks on your brain...quite literally. Its all how they act with your neurotransmitters.
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1987784 tn?1356829321
I didn't think anyone would respond so quickly. I'm really amazed. I don't take that many a day, but I'm scared because I've been on it such a long time that I'm afraid I won't know how to feel normal again.
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First and foremost...congrats on wanting to quit! Just having the strength to want to quit shows that u will have the strength to actually quit! I am currently detoxing & will say is isn't fun! I was taking 80mg of Oxycontin a day plus 8- 10 Norcos a day. 2 days ago I took my last oxy & quit that cold turkey. As for the Norco, I told myself I would take one less pill each day until I was out. I've actually done better...yesterday I took 7, the previous day I took 9 & today I took only 4. I found this site this morning & will tell u everyone on here gave me the strength to take even less today than I planned! Most people on here have recommended quitting cold turkey, but I haven't found the strength to do so. Just cutting back little amounts, I'm still experiencing what I consider major withdrawals such as hot cold, hot cold, sweats, restless leg syndrom, my back aches incredibly bad, diahrea, nausea, lack of appetite, all of the symptoms, I have it. Tomorrow my goal is to take only 2 pills. I know if I keep coming to this site, I will have the strength. I hope that you will find the power in this forum and the love and support that all these people have for you. I won't lie, its totally not easy...I can't even fathom going cold turkey if its THIS uncomfortable & I'm still taking pills. You gotta figure you what's best for you. Just know that the withdrawals will be worth it in the end...you will have your LIFE back. Nothing beats that!
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Omigod I've been there...Will reply my long answer to you momentarily!
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