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What would you do???

It seems so many more young people are getting addicted to drugs now and it's so sad seeing them starting down the same path we did without knowing the damage addiction causes and what lies ahead for them. If i had any idea how bad things would get, never ever would i have tried cocaine, i thought addiction can't happen to me. Imagine you have a teenage child (or if you do), and one day you find a bag of cocaine or bottle of pills in their room, what would you do? After being on the side of addiction, how would you handle this? Would you go to drastic measures to ensure they got help right away and give tough love, no matter how much they hated you for it? I know this is not a nice thought, nobody wants to see their child go through this, but i think we as addicts now clean could help them more than someone that does not understand. What would you do?
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214607 tn?1287677559

I just sat down with my daughter and explained to her, for the 1000 time, how important it is to stay away from drugs. She is only 8 and I drill her already. Remember what I said the other day, about how I wanted to go and talk to teens/kids about the importance of actual addiction and w.d. Letting them know there is tons more to the situation then just getting high. ALl you hear when you are young is to just say now. But teens are not educated on actual addiction and withdrawal and PAWS and all the contributing factors that makes someone an "addict". I think if more knew all of the possible outcomes, maybe they would be a little more reluctant to use. I plan on telling my daughter in full about what I went through and about losing my husband. WHen she is old enough of course. Maybe this will help her to not want to touch drugs....

Anyway, good post...

Hope you are well...

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i would hate to think of this, but im glad you said something. i think i would sit them down and explain what happen to me, and let them know exactly what i went through. then ask them how long it has been going on, what they feel like if they dont have it, then start them on the road to getting better. and i would do it in, a nice understanding but tuff love way. let them know exactly what will happen if they keep going this way. im glad i had to think about it now, for i will be getting into this in the near future, my oldest right now is 8 and will be 9 in a few months, and it seems these days kids are using drug younger, and younger. for example, my girlfriends cousin is only 14 and has been to 3 rehabs already. that is sad. really sad.

<3 chrissy
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412194 tn?1233621532
Hi Lil Brother,
My daughter was addicted.  I was going through chronic pain from back surgery, and couldnt see her addiction for my addiction.  But, today, I would have let her know, not only how horrible it was to get off narcotics, but how WONDERFUL life can be when you are clean and sober.  I didnt know then, that she would die from the addiction, but she did.  I'd give anything to be able to go back in time and tell her how bad drugs are and how life is so much more than needing a pill everyday, and when you arent tied to anything like that anymore, how much clearer life is.  I had a lot of tragedy just to get here that was soooooooo very preventable.  I miss my daughter and my old life is a memory I wont soon forget.  I have picked up my life up out of the gutter, and moved on to LIVE, something I didn't know how to do for so long.  Yes, I get a few bumps now and then, but I pick myself up dust me off and go on to live life to the fullest.  These things didn't happen over night and I know my life wont get right over night, it was a long road getting here, but I think I'll stay and not just visit!   I never want to travel back on that road, it is forward now.  9 months clean and sober and I am still paying dues for my addiction, but that will be behind me one day God willing .
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452063 tn?1324074916
My son started at 25 and was addicted to heroin for 4 yrs. and I had to do tough love. For one thing he was not a minor so there is not alot a parent can do if that's the case. I had to throw him out with nowhere to live and no money. I pressed charges and had him arrested. He's clean 3 1/2 years and still says that he never would had gotten clean if I didn't do those things.

Do you ever think about how this addiction epidemic happened in conjunction with the introduction of oxycontin and the introduction on the streets of low cost, high quality heroin. If those factors existed during my younger years sooo many people would have been addicts. It just wasn;t there then. I believe I wouldn't be addicted if not for trying oxys. That puts a whole new spin on heredity and addiction being a dormant disease. I truly think that is why we have to look at addiction in people as an individual thing and base recovery on that. So many places..esp rehabs and NA look at us all the same and we may need a different treatment plan bc there are many different reasons why we are addicted..
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306455 tn?1288862071
I'm so glad my son is way past the teenage years. Those were some ruff times. Sometimes I would end up with a kitchen full of the boys talking with me about everything, drugs, drinking, useing protection etc. etc. Glad those days are past.
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495284 tn?1333894042
I like that idea too!!!!!  Im down to only one foot at the moment tho!!!!
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ill put my foot in they ***!!! for real.....
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495284 tn?1333894042
The kids i live with are 14 and 16.  I spoke with their father about telling them and he and i both felt honesty would be a good thing.  I wanted to hide why i was sick but the more i thought about it i figured it might be a good learning experience......a scared straight type thing.  When we told them they sat and just looked at me and then the questions started.  I was surprised to hear about the pills floating around in their school.  We have never regretted telling them.  Now they tell me things that are going on and it is scary.  The oldest one said we should of brought them over to see you and maybe they wouldnt want to do drugs anymore.  Hopefully it made an impact on them.  I guess time will tell.  sara
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435658 tn?1257805781
I will have to let ya know on this one cuz i think im just getting faced with it...to soon to know but i will keep ya posted on what i do with him..
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Wishing you and your son the best of luck. i also believe a lot of times addiction is inherited. You have been there, so i know you can help him and im sorry, because it must be heartbreaking for you. Let us know and good luck
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I am trying to resolve and address this very problem with my twenty year old - youngest son. I have no answers right this minute. Spoke with my Pastor this last Sunday and he is stopping by first of this week to chat.......please wish me luck - I do have a feeling that there is an inherited or genetic component to this whole mess. And I am not very excited about it.....I will let you know if I find any sort of answer,......
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I am 19 and my parents never touched drugs, but in a way I wish they would have.  My friends dad always tells us how his road to recovery was sooo hard and we never really thought about it...UNTIL we became addicted to Loricets.  Now we go and talk to him and tell him how we feel and what we are feeling..he relates and tells us to keep busy.  It's pretty hard, because people my age are just ready to party all of the time and never stop...I can't anymore, but I feel a lot better than I did before.  I guess my point is to be honest..maybe not tell ALL, but I think kids like to see what their parents did, and plus it makes them know they CAN DO IT!  It might also build a great relationship, because then the child doesn't have to hide it and can talk to you about it.  They know you won't judge and that is by far the worst problem I had with my mom...fear of judgement.  GOOD LUCK...
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This is a scary question, being a parent of a 12 year old.  I like to think I would recognize and help immediately.  I would definitely be totally honest and try to relate the horror of what addiction is.  But deep down I know the bottom line is its hard to talk anyone out of it when they are not ready.  Especially at a young age.  God knows my parents tried when I was a teenager.  Lots of people tried then but I was hearing none of it.  I talk to my son NOW about drugs all the time.  Its definitely a discussion we have often and I always relate stories to him of how bad drugs are and how they can ruin your life.  All I can do is try to give guidance from experience and wisdom, warn him of the danger and put all my faith in God hands that he stays away from it all.  
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I'd be totally honest with my child let them know just what I went through, and I have examples of other people that my children know.  Then I would help them get the help that they need what ever that might be!  Honestly having been there done that would make me a better parent dealing with addiction in my family.  It wouldn't be the standard answer.. JUST QUIT.. and locking them away.
Although having been through it I'd like to think I could recognise the signs early enough to stem the problem before it gets out of hand.
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